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Davenport 20 Fisher 6, 8, 25 Hadley 35
Davidson 43, 56 Fitzgerald 19, 51 Haggin 26
Davies 33 Fitzhue 38 Hale 41
Davis 21, 28, 33, 34, 41, 47, 52, 57 Fitzhugh 7, 27, 44 Hall 7, 39
Dawson 55 Fleener 44 Ham 36, 44
Deberry 36, 39 Flemming 26 Hamilton 17, 41
Debro 44 Ford 31, 33 Hamm 12
Dickerson 5 Foresight 16, 23 Hammonds 47
Dickson 7, 14, 20, 56 Franks 42, 43, 56 Handley 9
Dill 3 Freelove 7 Hardeman 16
Dillard 44 Frier 11, 20 Hardin 10
Dillwood 15 Fryer 60 Hardoway 49
Dingler 9 Fulford 1 Hargrove 46
Dingles 19 Furlow 30 Harrall 50
Dismuke 19, 26 Harrington 57
Dixon 33 Gadbury 7 Harris 42
Dodson 44, 57 Gaddy 8, 18 Harrod 5
Dooley 35, 48 Gallagher 32, 55 Harrold 10
Downs 12 Gardner 52 Harry 25
Drake 1 Garison 21 Harvey 33, 52
Dunaway 6 Garner 8 Harvick 16, 58
Duncan 14, 54 Garrett 26, 40 Harvy 31
Duncey 35 Gean 4, 14 Haskins 26
Dunivan 1 Geter 32 Hasty 2
Dunkin 17, 18 Gibson 6, 25 Hatton 10
Dunlap 3, 12, 27, 36, 42 Gideon 34 Hawkins 16, 21, 33, 51
Dunovant 46 Gilbert 7, 8, 25 Haws 18, 30
Duprey 14 Giley 11 Hayes 13
Duvall 1, 26 Gill 17, 58 Hays 14, 35
Dyer 30 Giss 37 Hearndon 6
Givens 34, 51 Helmes 19
Glass 38, 41 Helms 33
Edmundsen 52 Glenn 60 Hemmingway 7
Edwards 1, 4, 24, 49 Glover 44 Henan 49
Elder 3 Goach 20 Henderson 20, 55
Ellett 8 Goble 16 Henon 49
Elliott 39 Goings 17 Hering 8
English 15, 54 Golden 54 Herring 14, 18, 21, 22, 37, 42, 54
Erwin 37 Golightly 14, 21 Herrod 56
Everett 2, 24 Goode 55 Hess 33
Evert 36 Goodwin 27 Hickenbothom 21
Ewell 19 Gordon 15, 17 Higenbothom 40
Gowns ? 26 Higgenbottom 32
Grace 9 Higginbothom 11
Fagen 12 Gracey 11 Hill 13, 24, 50, 60
Faiddle 32 Graham 21 Hilliard 15, 45
Fallis 46 Granberry 17, 45 Hobbs 4, 22
Fancher 5, 11, 19, 53 Grant 30 Hobs 35
Farmer 7 Green 1, 4, 49, 55 Hodges 43
Fausett 47 Gregory 17, 41 Hoggard 13
Featherston 42 Grimes 30, 34 Holcom 29
Ferrill 5 Grogan 59 Holland 14
Fielder 8 Gwin 36, 39

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