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205 BONNER, J. M. to Miss E. C. PATTERSON, 14 June 1868,
by Thos. A. Craig MG
" SCRUGGS, N. H. to Miss A. M. RIDEOUT, 21 May 1868
by Thomas A. Craig MG
206 WYATT, James, Minister credentials, Baptist
" DICKSON, John Paul, 21, to Nancy C. WYATT, 22, 2 Feb 1868
by James Wyatt MG
207 BROWN, W. C. to Miss H. D. HENDERSON, 8 July 1868
by Thos. A. Craig MG
" SKINNER, A. C. to Mrs. Sintha WILLIAMSON, 23 Oct 1867
by Peter Jolly JP
208 WINDLEY, R. J. to Susan E. LYNCH, 5 Dec 1867,
by Peter Jolly JP
" PLEDGER, B. to Mrs. Sarah CANS, 10 June 1868,
by Peter Jolly JP
" BIRCHFIELD, E. M. to Georgian DICKSON, 22 Nov 1867,
by Peter Jolly JP
209 TURENTINE, Charles to Eliza Jane RAPER, 15 March 1868 by
Peter Jolly JP
" RAPER, Monroe, 20, to Mary GOACH, 17, 9 Jan 1868
by Peter Jolly JP
RHEWARK, William to Miss M. T. MOORE, 18 July 1867
by Peter Jolly JP
210 DAWSON, C. D., 29, to Ellen WILSON, 18, 16 Sept 1868
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Presbyterian
" PLEDGER, Columbus N., 22, to Mary BREAKFIELD, 18, 13 Oct 1868
by T. H. Howard MG
211 CHISM, Vann, 22, to Ruth MOONEY, 17, 5 Aug 1868,
by J. D. Campbell JP
" WALLS, Allen V., 32, to Sarah J. BRANCH, 21, 12 Nov 1868
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Presbyterian
212 SEBASTIAN, Charles to Mandy FRIER, 2 Nov 1868,
by C. B. Mathis JP
" CAMPBELL, Richard to Jane CULP, 10 Nov 1868,
by G. B. Mathis JP
213 REED, Thomas B., 24, to Mrs. Sarah DAVENPORT, 20, 2 Feb 1868
by J. N. Hardaway JP
" COOPER, Joseph to Frances McRAUGH, 28 Oct 1868,
by Thos Craig MG

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