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562 WASHINGTON, York, 20, to Miss Emma THORNTON, 21, 23 Sept 1877
by Bryant Sinkfield (X his mark) MG, Union American M. E. Ch.
563 SCOTT, Marion, 22, to Miss Lucy WILLIAMS, 19, 30 Aug 1877
by Henry Goodlett MG
564 WILLIAMS, Hubbard, 35, to Mrs. Bettie TAYLOR, 30, 5 Sept 1877
by J. S. Stokes MG, Bethleham Ch.
" YOUNG, Charles, 39, to Mrs. Elizabeth BRANCH, 37, 22 Sept 1877
by America Mayo (X his mark) MG
565 WALKER, J. R., 42, to Mrs. Martha GROGAN, 28, 19 Sept 1877
by J. H. Bailes MG
" BACON, O. J., 29, to Miss Mary E. OVERTON, 20, 6 Sept 1877
by J. B. Groves MG, Cumb. Pres.; bride & groom of Cotton Plant
566 PAYNE, L. C., 34, to Miss Louisa MURDSHAW, 30, 1 Oct 1877
by S. S. Hemingway MG
" McMANNUS, J. A., 47, to Mrs. Malinda Jane RICHIE, 26, 2 Oct 1877
by T. D. Cooper MG
567 McPHAUL, J. O., 22, to Miss V. H. WILLIAMS, 19, 10 Oct 1877
by T. D. Cooper MG
" CROSS, Jas. H., 34, to Miss Jane SWEEDEN, 18, 18 Oct 1877
by W. H. Berry MG, Cumb. Pres.
ROSS, Alexander L., 25, to Mrs. Ella BONNER, 31, 17 Oct 1877
by C. M. Eaton MG (credentials Madison, St Francis Co.)
" CURETON, W. T., 19, to Miss Victoria BENNETT, 18, 21 Oct 1877
by J. H. Plumlee JP
569 SIMS, William, 28, to Miss Hetty SUTTON, 19, 31 Oct 1877
by J. H. Plumlee JP
" PATTERSON, D. C., 32, to Miss L. J. LENOX, 22, 18 Oct 1877
by W. H. Barry MG, Cumb. Pres.
570 PATRIDGE, Walter, 29, to Miss Susan C. HOWELL, 25, 28 Oct 1877
by S. J. Lentz JP
" SHANNON, John, 31, to Miss Frances BROOKS, 18, 29 Oct 1877
by John C. Curley MG
571 HOLLAND, Charles, 22, to Miss Anna BRADLEY, 19, 3 Nov 1877
by Wm. H. Yateman MG, A. M. E. Ch.
" WYLEY, Andy, 23, to Miss Julia WILSON, 18, 4 Oct 1877
by George Williams MG

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