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289 CRISMAN, E. B., Minister Credentials, Cumb. Presbyterian
290 HICKS, Sepno, Minister Credentials, called by Mount Moriah Church of Monroe County >
291 MOORE, John James, Minister, Credentials, Cumb. Presbyterian, ordained at Valley Grove Church 5 May 1872
" BERRY, Wm. H., Minister Credentials, Cumb. Presbyterian
" BALMOND, Thomas H., 46, to Sarah E. J. HOWARD, 16, 21 Jan 1872,
by H. K. Greenfield JP
293 WARD, Emmett C., 26, to Mary Frances POTTER, 25, 29 April 1872,
by J. B. Groves MG
" SIMPSON, Washington to Mary A. ANDERSON, 15 Aug 1871,
by T. H. Howard MG Meth.
294 FERGERSON, Leenidis, 23, to Mildred SCOTT, 23, 9 April 1872,
by J. D. Campbell JP
" GREEN, James to Harriett BRUMLEE, 24 March 1872,
by T. H. Howard MG
294 CAVETT, Rev. Robert Bruce, 24, to Miss Dorothea Annie SUTTON, 21, 24 April 1872,
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Pres.
295 CLARK, Francis H. to Ann Tennessee WHITHEAD, 4 Jan 1872,
by J. G. A. Davis MG
DAVIS, Thomas M. to Beatrice G. SIMS, 31 Aug 1871,
by J. G. A. Davis MG ; bride & groom of Phillips Co. AR
296 EVANS, Louis B. to Amanda A. CHILDS, 31 March 1872,
by J. G. A. Davis MG
" TREVATHAN WHITE , Vincent A., 20, to Sarah E. HOLCOM, 25, 18 April 1872,
by B.F. Adams JP; White could be the surname.
297 BERRY, Rev W. H. , 26, to Mrs. Elizabeth A. RIDEOUT, 24, 21 April 1872,
by J. B. Groves MG
" SHELL, R. T. to S. F. BUSH, 11 Jan 1872,
by Thos. A. Craig MG
298 CALVERT, L. J. to Miss Percilla J. NICKALS, 4 Feb 1872,
by Thomas A Craig MG
" McCLUNEY, Joseph F. to Miss E. A. McCRIGHT, 26 Dec 1871,
by Thomas A. Craig MG
" CRAFFORD, John R. to Miss L. E. McCRIGHT, 7 Feb 1872,
by Thomas A. Craig MG

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