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279 | ROWLAND, T. R. to S. M. WYATT, 12 Sept 1870, by Peter Jolly Judge |
" | ROWLAND, J. D. to A. P. PEAL, 6 Dec 1870, by Peter Jolly Judge |
280 | FOLLIS, G. W., 32, to Sarah NEALIS, 25, 12 Feb 1871, by J. N. Thompson JP |
" | FORD, P. C., 22, to L. C. MARTIN, 17, 5 Feb 1871, by J. N. Thompson JP |
281 | WHITFIELD, Thomas, 21, to Jane SMALLY, 23, 9 Feb 1871, by J. N. Thompson JP |
282 | HOLLAND, Ed E., 58, to Mrs. Elizabeth P. ADDINGTON, 38, 23 Jan 1871, by Wm M. Raper A. D. Baptist |
" | ALEWINE, James M., 21, to Mrs. Catherine IRWINE, 20, 31 Jan 1871, by E. Holland MG Baptist |
283 | McBRIDE, W. M. F., to Mary MANTHIS, 25 March 1871, by J. W. Crisp JP, bride & groom of Phillips Co. AR |
" | HAL, John to Skerry Ann RIVES, 30 March 1871, JP of Cypress Tvp. (name of JP not given) |
284 | GAY, Robert to Nancy J. BLACK (CLARK), 3 April 1871, by J. W. Crisp JP; Both Black & Clark given in separate places for bride. |
" | RENFRO, D. B., 28 to Miss Susan E. SMITH, 22, 22 Feb 1871, by Jo B. Groves MG Cumb. Pres.; groom of Phillips Co. AR. |
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BONDS, Miller to Alice SPAULDING, 30 April 1871, by Henry W. Pasley MG Baptist |
" | HAWKINS, Nathaniel, 22 to Miss Sallie LITTLETON, 18, 7 May 1871, by W. J. Vineyard MG |
286 | JOHNSON, John W., 29, to Mrs. Mary PARKER, 21, 26 March 1871, by W. J. Vineyard MG |
" | DAVIS, G. A., Minister; Credentials, Missionary Baptist |
287 | POINTER, J. P. to Amanda CORSTER, 19 March 1871, by John Walker JP |
" | GARRETT, L. G., 23, to Sarah STRICKLAND, 27, 12 July 1871 by Allen Walls JP |
" | GARRETT, William J., 42, to Miss Molly JAMES, 22, 10 May 1871, by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. South |
288 | BRANCH, James A., 20, to Miss Mary G. DAILEY, 16, 16 Feb 1871, by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. South |
289 | WIGINS, William, 21, to Miss Virginia DAVIS, 20, 15 March 1871, by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. South |
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