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160 WALLS, Dr. A. M. to Miss 0. E. SWIFT, 1 March 1866
by Jos. Johnson MG Meth.
161 WALDEN, Benjamin A. to Virginia T. BAGWELL, 4 April 1866
by Jos. Johnson MG Meth.
" ROBERTS, C. N. to Molly ENGLISH , 21 Feb 1866
by Jos. Johnson MG Meth.
162 MAYO, James to Betty BLACK, 7 Feb 1866,
by Jos. Johnson MG Meth.
" COOKSEY, J. L. to Eliza A. SQUIRES, 21 Oct 1866,
by Peter Jolly JP
163 JOLLY, W. N. to Mrs. Jane GORDON, 2 Jan 1867,
by W.H.H. Fellows JP
" LONG, J. D. to E. F. SQUARES, 21 Oct 1866,
by Peter Jolly JP
164 CAUGHEY, William, 28, to Amanda DANIELS, 19, 15 Nov 1866
by W.H.H. Fellows JP
" CROWNOVER, Chesney, Deacon Credentials Methodist E. Church South
165 SPENCER, William, 26, to Mary DILLWOOD, 19, 3 March 1867
by Jas. Connell JP
" PASLEY, William G., 27, to Allis L. SULLIVAN, 17, 11 Dec 1866
by E. Manes JP
166 EWAN, Parker C., 28, to Miss Mary Lightfoot ROYSTON, 22, 23 Nov 1865
by W. J. Vineyard MG, Cumb. Presbyterian
" KIRK, James, 27, to Martha UPTON, 19, 2 March 1867
by Hardy Williams MG
167 SETTLE, Thomas J., 25, to Sarah H. JONES, 22, 12 March 1867
by Hardy Williams MG
" PHILLIPS, John, 40, to Catherine SPEAR, 23, 17 Feb 1867
by John H. Golding JP
168 TOLLERSON, J. C. W., 53, to Jane A. YANDEL, 33, 16 Dec 1866
by E. Manes JP
" CURETON, James T., 26, to Mary C. JORDON, 28, 13 Feb 1867
by Matthias Brickell MG Congregational Meth.
169 MATTHEWSON, Daniel, 56, to Mary J. HILLIARD, 32, 3 Feb 1867
by E. Manes JP
" POLK, J. G., 19, to Miss N. C. CAMBELL, 16, 28 Feb 1867
by A. J. Tool MG Christian Ch.[credentials Phillips Co.]
170 BROWN, J. D. to Catherine COBURN, 25 Dee 1866,
by A.J. Tool MG Christian Ch.

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