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420 KILLBROW, Jack, 22, to Jane THOMAS, 21, 21 Oct 1874,
by A. E. Bobo JP; res Square Stewart; Montgomery Twp.
" CHAMBERS, J. W., 34, to Lou DILLARD, 26, 29 Aug 1874,
by Isaac Gibson JP; res J. W. Chambers; Brinkley Twp.
421 WOODFIN, Eugene L., 24, to Miss Mollie Walton GLOVER, 3 Feb 1875,
by F. W. Freeman MG; res B. R. Glover; Richland Twp.
" KRIDER, Dr. Thomas A., 55, to Mrs. M. A. YOUNG, 35, 21 Jan 1875,
by James F. W. Freeman MG; res _ H. Henderson; Richland Twp.; groom of Woodruff Co. AR
422 JONES, Samuel, 21, to Mrs. Sarah Jane WHEELOCK, 26, 11 Feb 1875,
by Jas. F. W. Freeman MG; res Mr. Hardwebb; Richland Twp.
" DAUGHERTY, Francis M., 28, to Miss Lescily FLEENER, 17, 10 Feb 1875,
by Thos. H. Howard MG; res. Wm. Fleener; Eve Twp; groom of St Francis Co. AR
423 McGAHU, Monroe, 22, to Miss Eloisa HAM, 22, 26 Jan 1875,
by Jasper Ford JP; Duncan Twp.
" INGRAM, Hugh, 55, to Elizabeth DEBRO, 16, 7 March 1875,
by B. P. Vanderford JP; Cache Twp.
424 BRICKELL, Thomas J., Minister Credentials, Congregational Meth., to minister in M. E. Ch. South.
" TANNER, Henry, 28, to Emeline PRICE, 19, 5 Jan 1875,
by R. D. Chunn JP; Richland Twp.
SMITH, Henry, 30, to Susan SMITH, 24, 10 March 1875,
by Robt. H, Pointer JP; groom of Union Co. AR
" EVERETT, William, 20, to Exa DODSON, 13, 27 Feb 1875,
by Robt. H. Pointer JP
426 SCOTT, Thomas, 23, to Rachel MARSH, 18, 17 Dec 1874,
by Robt H. Pointer JP (recorded 15 March 1875)
" GREEN, James, 45, to Militia COTTON, 20, 31 Jan 1875,
by Robt H, Pointer JP
427 EVANS, Dr. L. G., 43, to Miss Tempy A. WILLIAMS, 16, 14 Jan 1875,
by S. J. Lentz JP; Brinkley Twp.
" SMITH, J. S., 21, to Miss Tennese P. FITZHUGH, 16, 24 Feb 1875,
by S. J. Lentz JP; Brinkley Twp.
428 DAVIS, Joe, 22, to Martha ROBERSON, 22, 18 Jan 1875,
by George Williams MG; res Mrs. Fannie Cotton; Jackson Twp.

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