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116 THARP, Sidney B., 29, to Catharine CONNEL, 26, 6 April 1862
by D. D. Snellgrove JP
" CAIN, Jerry, 30, to Lucy A. RUNIAN, 13 March 1862
by J. C. Duncan JP
117 HAYS, George W., Minister Credentials Meth.[M.E. Church South]
" MALERY, J. W. , 26, to Nancy H. WILDER, 16, 26 Feb 1862
by R. L. Harris JP; Roc Roe Twp.
118 DANIEL, Perrin, 30, to Sara An M. J. GADDY, 19, 3 March 1864
by Peter Jolly JP
" ROWLAND, William R., 42, to Sara An CORLEY, 21, 8 Feb 1864
by Peter Jolly JP
" STIBBS, J. C., 41, to Mary J. ELLETT, 19, 13 March 1864
by Peter Jolly JP
119 TURENTINE, John, 35, to Nancy JONES, 28, 31 March 1864
by Peter Jolly JP
" FITZHUGH, Wm B., 34, to Mary An HUDSON, 24, 18 Feb 1864
by Peter Jolly JP
" GADDY, James, 45, to Jane GARNER, 25, 10 March 1864
by Peter Jolly JP
120 DANIEL, Franklin, 19, to Edney GILBERT, 16, 4 April 1865
by Peter Jolly JP
" PAINE, Abner B., 43, to Mrs. Mary E. BRADY, 27, 28 Nov 1864
by E. Holland MG Baptist
" ETHERTON, John M., 24, to Millie C. SEBASTIAN, 19, 10 Nov 1864
by E. Holland MG Baptist
121 SEXTON, Thomas S., 29, to Susan M. FISHER, 18, 6 May 1864
by E. Holland MG Baptist
" THOMAS, Lorenzo Dow, 28, to Mrs. Susan R. FIELDER, 32, 30 Oct 1864
by E. Holland MG Baptist; groom of Phillips Co.
" YANT, H. M., 37, to Nancy E. HERING, 21, 20 July 1864
by J. D. Campbell JP
122 HUMPHRIES, Washing, 37, to Elizabeth CROCKET, 26, 7 Aug 1864
by J. D. Campbell JP
" CULP, David, 26, to Jane POKE, 22, 22 Jan 1865
by J. D. Campbell JP

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