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428 BRADLEY, Alexander to Amanda JETER, 15 March 1875,
by Henry Harris MG; res Ben Jeter; Montgomery Twp.
429 FRASIER, Robert H. to Henrietta RAMSEY, 14 Feb 1875,
by Henry Harris MG Baptist; Montgomery Twp.
" WUMELE, Amos, 39, to Mrs. Sylvia TILMAN, 40, 23 Jan 1875,
by George Williams MG; res Mrs. Fannie Cotton; Jackson Twp.
430 HUGHES, James, 25, to Julia PRICE, 21, 6 Apr 1875,
by Henry Harris MG; colored Missionary Baptist Ch.
" STIVENS, Richard, 23, to Ella CRISP, 19, 27 Dec 1874,
by Robt. T. Shell JP (recorded June 1875)
431 FESPENNAN, W. F. to Mrs. M. A. PHILLIPS, 8 April 1875,
by Jas. F. W. Freeman MG
" ADAMS, Charles, 23, to Mary Jane SCOTT, 24, 25 April 1875,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
432 KEALING, J. J., 23, to Mrs. P. C. BEASLEY, 38, 20 May 1875,
by B. M. Lamar JP
" ROBERTSON, Henry E., 26, to Miss Fannie SEBASTIAN, 20, 25 May 1875,
by Thos. J. Brickell MG Meth.
" MAYO, John J., 24, to Miss Lou WASHINGTON, 17, 13 May 1875,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
COOPER, J. D., Minister Credentials, Baptist Ch.
434 GASTON L. B., Minister Credentials, Presbyterian
" BIZZEL, L. F., 35, to Miss Cordelia H. HILLIARD, 21, 9 June 1875,
by G. A. Dannelly MG Meth.
435 MADDIN, John W., 50, to Mrs. Jane WILSON, 40, 2 June 1875,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
" PEETE, Joseph F., 25, to Miss Ida M. GRANBERRY, 17, 13 May 1875,
by Thos. A. Craig MG
436 SMALEY, Thomas C., 28, to Miss Margaret BOLDEN, 21, 19 May 1875,
by J. S. Townsend
" SHIPTON, Thomas, 45, to Mrs. Clarinda BANISTER, 42, 3 June 1875,
by Wm M. Mayo JP
437 GREEN, Grant Jr., 24, to Miss Lula M. JACKSON, 23, 16 June 1875,
by L. B. Gaston MG Pres.
" WATSON, Sharper, 38, to Frances HOUSTON, 35, 14 Jan 1875,
by Dock Owen JP; Jackson Twp.

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