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504 BOBO, Lecil, 27, to Miss Maggie KERR, 20, 25 Oct 1876,
by L. B. Gaston MG, Pres.
" HOWARD, F. M., 36, to Miss Mollie RAWLINGS, 19, 27 Sept 1876,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG
505 HOUSTON, Jefferson, 27, to Victoria THWEAT, 30, 30 Sept 1876,
by J. S. Stokes MG
" KINGSTON, John S., 42, to Miss Alabama FANCHER, 2 Nov 1876,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
506 EVANS, A. T., 30, to Mrs. Jane LINZEY, 28, 5 Nov 1876,
by B. P. Vanderford JP
" CLARK, David, 45, to Lizzie BRADFORD, 23, 10 Nov 1876,
by S. J. Lentz JP
507 RAVES, Chaice, 23, to Miss Lizzie COX, 18, 31 Oct 1876,
by H. Silverman JP
" RUTLAND, L. N., 28, to Miss Annie E. ROBINSON, 18, 9 Nov 1876,
by B. F. Bartles MG
508 YOUNG, Robert T., 27, to Mollie J. PARK, 23, 23 Nov 1876,
by Jas. L. Denton __
509 DONALDSON, Henry, 32, to Sarah JONES, 34, 20 Oct 1876
by R. D. Chunn JP
SMITH, Joe A., 28, to Miss E. J. SWIM, 22, 15 Nov 1876,
by T. D. Cooper MG
510 ELLINGTON, George, 24, to Eliza BEE, 19, 16 Nov 1876,
by J. S. Stolces MG
" BRIGGS, Joseph, 21, to Lou BELK, 18, 30 Nov 1876,
by Jasper Ford JP
511 GARRETT, James A., 52, to Mrs. Nancy F. SWEEDEN, 35, 6 Dec 1876,
by J. H. Plumlee JP
512 BRONTE, W. E., 30, to P. A. THORNTON, 19, 2 Dec 1876,
by B. P. Vanderford JP
" BLAIN, A. T., 27, to Jennie RAINBOLT, 18, 6 Dec 1876,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
513 WADDELL, Thomas, 22, to Mamie PAGE, 19, 26 Nov 1876,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
" GALLEGHY, W. A., 21, to E. M. ANDERSON, 17, 21 Dec 1876,
by T. H. Howard MG M. E. Ch. South.

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