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571 | FISHER, James, 28, to Miss Indiana ALLEN, 21, 8 Nov 1877, by Robert Pride MG |
573 | JOHNSON, Robert, 28, to Miss Minty WILSON, 16, 31 Oct 1877, by H. H. Robinson JP |
" | ADAMS, John, 21, to Miss Harriett BEASON, 16, 15 Nov 1877, by J. S. Stokes MG |
574 | BABB, W. W., 50, to Mrs. E. S. BARDEN, 35, 11 Oct 1877, by J. W. Graham MG |
" | FARBISS, S. H., 50, to Miss Nancy FRYER, 22, 7 Nov 1877, by J. H. Plumlee JP |
575 | SMITH, James P., 21, to Mrs. Eliza A. SUTHERLAND, 24, 12 Sept 1877, by S. J. Lentz JP |
" | ORE, R. F., 28, to Miss Fannie G. HILL, 17, 22 Nov 1877, by J. B. Groves MG, Cumb. Pres. |
576 | SORRELLS, J. R., 32, to Miss Mattie T. GLENN, 24, 28 Nov 1877 by J. C. Cook MG (credentials in Forest City, St Francis Co.) |
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