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495 HARDAMAN, Henry, 22, to Sally EDMUNDSEN, 31, 3 July 1876,
by Wm. M. Mayo JP
" SIMPSON, George, 27, to Lucie SORRELLS, 23, 23 Aug 1876,
by Wm. H. Yeastman MG
496 TUGWELL, John W., 27, to Mrs. L. A. WILDER, 21, 19 July 1876,
by W. J. Vineyard MG Cumb. Pres.
" SPENCE, W. W., 29, to Mrs. M. M. RUNNYAN, 30, 14 May 1876,
by B. P. Vanderford JP
497 WASHINGTON, Jackson, 22, to Margaret KERR, 19, 4 June 1876,
by Isaac Gibson MG A. M. E. Ch.
" STIVENS, Thomas A., 25, to Miss Mollie RICHARDS, 15, 25 June 1876,
by W. J. Scaif JP
498 THOMAS, Rufus, 24, to Matilda GARDNER, 19, 4 Feb 1876,
by Henry Harris MG Baptist
" COOPER, B. L., 36, to Mrs. Parnelia HOLMAN, 27 Aug 1876,
by S. J. Lentz JP
499 CAMPBELL, Jesse, 35, to Miss Mary CONNE, 28, 3 Aug 1876,
by S. J. Lentz JP
" MORGAN, John H., 26, to Miss A. B. HARVEY, 17, 3 Aug 1876,
by B. P. Vanderford JP
HALL, C. A., 37, to Miss Matilda BIRD, 23, 31 Aug 1876,
by F. J. Turrentine JP
" KING, W. M., 24, to Miss F. A. MOORE, 18, 16 July 1876,
by R. P. PhilliPs JP
501 LONG, Luther H., 24, to Miss Florence WOOD, 16, 10 Sept 1876,
by T. H. Howard MG, M. E. Ch South.
" BURNETT, Jourdan, 20, to Miss Martha J. MONROE, 16, 21 July 1876
by C. M. Eaton __
502 MAYO, Preston, 52, to Fannie DAVIS, 40, 1 Oct 1876,
by Wm M. Mayo JP
" MARTIN, Andrew, 21, to Fannie ALLEN, 18, 28 Sept 1876,
by J. S. Stokes MG
503 CRUMP, Arthur L., 23, to Ellen JOHNSON, 18, 18 Oct 1876,
by Isaac Gibson MG, A. M. E. Ch.
" ROBINSON, Frank J., 23, to Lois WILSON, 18, 25 Oct 1876,
by W. H. Berry MG, Cumb. Pres.

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