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315 JETER, William, 25, to Martha JETER, 22, 12 Feb 1872,
by H. W. Pasley MG Missionary Baptist
" SMITH, William, 24, to Mary MOORE, 16, 14 Jan 1872,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
" POWELL, Jesse, 28, to Mrs. E. M. J. FAIDDLE, 30, 31 Dec 1871,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
316 WILLIAMS, S. H., 18, to Miss Sarah E. GETER, 16, 4 Jan 1872,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
" GRIZZLE, Albert, 21, to Miss Roda G. POWEL, 21, 21 Dec 1871,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
" RODGERS, David, 21, to Mary F. WILLIAMS, 14 Jan 1872,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
317 DECTS, James H., 22, to Miss Mary J. MANES, 17, 7 Feb 1872,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
" NEELY, William L., 19, to Miss Emmer M. MANES, 19, 7 Feb 1872,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
318 BURRISS, Hardy, 19, to Miss Sarah S. SCOTT, 14, 23 Jan 1872,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
" GARRY, James, 28, to Miss Adelia UPTIN, 16, 18 Dec 1871,
by Hardy Williams MG M. E. Ch. So.
" CARLEE, Edmond L. to Miss Sue F. MULLINS, 2 Aug 1871,
by E. M. Baker R. M. G.
HUFFMAN, G. W., 27, to Miss Lucinda HIGGENBOTTOM, 24, 15 June 1871,
by W. H. Roberts MG; groom of Choctaw Co. MS; at res of G.H. Welch.
" DAVIS, Robert S. to Louisa MADDUX, 18 Oct 1871,
by T. H. Howard MG Meth
320 WALLS, Charles L., 23, to Miss Ellenor F. GALLAGHER, 20, 26 April 1871
by B. M. Lamar JP
" ROBERTS, Charles N. to Emma ROYSTON, 6 March 1872,
by L. B. Gaston MG Presbyterian
321 ROBERTSON, William Henry, 25, to Miss Jennie NEWBY, 15, 4 Oct 1871,
by B. M. Lamar JP
" WILSON, Thomas Jefferson, to Miss Dolea Alice BLACKWELL, 28 Sept 1871,
by J. W. Brown MG; res of Joseph Blackwell; both of Cypress Ridge
322 HAWKINS, Charles to Rebecca Z BLACKWELL, 14 April 1872,
by W. H. Brakefield JP

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