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107 BATEY, William T., 38, to Mrs. Nancy Caroline BOWERS, 29, 21 Jan 1862,
by John C. Duncan JP
" HERREN, Lewis, 19, to Nancy C. FARMER, 18, 7 Nov 1861
by J. W. Sebastian JP
108 WOLF, John, 49, to Mrs. E. H. McCULLAH, 39, 4 Nov 1861
by W. R. Rowland JP
" SWEAT, John, 27, to Sally BUTLER, 19, 12 Nov 1861
by D. D. Snellgrove JP
109 TAYLOR, Wiley, 35, to Miss Emma C. GILBERT, 17, 15 Dec 1861
by A. J. Tool MG Christian Ch
" GRAY, John, 40, to Nancy S..DICKSON, 20, 16 Jan 1862
by J. W. Sebastian JP
110 ROBERTSON, James Louis, 27, to Mrs. Antoinette Ann HOWARD, 24, 4 Feb 1862,
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Presbyterian
" HAWKINS, Amos, to Mary YOUNG, Mon. 19 Feb 1862
by H. D. Green JP
111 HELLUM, George, 21, to Marget FITZHUGH, 24, 20 Feb 1862
by Peter Jolly JP
" HARDIN, Miles, 23, to Clary WEBSTER, 17, 13 March 1862
by R. A. Jones JP; groom of Phillips
112 JONES, Robert, 49, to Malinda FREELOVE, 50, 19 March 1862
by E. Manes JP; bride groom of Phillips Co
" PARKER, Robert G., 40 to Louisa HEMMINGWAY, 21, 26 Dec 1861
by R. A. Jones JP
113 LEVERETT, David, 35, to Elizabeth GADBURY, 22, 26 Feb 1862
by E. Manes JP
" JACKSON, F. M., 22, to Mary P. RAPER, 22, 31 Oct 1861
by E. Manes JP
114 FINLEY, Lucius, 28, to Ann Eliza HALL, 16, 20 Feb 1862
by Wm D. Terry MG Baptist
" JOHNSON, Logan, 23, to Mary SHERWOOD, 25, 10 Feb 1862
by Wm D. Terry MG Baptist
115 LANGLEY, W. T. 60, to Elizabeth RODGERS, 54, 23 March 1862
by Michael Fielder JP
" WILSON, George, 22 to Senian WINDLY, 40, 26 Jan 1862
by W. R. Rowland JP

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