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514 LEWIS, Robert, 26. to Cloe Matilda WILBURN, 16, 25 Dec 1876,
by America Mayo
" FORD, D. C., 21, to Luella CAPLENA, 17, 24 Dec 1876,
by Jas. W. Graham MG
515 CHISM, B., 29, to Mrs. Polly RAMSEY, 33, 26 Nov 1876,
by Jasper Ford JP
" HARRIS, T. J., 24, to Mrs. Susan MITCHELL, 28, 31 Dec 1876,
by S. J. Lentz JP
516 CLARK, Clayton R., 21, to Maggie NELSON, 20, 20 Dec 1876,
by H. Silverman JP
" HOLLOWAY, J. W., 21, to Miss Dundena HERRING, 14, 2 Jan 1877
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG
517 CRUMP, Andrew, 20, to Harriet ADAMS, 21, 10 Jan 1877,
by J. S. Stokes MG
" FURGUSON, J. B., 30, to Miss Mollie YANCY, 23, 24 Dec 1876,
by Pleasant D. Roberson MG
518 ANDERTON, W. R., 21, to Mary A. GOLDEN, 23, 8 Dec 1876,
by Jasper Ford JP
" JOHNSON, J. L., 31, to Nannie J. JOHNSON, 17, 10 Jan 1877,
by W. H. Berry MG, Cumb. Pres.
WELCH, Henry, 28, to Miss Julia MOORE, 39, 7 Jan 1877,
by C. M. Eaton ____
" CAMPBELL, John, 25, to Vinie WILBURN, 18, 23 Dec 1876,
by Doctor Cotton MG
520 KEY, Job, 25, to Lucy J. ENGLISH, 22, 23 Jan 1877,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
" WILLIAMS, W. B., 26, to S. E. SPREWEL, 18, 24 Jan 1877,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
521 TRICE, Henry, 27, to Martha VERSA, 22, 24 Jan 1877,
by Henry Harris MG
" MASON, Mingo, 23, to Margaret MANGUM, 24, 24 Jan 1877
by Henry Harris MG
522 CARTER, A. C. (or A. B.), 46, to Mrs. Susan MATTHEWS, 34, 30 Jan 1877,
by Wm. C. Malone MG Meth E. Ch. So. (name of groom given in two different places with different initials.)
523 WALLACE, Henry, 22, to Sarah DUNCAN, 20, 28 Dec 1876,
by H. H. Robinson JP

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