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355 SMALLEY, John, 25, to Cecly JACKS, 18, 15 May 1873,
by W.M. Mayo JP
356 KING, Charley, 26, to Margaret LUCAS, 19, 25 Nov 1873,
by A. E. Bobo JP
" MORRISON, C. C., 27, to Malinda SMITH, 21, 29 Jan 1874,
by T. B. Mathis JP
357 BARTLETT, Benjamin F., Minister Credentials, Baptist
" BANKS, F. T. to Miss Gertrude B. WHITLEY, 16 Oct 1872,
by Thos A. Craig MG
358 ADAMS, Robert F., 44, to Mrs. Lou GISS, 25, 19 June 1872,
by Charles Cross MG Baptist
" CLARK, Oliver, 38, to Emma ERWIN, 27, 13 Nov 1872,
by J. J. Moore MG Cumb. Pres.
359 PALMER, N. P. H., 30, to Mary E. TEDWELL, 17, 11 July 1872,
by Mathus W. Wilson MG Congregational Meth.
" CONLEY, John to Amanda DANIELS, 30 June 1872,
by Peter Jolly, Judge, Eve Twp.
360 HURST, J. D., 20, to Miss J. K. CUENBTON, 20, 23 Sept 1872,
by Peter Jolly, Judge
BOBO, George, 53, to Susin PEARSON, 31, 11 June 1873,
by Tony Grissom MG
361 BRATFORD, Pat, 27, to Caroline WILLIAMS, 33, 18 Oct 1872,
by Tony Grissom MG
" RICKS, Robert, 22, to Mary McKISICK, 16, 10 Aug 1873,
by Scipio Hicks MG; at res of Simon McKisick
362 DAVIE, Henry, 21, to Ann Parles WILBURN, I Jan 1874,
by J. Doctor Cotton MG Baptist
" DYER, Jetty, 23, to Polly BOOTH, 26, 6 Oct 1873,
by Scipio Hicks MG; res of Simon McKiseck, Pine Ridge Twp.
363 ROBINSON, Pleasant D., Minister Credentials, Church of Christ, Hickory Ridge & Bethel Ch.
" SCOTT, John D. to Margaret A. CONNELL, 6 Aug 1873,
by John Walker JP
364 JOHNSON, W. J., 27, to Martha BOUTH, 16, 8 Jan 1874,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.; Cache Twp. at res of Mr. Langten.
" GRAHAM, James H., 21, to Alice TURENTINE, 18, 3 Dec 1873,
by T. B. Mathis JP
365 RODGERS, John, 24, to Mrs. Narcissus HERRING, 29, 13 March 1873
by Ezekiel Holland MG Baptist

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