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402 WILKIN, W. W., 24, to D. A. Ann McCRAE, 17, 24 May 1874,
by G. B. Walker JP; res of F. M. Powel, Jackson Twp.
403 TURRENTINE, F. E., 25, to Mrs. Marthy TURRENTINE, 23, 12 Aug 1874,
by D.N. Brakefield JP; res of Mrs. Marthy Turrentine, Pine Ridge Twp.
" CAMPBELL, J, N., 21, to Miss Mollie DUNLAP, 25, 30 Aug 1874,
by D.N. Brakefield JP; res of Mrs. B. Dunlap, Pine Ridge Twp.
404 LOGAN, Wm., 27, to Miss Mollie MONGOMERY, 19, 24 Nov 1874,
by J. W. Crossett JP; res of J. W. Crokitts; Brinkley Twp.
" CHANCE, Frank, 27, to Miss Sophronia LANDS, 21, 25 Nov 1874,
by J. W. Crossett JP; Brinkley Twp.
405 BURTON, J. W., 24, to M. J. C. FRANKS, 20, 15 Oct 1874,
by Thos. A. Craig MG,; res of Mr. Franks, Duncan Twp.
" BRANCH, W. F., 24, to E. M. WALLS, 16, 7 Nov 1874,
by Thos. A. Craig MG; res Mrs. McMillins, Duncan Twp.
406 BUTTERWORTH, Jessie P., 25, to Miss Fannie L. HARRIS, 25, 19 Nov 1874,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG Church of Christ
" EAST, Joseph C., 22, to Emma C. McCRAY, 15 Nov 1874,
by B. B. P. Vanderford JP
407 DENNISON, J. A., 27, to Miss J. V. COZHORT, 20, 14 Oct 1874,
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Pres.
CHUFTAIN, Solomon, 38, to Caroline WOODFIN, 40, 9 Dec 1874,
by R. D. Chunn JP; res R. D. Chunn, Richland Twp.
408 BALDY, William H., 34, to Rosa RAWLINGS, 20, 13 Jan 1875,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG Ch. of Christ; res Wm. H. Rawlings, Cache Twp.
" HERRING, George (colored), 20, to Lucy FEATHERSTON (colored), 17,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG Ch. of Christ; res Mr. Robt. Parks, Pine Ridge Twp. Date of marriage rites: 14 Jan 1875
409 SURGETH, William V., 22, to Miss Julia F. HERRING, 17, 9 Dec 1874,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG Ch. of Christ; res Arby Herring, Pine Ridge Twp.
" HERRING, James R., 20, to Miss Nancy E. POWERS, 19, 17 Dec 1874,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG Ch. of Christ; res Mrs. Sarah Robinson, Pine Ridge Twp.
410 WICKLIFF, Samuel, 29, to Minnie PAYNE, 18, 3 Dee 1874,
by Jasper Ford JP; res Samuel Parks, Pine Ridge Twp.
" KENDRICK, Willie, 26, to Miss Sallie NEALIS, 14, 26 Nov 1874,
by B. F. Bartles MG; res Mrs. Wilder; Jackson Twp.

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