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240 MITCHELL, William, 33, to Mary Ann PERRY, 28, 23 July 1869
by Wm. S. Whitley JP
" PASLEY, H. W., Minister Credentials Baptist
241 ROBERTS, W. C. to Martha J. HILL, 16 Sept 1869,
by Thos. A. Craig MG.
" RAINEY, R. B. to M. A. BUNCH, 6 Oct 1869,
by Thos. A. Craig MG
" RILEY, B. F., 27, to Miss Jennie McCREAY, 18, 30 June 1867,
by W. J. Vineyard MG Cumb. Pres.; groom of Phillips Co. AR
242 DURDEN, James, 24, to Julia ROBINSON, 19, 27 July 1869,
by James Crisp JP
" SEEDRICK, J. M. to Lucinda Ann WILLIAMS, 22 Aug 1869,
by John Walker, JP
243 JONES, Joseph, 21, (orburn hair & blue eyes) to Abigal C. SLOAT, 15, (red hair & blue eyes), 17 Sept 1869, by H. W. Pasley MG Baptist
" SMITH, Lewis, 23, to Mary Jane BRIDGES, 17, 14 March 1869,
by J. D. Campbell JP
244 RIDEOUT, J. B. , 22, to Miss M. D. WILLIAMS, 16, 21 Oct 1869,
at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, by J. B. Groves MG
" SUMMERS, Berry, 27 to Frances BATEMAN, 22, 5 Sept 1869
by J. D. Campbell JP
YOUNG, John A., 27, to Miss Jane C. WILLIAMS, 16, 15 Dec 1869
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Pres.
" AMMON, David C. to Mrs. Fanny MACON, 9 Jan 1870,
by Wm. M. Mayo JP
246 HARROD, Charles B., 26, to Sarah F. NEWLAND, 20, 5 Jan 1870,
by Wm. S. Whitley JP; at res of H. W. Newland
" TRACY, F. M. to Miss E. M. SKINNER, 11 Nov 1869,
by Thos. A. Craig MG
247 JOHNSON, Joseph, to Miss M. J. STIVA, 9 Dec 1869,
by Thos. A. Craig MG
" FISHER, John, 25, to Mary SMITH, 32 12 Dec 1869,
by James Crisp JP
" LONGLEY, W. N., 21, to Amanda EDWARDS, 19 Dec 1867,
by Jas. Crisp JP
248 RINEBURGER, William E., 21, to Miss Sarah C. STIVERS, 17, 23 Dec 1869,
by E. Holland MG Baptist; groom of Harden Co. Ky.
249 HILL, Moses to Ellen NIX, 15 Oct 1869,
by Wm. M. Mayo JP
" HILL, William F., 19, to Mary F. EVERETT. 20, 21 Nov 1869
by John Walker JP

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