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231 SCISON, William to Miss Francis McCLINTOCK, 17 Dec 1868
by B. M. Lamar JP
232 ESTIS, Charles to Miss Mattie MALOY(Malory), 6 Nov 1868
by B. M. Lamar JP
" ARMSTRONG, Joseph to Mrs. Alanta RAPER, 18 Nov 1868
by B. M. Lamar JP
" GAMSETT, Martin to Miss Amy YOUNG, 7 May 1869,
by B. M. Lamar JP
233 GRAGORY, William to Miss Harriet BITTOCKS, 12 March 1869
by B. M. Lamar JP
" McRAY, William D. to Indiana CUNNINGHAM, 23 Dec 1868
by B. M. Lamar JP
" COCKHAM, H. C., 25, to Sarah SMITH, 29, 7 March 1867
by R. L. Harris JP
234 HORNER, Jefferson T., 38, to Mollie J. FORESIGHT, 25, 22 May 1867
by Wm. Bolt JP: Groom of Prairie Co. AR
" SLAUGHTER, Samuel Lafayette, 19, to Belinda THURLKILL, 20, 28 March 1868.
by J. D. Campbell JP
235 PETERSON, J. M. , 26, to Miss Laura Girtrude DALZELL, 19, 31 March 1869,
by J. D. Campbell JP
" SMITH, Louis, 23, to Mary Jane BRIDGES, 17, 14 March 1869
by J. D. Campbell JP
236 THOMAS, Lorenzo Dow, 31, to Saphronia P. WILBURNE, 24, 4 April 1869
by E. Holland MG Baptist
" GLOVER, John W., 27, to Miss Josephine B. SEBASTIAN, 18 1 July 1869,
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Pres.
237 ANDREWS, Thomas, 24, to Martha WHITE, 20, 17 June 1869
by W.H.H. Fellers JP
" FITZHUGH, Samuel, 20, to Sariah COPELAND, 16 June 1869
by W.H.H. Fellers JP
238 PYBURN, Lewis Conway, 26, to Miss Telitha Ann TURNER, 20, 17 May 1869,
by H. C. Brown MG Pres. U. S. Ch.
" ELMONT, Frank to Miss M. L. WICKER, 23 July 1869,
by Thos. A. Craig MG
239 PHILLIPS, W. to Miss P. J. BONDS, 17 June 1869,
by Thos A. Craig MG
" UNDERWOOD, James H. to Miss Martha E. KERR, 3 June 1869,
by Thos A. Craig MG

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