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153 HARRIS, William, 35, to Liddy HAYS, 21, 8 Nov 1866
by J. W. Walls, JP
" BLASSINGAME, Michael to Matilda BLACK, ___Dec 1866
by Joseph Johnson MG Meth. [M E Ch So,]
" SPERRY, W. H. to E. A. KERR, 21 Dec 1866,
by Joseph Johnson MG
154 HOPKINS, W. T. to Margaret DICKSON, 7 Dec 1866,
by Thos. A. Craig MG Meth.
" STATEN, J. H. to A. L. HERRING, 18 Dec 1866,
by Thos. A. Craig MG Meth.
" COKE, J. A. to Miss Nancy A. YOUNGBLOOD, 6 Nov 1866,
by Thos. A. Craig MG Meth.
155 PATTERSON, Dr. James H., 28, to Miss Nancy E. DUNCAN, 21, 5 Dec 1866
by W. D. Kerr Judge
" GRIDER, Wm W., 46, to Ester Ann CONNELL, 30, 30 Dec 1866
by Jas. Connell JP
" LANGLEY, William, 18, to Jane HOLLAND, 22, 21 Dee 1866
by Jas. Connell JP
156 THOMPSON, Peter, 27, to Mahala WILKSON, 17, 26 Dec 1866
by J. G. Rodgers JP; [note on page said this a negro record]
" KEEF, Byrd L., 47, to Lucy DUPREY, 17, 26 Dec 1866
by J. C. Rodgers JP; [note on page said this a negro record]
" CHANCE, John P., 25, to Lizabeth WHITESIDE, 24 Dec 1866
by J. G. Rodgers JP
157 JOHNSON, John (freedman) 24, to Herrett ROYSTON (freedwoman) 20 Jan 1867,
by James Connell JP
" MILLER, Charles, 30, to Martha SIMPSON, 20, 17 Nov 1866
by John Walker JP
158 DAVIS, Solomon, 25, to Martha Ann SMITH, 19, 30 Dec 1866
by John Walker JP
" UNDERWOOD, Samuel D., 24, to Mary E. O'BRYANT, 20, 21 Dec 1866
by Able C. Rayan MG
159 HAVENS, James A., 31, to Elizabeth CROWS, 19, 8 Jan 1867
by J. G. Rodgers JP
" GOLIGHTLY, Americus, 21, to Mary Jane GOLIGHTLY, 24, 3 July 1864
by John H. Porter,Deacon Meth.; res of Rebecca Golightly
160 OWENS, T. J., 22, to Charity GEAN, 25, 29 Nov 1866,
by R. L. Harris JP: res of Mrs. Green

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