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438 MAYO, Sanders, 20, to Laura REDMOND, 18, 9 Jan 1875,
by Dock Oman JP res of E. D. Redmond; Jackson Twp.
" EARNEST, John, 25, to Katie JEFFRY, 19, 21 Feb 1875,
by John J. Muns JP; Richland Twp.
" MAYO, Milton Junior, 22, to Smithie WASHINGTON, 18, 24 Dec 1874,
by Dock Oman JP; res of Washington Lambert
439 SULLIVAN, J. O., Minister Credentials, Presbyterian U. S. Ch.
" McKAY, Magnes, 32, to Mrs. Annie DUNOVANT, 30, 22 May 1875,
by B. P. Vanderford JP
440 GRUDE, Jacob, 21, to Lener RUTLAND, 17, 18 July 1875,
by H. H. Robinson JP
" JENKINS, Oliver, 21, to Charity SALONE, 24, 15 July 1875,
by B. M. Lamar JP
441 EVANS, C. C., 22, to Miss Mollie PLEDGER, 18, 12 June 1875,
by W. M. Naper MG
" WHEELOCK, J. M., 41, to Miss Hattie MOORE, 34, 8 July 1875,
by J. O. Sullivan MG Pres. U.S.
442 SARGENT, J. J., 19, to Miss L. C. THORNTON, 16, 15 Nov 1874,
by D. N. Breakfield JP
EMMERSON, William, 24, to Miss Anna FALLAS, 19, 12 Aug 1875,
by S. J. Lentz JP
443 PATTERSON, Charlie, 24, to Bettie BARBER, 20, 29 Aug 1875,
by H. H. Robinson JP
" WEAN, James, 45, to Sarah E. LEE, 50, 22 Aug 1875,
by B. M. Lamar JP
444 SIMPSON, F. M., 23, to B. Ann JOHNSON, 20, 5 Sept 1875,
by W. M. Raper
" TALLY, William, 25, to Samantha CHEEK, 22, 6 Sept 1875,
by B. M. Lamar JP
445 McCULOUGH, W. S., 28, to Harritt E. HARGROVE, 28, 2 Sept 1875,
by Wm M. Mayo JP
" SMITH, Edward, 36, to Victoria SUTTON, 25, 29 Aug 1875,
by H. H. Robinson JP
446 DEES, Drury, 32, to Miss Hannie CORNELIA, 18, 8 Sept 1875,
by P. D. Cooper
" BEASLEY, Charley, 23, to Patsey JACKSON, 19, 25 Sept 1875,
by A. E. Bobo JP

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