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197 COOPER, Dilliard to Martha Jane HELMES, [no day & mo.] 1868
by Braxton M. Lamar JP; filed 6 March 1868
" ABBOTT, George to Martha J. DISMUKE, 16 June 1867,
by Braxton M. Lamar JP
" McMURRY, David A. to Mrs. Mollie HUFF, 9 June 1867,
by Braxton M. Lamar JP
" COOPER, W. B. to Frances ACRE, 13 Aug 1867,
by Braxton M. Lamar JP
198 RODGERS, Jesse Pate, 17, to Lucy Frances BAUGHS, 21, 25 Jan 1868
by J. G. Rodgers JP
" BERRY, Marion F., 22, to Sarah Caroline EWELL, 21, 12 Feb 1868
by J. G. Rodgers JP
" WAFFARD, J. H., 26, to Margaret M. CRAFT, 21, 6 Feb 1868
by James Connell JP
199 GLASS, Chesterfield, 24, to Martha SMALLY, 17, 26 Jan 1868
by James Connell JP
" PARK, Matthew B. to Anna E. PATTERSON , 11 March 1868,
by H. C. Brown MG
" RINEHEART, William D., 22, to Laura J. DINGLES, 19, 5 Feb 1868
by Hardy Williams MG
200 GOLIGHTLY, Robert, 25, to Luisa Elizabeth SMITH, 23, 3 Sept 1868
by Hardy Williams MG
" &
PASLEY, William H., Minister: Credentals, Primitive Baptist
ordained Dallas Co. Ala, 9 Oct 1858
202 HOWARD, John W., 32, to Susan A. WILEY, 18, 22 March 1868
by John F. Golding JP
203 MADDOX, L. T., 22, to Miss S. F. TOMS, 17, 13 May 1868
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Presbyterian
" MILLER, Jacob W., 22, to Louisa A. VICKERY, 20, 15 March 1868
by R. L. Harris JP
204 IRWIN, James M. 32, to Catherine PHILLIPS, 16, 24 May 1868
by H. D. Green JP
" MICHEM, Landy to Miss H. C. FANCHER, 22 March 1868,
by Thos A. Craig MG
205 BENNETT, John W., 31, to Artenissa Caroline FITZGERALD, 22, 31 May 1868,
by H. D. Green JP

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