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475 TOMLINSON, Joseph, 26, to Miss Hallie HOSKINS, 26, 29 Feb 1876
by T. H. Howard MG, M. E. Ch So.
476 SEALE, J. S., 25, to Miss M. E. ARNOLD, 19, 2 Feb 1876,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG, Ch of Christ
" DUNLAP, W. G., 27, to Sophia BLACK, 18, 30 Jan 1876,
by B. P. Vanderford JP
" GIBSON, Isaac, 33, to Mrs. Jane NUNN, 25, 19 April 1876,
by B. M. Lamar JP
" BEATY, Moses, 25, to Mary BLAKE, 29, 5 March 1876,
by George Williams MG
478 STANLEY, Samuel, 21, to Martha H. HILL, 17, 2 April 1876,
by Ezekiel Holland MG Baptist
479 CONNELLY, Peter, 45, to Miss Rena HARRALL, 29, 19 March 1876
by R. D. Chunn JP
" ANDERSON, David F., 22, to Miss Alice M. SIMPSON, 16, 28 Jan 1876
by R. J. Dunlap JP
480 HARRISON, W. H., 35, to Mary Jane TUCKER, 23, 2 Feb 1876,
by James F. W. Freeman
" LEE, Joseph C., 25, to Mary Frances ROBINSON, 16, 3 Feb 1876,
by R. D. Chunn JP
JONES, W. C., 20, to Rhoda A. McRIGHT, 17, 2 March 1876,
by Pleasant D. Robinson MG
" GREEN, R. J., 34, to Miss Phebe CORNETT, 28, 1 Jan 1876
by S. J. Lentz JP
482 PEOPLES, Madison, 45, to Lydia DANFORD, 26 Jan 1876,
by George Williams MG
" NOBLES, Drayton, 32, to Jane BROWN, 25, 13 Jan 1876,
by Dock Owen JP
483 HAYS, Robert, 35, to Ann COLEMAN, 22, 9 March 1876,
by Isaac Gibson MG, A. M. E. Ch.
" WILSON, Jerry, 22, to Minda POYNTER, 24, 23 Jan 1876,
by Henry Harris MG Baptist
484 RICH, George A. 32, to Tennie C. LOTT, 26, 27 Feb 1876
by T. H. Howard MG, M. E. Ch. So.
" MULLIKIN, Hugh D., 29, to Miss Minnie WOODFIN, 19, 9 Feb 1876
by James F. W. Freeman
485 COOK, George, 22, to Mary KERR, 19, 6 April 1876,
by Isaac Gibson MG, A. M. E. Ch.

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