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214 BRANCH, America to Susan HERRING, 12 Dec 1868,
by Thos Craig MG
" DANIELS, Frances Marion to Frances HICKENBOTHOM, 24 Dec 1868
by W. R. Graham JP; res of T. Hickenbothom
215 WOODALL, Sir William, 41, to M. J. GARISON, 35, 17 Dec 1868
by E. P. Luccado MG Baptist
" LUCKADO, T. L., 28, to S. E. PETERSON, 21, 23 Dec 1868
by Mathias Brickell MG
216 ARNEL, Allen, 21, to Tempie CRAFT, 23, 27 Sept 1868,
by A. J. Tool MG
" THOMPSON, Samuel, 30, to Betty WYATT, 18 Aug 1868,
by James Wyatt MG
217 STEWART, J. M. to E. P. DANIEL, 13 Dec 1868,
by Peter Jolly Judge
218 ROBSON, George, 22, to Lu DAVIS, 27, 7 Nov 1868,
by J. W. Crisp JP
" CROSSVARD, James, 21, to Emma COLE, 16, 25 Dec 1868,
by James W. Crisp JP
219 MOORE, Hiram to Julia GRAHAM, 24 Sept 1868,
by R. H. Wolverton MG
" GRAHAM, Christopher L. A., 29, to Catherine ALDREDGE, 19, 14 Jan 1869
by Thomas B. Mathis JP
HENDERSON, Robert, 34, to Sarah THOMPSON, 17, 11 Feb 1869,
by Mathias Brickell MG
220 CHANY, R. R., 25, to E. J. HAWKINS, 21, 28 Jan 1869,
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Presbyterian
" VAIL, Dr. George L., 42, to Mrs. Ann E. BARNER, 17 Jan 1869,
by W. J. Vineyard MG; at res of bride
221 ROOS, John to Rachel WINDHAM, 31 Dec 1868,
by J. Johnson MG
222 BRYAN, Henry L., 20, to Amandy PLEDGER, 16, 24 Feb 1869,
by Thomas B. Mathis JP
" HAWKINS, W. M. to W. E. BARNSY, 28 Jan 1869,
by Thos A. Craig, MG, Meth. [M. E. Ch. South]
" LLOYD, R. F., to M. M. NICHOLS, 11 March 1869,
by Thos A. Craig, MG Meth [M. E. Ch. South]
223 LYNCH, J. P. to Miss Sarah PHILLIPS, 7 March 1869,
by Thos A. Craig MG [M. E. Ch. South]
" GARRETT, Robert, 64, to Catherine GOLIGHTLY, 54, 17 Jan 1869,
by Hardy Williams MG

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