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61 PATTON, William H., 28, to NANCY BROWN, 27, 1 June 1860
by E. Black JP
62 WALKER, Andrew J., 22, to Melinda LONGSTON, 17, 13 May 1860
by John C. Ervin JP
" BUSH, Jacob, 45, to Mrs. Margaret YOUNG, 32, 10 June 1860
by E. Black JP
63 JONES, H. W., 22, to Mandy L. CURTIS, 17, 7 June 1860
by W. J. Hood MG Baptist
" McGAUGHY, Dr. William W., 27, to Miss Susan L. COOK, 18, 11 July 1860,
by W. J. Hood MG Baptist
64 KINGSTON, John S., 25, to Fanny E. CLIFTON, 21, 2 July 1860
by Wm Harvick JP
" BARNER, Wm, 39 to Rachel HASTY, 24, 29 July 1860
by Wm Harvick JP
65 MALLORY, James O., to Martha E. WILDER, 16, 7 June 1860,
by Robt L. Harris JP, res of Wm S. Grooms, Rock Roe Twp
" COOK, Henry H., 18, to Malinda CRISP, 28, 6 June 1860
by J. G. Rodgers JP
66 ABLES, William J., 23, to Ebiline EVERETT, 21, 17 June 1860
by Ulm A. Ward JP
" TAYLOR, Joseph, 23, to Lucy Ann RODGERS, 22, 6 April 1860
by Wm k. Ward JP
67 CRABB, J. K., 30, to t-felissa BORREN, 16, 24 June 1860
by Wm A. Ward JP
" TURNAGE, J. B., 35, to Arabella TAYLOR, 25, 28 Aug 1860
by E. Black JP
68 HARRIS, D. Y., 26, to Louisa J. BROOK, 16, 30 Aug 1860
at res of and by R. L. Harris JP
" TRICE, Phillip J., 22, to Martha P. MAYBERRY, 16, 12 Sept 1860
by Wm J. Scott MG Meth.
" SMITH, John, 22, to Elizabeth JAMES, 16, 13 Sept 1860
by Edmund Manes JP
69 ENGLISH, E. P. Minister's credentials Methodist [M.E. Ch. So.]
70 RILEY, Abel, 20, to Tabitha EVERETT, 19, 9 Sept 1860
by James C. Beckham MG Meth

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