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485 MASON, John, 23, to Victoria ROBERTSON, 22, 18 April 1876,
by George Williams MG
486 ALLIN, William, 52, to Mrs. Jane ABBOTT, 32, 16 April 1876,
by T. H. Howard MG
" SMITH, William, 33, to Mrs. Sarah THOMAS, 21, 4 April 1876,
by Jasper Ford JP
487 MAYO, Ashley, 23, to Elizabeth JACKSON, 23, 16 April 1876,
by A. E. Bobo JP
" DREW, John, 32, to Margaret J. JUNION, 23, 4 May 1876,
by Jasper Ford JP
488 WILLIAMS, George, 22, to Emeline JAMISON, 21, 27 April 1876,
by Jasper Ford JP
" FITZHUGH, John H., 48, to Miss Minnie W. TOWNSEND, 14 April 1876,
by Robt. T. Shell JP
489 TOWNSEND, John, 27, to Clibia FITZGERALD, 18, 16 April 1876,
by Robt. T. Shell JP
" SKINNER, Elijah, 21, to Miss Lou WADDELL, 16, 14 May 1876,
by B. P. Vanderford JP
490 BORDON, F. M., 25, to Mary J. MUNNS, 17, 5 May 1876,
by R.D. Chunn JP
GRAHAM, William J., 39, to Margaret CRADDOCK, 34, 28 March 1876,
by S. J. Lentz JP
491 ROSS, John, 26, to Maranda TAYLOR, 40, 23 April 1876,
by Isaac Gibson MG, A.M.E. Ch.
" DAVIS, Louis, 27, to Emma S. DODDSON, 16, 7 May 1876,
by F. J. Turrentine JP
492 HARRIS, Joe, 38, to Rachial SUTTON, 29, 9 June 1876,
by B. M. Lamar JP
" MILES, James M.,33, to Miss Lou CRISP, 17, 2 June 1876,
by Jasper Ford JP
493 CAGLE, Henry, 27, to Mary STIVEN, 21, 25 June 1876,
by William C. Malone MG, M. E. Ch. South.
" HAM, Bin, 21, to Martha COOK, 17, 6 June 1876,
by H. H. Robinson JP
494 JOHNSON, A. L., 34, to Mrs. E. J. HAWKINS, 40, 23 Aug 1876,
by J. H. Bailes MG
" WILSON, Joe, 30, to Julia Ann GIVENS, 25, 11 June 1876,
by Dock Owens JP

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