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78 GEAN, Jesse B., 27, to Talitha GEAN, 27, 23 Dec 1860
by Wm J. Scott MG Methodist
79 MATHEWSON, Daniel to Mrs. Malinda WYSINGER, 9 Sept 1860
by W. J. Vineyard MG Cumb. Presbyterian
" GARNER, William, 23, to Jane JONES, 19, 22 Nov 1860
by Peter Jolly JP
80 HIGGS, H. W., 20, to Amanda "Mandy" KILGORE, 23, 13 Jan 1861
by Michael Fielder JP
" HILL, Pheneas, 35, to Sarah Jane KING, 20 Dec 1860
by A. J. Roberts JP
81 HARROD, A. C. to Mary A. RABURN, 23 Jan 1861
by D. D. Snellgrove JP
" DERDON, Elijah, 21, to Caroline GREEN, 16, 1 Jan 1861
by Michael Fielder JP
82 EDMONDS, Henry A., 31, to Lydia E. STUNSTON, 31, 18 Jan 1861
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Presbyterian
" BURRISS, Robert, 25, to Carrie MILLER, 22, 27 Dec 1860
by R. J. Bickerstaff JP
83 HAMILTON, John W. , 38, to Elizabeth Ann SIMSON , 23, 29 Jan 1861
by John C. Duncan JP
" WELCH, Robert, 21, to Mary REEVES, 18, 27 Jan 1861
by W. T. Roland JP ; both of St Francis Co
84 MANNING, James W., 25, to Miss Mary SMALLEY, 16, 23 Jan 1861
by Wm E. Moss JP
" TRUSSEL, Thomas, 38, to Mary ROBERTSON, 25, 3 Jan 1861
by R. L. Harris JP; Roc Roe Twp
85 TAYLOR, Lemuel B., 23, to Tabitha M. POWER, 16, 12 Feb 1861
by J. D. Stockston MG Methodist
" JONES, William A., 18, to Miss Mary HOBBS, 15, 27 Jan 1861
by J. W. Sebastian JP
86 ARMSTRONG, William, 40, to Matilda EDWARDS, 27, 24 Dec 1860
by Peter Jolly JP; record also gives Tibbetha Edwards as bride
" BERRY, James, 27, to Miss Catherine JOLLY, 20, 27 Dec 1860
by Peter Jolly JP
87 FITZHUGH, Eggbert, 35, to Mrs. Elizabeth NARD, 27, 10 Jan 1861
by Peter Jolly JP

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