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534 JOHNSON, David, 24, to Miss Ida RAWLINGS, 18, 29 Feb 1877,
by H. H. Robinson JP
535 BOWERS, W. H., 19, to Miss Hester BIRCHFIELD, 20, 7 March 1877
by T. H. Howard MG, M. E. Ch. South
" BRADLEY, Joseph, 23, to Miss Julia TRENT, 21, 23 Feb 1877,
by Wm. H. Yateman MG
536 CRITENDEN, R. A., 33, to Mrs. Josephene CLARK, 22, 28 Feb 1877,
by T. H. Howard MG, M. E. Ch. South
537 BARKER, A. M., 28, to Mrs. Mary THOMAS, 21, 18 March 1877,
by S. W. Davis JP
" STAYTON, John, 25, to Malinda IRISH, 18, 28 Feb 1877,
by J. S. Stokes MG
538 ANDERSON, J. W., 25, to Mrs. Fannie A. S. DAVIDSON, 28, 19 March 1877,
by W. H. Berry MG, Cumb. Pres.
539 CASPER, George W., 30, to Miss Sallie FRANKS, 28, 13 Feb 1877,
by R. P. Phillips JP
" BOWLIN, Osborn, 27, to M. Julia ROSE, 18, 1 April 1877,
by T. W. Hooper, Mayor of Clarendon
540 THORNTON, Charles, 25, to Miss Nicie JOHNSON, 16, 1 April 1877,
by H. L. Mansfield __
BAZEMORE, Jupiter, 21, to Miss Mary ANTHONY, 18, 21 March 1877,
by J. J. Johnson JP
541 DAVENER, Alex, 21, to Miss Laura BASEMORE, 18, 21 March 1877,
by J. J. Johnson JP
" RHEWARK, W. J., 36, to Miss Kate DICKSON, 18, 25 March 1877
by T. H. Howard MG
542 BROTTON, John, 26, to Miss Mollie BENNETT, 21, 11 April 1877
by Henry Rycrow JP
" WIGGO, C. M., 21, to Miss Fannie BARTON, 17, 10 June 1877,
by Jasper Ford JP
543 DENNIS, John Wesley, 22, to Miss Kizziah MAYO, 17, 3 May 1877
by Dock Owens JP
" SMITH, John Walter, 17, to Miss Sallie E. LANGLY, 20, 24 June 1877,
by J. D. Cooper MG
544 TOMS, Frank B., 29, to Miss Fannie HERROD, 17, 14 March 1877
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.; bride & groom of Cache Twp.

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