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307 BEASLEY, John to______LANGLEY, 10 March 1872,
by Wm. M. Mayo JP Bride's first name not given
" RAMSEY, William, 45, to Polly MATHIS, 26, 5 Aug 1871,
by J. D. Campbell JP; groom of Phillips Co. AR
308 BUCKHANEN, ______ to ______ LANGLEY, 15 March 1872
by Wm. M. Mayo JP, first names not given.
" JOHNS, Jeremiah, 25, to Miss Elizabeth FORD, 18, 6 July 1871,
by Wm. M. RAPER A.D.
" KING, Wesley to Miss Mary RHUARK, 26 Aug 1869,
by W. R. Graham JP recorded 22 May 1872.
309 LOVELACE, Milton, 18, to Miss Julia WRIGHT, 16, 27 March 1872,
by J. B. Groves MG
" HENLEY, Lecurges, 21, to Alezana HARVY, 18, 30 Nov 1869,
by H.K. Greenfield JP; recorded 22 May 1872
310 MILLER, Issiah to Ann E. STIVERS, 5 Nov 1871,
by John Walker JP, Jackson Twp.
" LONG, J., 21, to Sarah F. BONNER, 14, 10 March 1872,
by Robt. Gamble MG Meth. Ch.
310 EASTMAN, James to Miss Hartinsha CRISP, 23 March 1872,
by J. V. Munns JP
311 WILLIAMS, R. W. to Mrs. Martha SANDERS, 21 Jan 1872,
by J. V. Munns JP
MACON, Willis, 47, to Miss Jane BURROWS, 15, 8 July 1871,
by J. D. Campbell JP
312 STEWART, James, 42, to Miss Mary Eliza S. SQUIBEN, 30, 12 Noy 1871,
by Wm. M. Raper, A.D. Baptist
" PATTERSON, Thomas, 21, to Mrs. Sarah R. NEELY, 16, 24 Sept 1871,
by Hardy Williams MG Meth.
313 VANDIKE, J. W. S. to Miss Samantha BRANTLY, 11 Oct 1871,
by Peter Jolly, Judge; Eve Twp.
" ALEXANDER, Preston, 21, to Frances KINDLE, 19, 22 April 1871,
by J. D. Campbell JP; bride & groom of Phillips Co. AR
" DAVY, Wiley to Rachel THOMAS, 3 Nov 1871
by Wm. M. Mayo JP
314 MOORING, John B., 25, to Miss Emma Angela JOHNSON, 22, 21 Feb 1872,
by J. B. Groves MG Cumb. Pres.

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