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553 POOL, Thomas A., 25, to Miss Henrietta PARKER, 16, 19 April 1877,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
554 COOK, Charles, 25, to Miss Malissa PITMAN, 19, 4 March 1877
by Jasper Ford JP
" CROSS, Jerry T., 23, to Miss Lizzie WILSON, 17, 4 April 1877,
by J. J. Johnson JP
555 DORRIS, Berry, 36, to Miss Malissa WILKS, 22, 29 March 1877,
by J. S. Stokes MG
" DAVIS, Goliah, 60, to Mrs. Mariah COLEMAN, 40, 1 May 1877,
by Lemuel Weekley MG
556 HARRIS, William, 37, to Mrs. Myra PARR, 35, 13 June 1877,
by Lemuel Weekley MG
" BROOKS, John, 21, to Miss Mary Alice SIMPSON, 18, 2 June 1877,
S. W. Davis JP
557 SIMPSON, Wesley, 20, to Miss Martha Ann CARTER, 18, 14 July 1877
by S. W. Davi.s JP
" SHARP, James, 29, to Miss Martha JONES, 25, 21 July 1877
by J. H. Plumlee JP
558 ST CLAIR, Phillip, 22, to Miss Mary SANDERS, 17, 8 July 1877,
by W. H. Berry MG
MOORE, Alex, 23, to Miss Chaney LUMFORD, 18, 22 July 1877,
by H. H. Henry ? _
559 McGILL, Henry A., 29, to Mrs. A. S. BIRCHFIELD, 22, 1 Aug 1877
by B. P. Vanderford JP; bride & groom of Clarendon.
" PERROW, J. O., 26, to Miss L. D. SMITH, 21, 1 Aug 1877,
by Leroy B. Gaston MG, Pres.; bride & groom of Holly Grove.
560 HUDSON, W. T., 28, to Mrs. Martha ANDREWS, 28, 16 July 1877,
by F. J. Turrentine JP
560 SANDERS, Bryant, 22, to Miss Harriett GILL, 18, 22 July 1877,
by W. H. Berry MG Cumb. Pres.
561 LITTLEJOHN, Evans, 23, to Miss Mollie JACKSON, 29, 4 Sept 1877,
by J. L. Lentz JP
562 EYER, John H., 32, to Mrs. M. A. SHORT, 32, 2 Aug 1877,
by H. Silverman _
" WILSON, Wm. P., 20, to Miss Nellie HARVICK, 17, 16 Aug 1877,
by J. J. Johnson JP

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