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122 TURENTINE, J. F., 24, to B. F. CASTLE, 25, 22 Dec 1864
by A. J. Tool MG Christian Ch.
123 WHEELOCK, J. M., 31, to M. E. COUNTS, 22, ________1865,
by A. J. Tool MG Christian Ch.., day & month not given; record filed 19 Aug 1865
" DUNLAP, James, 40, to Martha PLEDGE, 26 Nov 1864
by A. J. Tool MG Christian Ch.
" BRAKEFIELD, W. H., 45, to H. F. PLEDGER, 27, 5 May 1864
by A. J. Tool MG Christian Ch.
124 WHEAT, Samuel C., 26, to Jane SMITH, 28, 10 Sept 1865
by J. C. Rodgers JP
" DOSIER, James C., 25, to Elizabeth COTHREN, 19, 5 Sept 1865
by G. W. Willmuth JP
" LYNCH, R. W., to Susan E. SIMPSON, 8 Dec 1863
by Jacob Harbin JP
125 PARKER, Richard, 55, to Minerva J. IVERY, 12 April 1863
by E. Manes JP
" TRANAR, William, 32, to Lucy BRIDGES, 32, 13 April 1865
by E. Manes JP
" DICE, William, 65, to Elizabeth RANSOM, 41, 26 Nov 1865
by E. Manes JP
" PERRY, E. B., 33, to Jane E. HANDLEY, 23, 23 July 1865 by E. Manes JP
126 KELLION, Moses, 45, to Frances GRACE, 38, 27 Aug 1863 by E. Manes JP
" SCOTT, William, 30, to Ann BIGHAM, 23, 8 March 1865
by E. Manes JP
127 LESLIE, J. R., 56, to Lucy E. V. BROWN, 22, 14 Aug 1864
by E. Manes JP
" BRAMEL, Peter, 45, to Chelly J. LESLIE, 26, 18 Oct 1864
by E. Manes JP
" WEATHERFORD, Daniel, 17, to Nancy P. LINDSEY, 19, 26 March 1865
by E. Manes JP
128 TOMSON, F. M., 17, to Mary A. CODY, 16, 15 Sept 1864
by E. Manes JP
" SCOTT, Michael, 24, to Mary E. DINGLER, 22, 6 Dec 1864
by E. Manes JP

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