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Abbott 19 Bonner 20 Cain 8
Ables 1, 2 Bordon 51 Calvert 29
Adams 29 37, 45, 57, 60 Boren 5 Campbell 20, 27, 39, 42, 52, 54
Alewine 28, 33 Bowden 26 Camwell 36
Alexander 31 Bowers 56 Capps 22
Allen 43 Bowlin 56 CarLee 32
Allin 51 Bowns 38 Carter 17, 34, 54
Ammen 25 Boyce 25 Carver 5
Ammon 24 Boyd 39, 47 Casper 56
Anderson 50, 56 Boyer 22 Caughey 15
Anderton 54 Boyle 36, 38 Cavett 29
Andrews 23 Bradley 22, 45, 56 Chambers 44
Ardis 57 Brakefield 9, 17 Chance 14, 18, 42
Armstrong 4, 23 Bramel 9 Chany 21
Arnel 21 Branch 21, 28, 42, 43 Chism 20, 39, 49, 54
Ashe 13 Brannum 33 Chuftain 42
Branson 27 Clark 10, 29, 37, 38, 48, 53, 54
Babb 60 Bratford 37 Clay 55
Bacon 59 Breeding 5, 6 Cleori 36
Baines 5 Briggs 53 Cobb 41
Baldy 42 Broadey 38 Coburne 26
Balmond 29 Bronte 53 Cockburn 16
Banks 37 Brooks 58 Coke 14, 33
Bansen 11 Brotton 56 Cole 10
Barker 56 Brouton 5 Collins 39
Barner 2, 6, 27 Brower 22, 57 Compton 27
Bartlet 16 Brown 6, 15, 20, 33, 35, 36, 41, 43, 48, 55 Conley 37
Batey 7 Browning 3 Connell 1, 39
Baugh 17 Brownlee 1 Connelly 50
Bazemore 56 Bryan 21, 27 Cook 2, 12, 30, 35, 50, 58
Beasley 31, 46 Buck 11 Cookham 23
Beaty 50 Buckhanen 31 Cooksey 15, 40
Begers 22 Bullock 11 Cooper 12, 19, 20, 27, 52
Benett 26 Bunch 30 Cotton 5, 47
Bennett 19 Burge 55 Counts 38
Berry 4, 19, 29 Burke 57 Cox 22, 41
Beshers 3 Burks 35 Crabb 2
Bettis 1 Burnett 52 Crafford 29
Bickess 26 Burns 16 Crawford 39
Bigham 25 Burriss 4, 32 Crisp 12, 17, 34
Birchfield 20 Burrow 41 Crissen 49
Bizzel 45 Burt 1 Criswell 39
Black 11, 13 Burton 42 Crittenden 56
Blackwell 6, 27 Bush 2, 5 Cross 26, 34, 58, 59
Blain 53 Butterworth 42 Crossvard 21
Blakeney 18 Crow 41
Blassingame 14 Crump 52, 54
Bobo 37, 53 Cabanys 25 Culp 8
Bolton 25 Cabendon 35 Curen 16
Bonds 28 Cagle 51 Cureton 15, 48, 59
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