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Hollande 34 Lama 48 McClintock 23
Holman 52 Lambert 17, 40 McCrae 42
Hopkins 40 Lands 42 McCray 38, 40 42,
Horn 17 Laney 48 McCreay 24
Hoskins 50 Langley 3, 10, 27, 30, 31 McCreight 6, 12, 29
Houston 13, 45 Langly 56 McCullah 7, 10
Howard 7, 29 Langston 11 McDonel 55
Hovel 3 Layman 38 McDougal 22
Howell 59 Lee 46 McCahha 22
Hudson 8 Leight 30 McKenney 30
Huff 19 Lenox 59 McKinney 27
Hughen 36 Leslie 9 McKinnie 55
Hughes 55 Letson 57 McKisick 37
Humphries 30 Light 49 McLaughlin 57
Hunnicutt 34 Lindsey 9 McNew 12
Hurst 26 Linzey 53 McRaugh 20
Hutson 11, 40, 43 Liston 35 McRight 50
Hyman 18 Littleton 28 Meeke 47
Lock 39 Miles 10
Irish 56 Long 18 Miller 1, 4, 35
Irwine 28 Longston 2 Mitchell 54
Ivery 9 Looney 36 Mitchum 39
Loony 38 Monevins 38
Jacks 37 Lott 50 Montgomery 42
Jackson 6, 11, 35, 45, 46, 51, 55, 58 Lovejoy 36 Monroe 52
James 1, 2, 27, 28, 35, 43 Lovet 35, 43 Mooney 20
Jamison 51 Lowe 13 Moore 3, 20, 32, 46, 49, 52, 54
Jeffry 46 Lucas 37 Mullens 26
Jeter 32, 45 Luckado 18 Mullins 12, 16, 32
Johns 5 Luckadoo 6 Muncy 43
Johnson 13, 17, 30, 31, 34, 39, 41, 46, 52, 54, 55, 56 Lumford 58 Munns 51
Jolly 4 Lynch 20, 25 Murdshaw 59
Jones 4, 8, 10, 15, 16, 38, 53, 58 Lyons 49 Murray 10
Jordan 15
Junion 51 Mack 47 Nard 4
Macon 24 Nealis 28, 42
Kelliam 11 Maddux 32 Neely 17, 31
Kelly 6 Maloy (Malory) 23 Nelson 47, 54
Kendrick 3 Manes 22, 26, 32 Newby 32, 48
Kerr 14, 23, 50, 52, 53 Mangum 54 Newland 24
Key 36 Manthis 28 Newman 43
Kilgore 4 Marreasin 49 Nichols 21, 25, 29
Killion 6 Marsh 44 Nix 24
Kindle 31 Martin 12, 13, 27, 28 Noles 12
King 4, 34 Mathews 43 Norton 48
Kinsey 22, 27 Mathis 31 Nunn 50
Matthews 16, 54
Maxwell 17 Oates 26
Mayberry 2 O'Bryant 14
Mayo 3, 40, 56 Odell 6
McAnear 5 Oliver 5, 34
McBride 3, 39 Overton 33, 59
McCarty 39 Owens 11

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