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Abbott 51 Blassingame 12 Clifton 2
Acre 19 Boales 11 Coburn 15
Adams 16, 22, 54 Bolden 45 Cochram 40
Addington 28 Bolling 40 Cockram 5
Aldredge 21 Bonds 23, 26, 43 Cody 9
Allen 52, 60 Bonner 30, 31, 59 Cole 21
Amerine 35 Booth 37 Coleman 50, 57, 58
Anderson 5, 29, 53 Borra 30 Compton 40
Anderton 41, 48 Borren 2 Conne 52
Andrews 58 Bough 25 Connel 8
Anthony 34, 56 Bouth 37 Connell 14, 37
Arnold 50 Bowers 7, 18 Conner 25
Auston 1 Boye 30, 35 Cook 2, 18, 26, 30, 33, 34, 36, 51
Boyl 36 Cooksey 25
Babb 57 Bradford 3, 53 Cooper 5
Bagwell 15 Bradley 59 Copeland 23
Bailey 57 Brady 8 Corley 8, 33
Baldwin 35, 55 Branch 20, 38, 59 Cornelia 46
Bane 48 Brantly 31 Cornett 50
Banes 10 Breakfield 20 Corster 28
Banister 45 Breeding 13 Cothren 9
Barber 46 Bridges 9, 23, 24 Cottin 6
Barden 60 Brook 2 Cotton 41, 44, 47
Barner 21 Brooks 10, 13, 59 Counts 9
Barnsy 21 Brown 2, 9, 11, 16, 18, 35, 43, 50 Cox 6, 53
Barton 56 Brumlee 29 Cozhort 42
Basemore 56 Bryan 35 Crabson 22
Bateman 24 Buck 48 Craddock 51
Batton 22 Bunch 24 Craft 19, 21
Baugh 27 Burgis 48, 49 Crisp 2, 31, 33, 39, 45, 51, 55
Baughs 19 Burk 38 Crocket 8
Bautes 40 Burks 35 Crockley 48
Bearden 57 Burrows 31 Cross 22
Beasley 5, 11, 22, 45 Butler 7 Crow 30
Beason 60 Butterworth 43 Crows 14
Beaver 57 Byers 49 Cuenbton 37
Bedford 55 Bush 29 Culp 20
Bee 53 Culverson 33
Belk 38, 41, 49, 53 Cagle 1 Cunningham 23, 25
Bennett 3, 30, 35, 41, 43, 56, 59 Cambol 34 Cureton 49
Berry 6, 13 Campbell 13, 15 Curtis 2
Bethell 22 Cans 20 Custer 22
Bigham 9 Caplena 54
Billingly 25 Carley 41 Dancey 35
Birchfield 56, 58 Carter 58 Dailey 28
Bird 52 Castle 9 Daly 13, 47
Bittocks 23 Chambers 57 Dalzell 23
Black 5, 14, 15, 28, 50 Chapman 26, 35 Danford 50
Blackwell 32, 49 Cheek 46 Danforth 13
Blain 12 Childs 29 Daniel 21
Blake 50 Clark 56 Daniels 15, 37
Blanes 10 Clasby 57
Clift 11

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