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Hicks 43 Kerr 16, 40, 41, 46 Manning 4
Higgs 4 Key 40, 54 Marsh 30, 43
Hill 4, 13, 24, 34, 48 Killbrow 44 Martin 52
Hise 35 Killian 10 Mason 51, 54
Hix 57 Killpatrick 1 Mathews 40, 48
Hobbs 33 Kimble 18 Mathewson 4
Hodges 13 Kindal 18 Matthews 12
Holcombe 18 Kindrick 10 Matthewson 15
Holland 28, 48, 59 King 1, 6, 25, 31, 37, 52 Mayo 12, 15, 30, 45, 46, 51, 52
Holloway 54 Kingston 2, 53 McBride 18, 26, 28
Hook 47 Kirk 15 McBroom 11
Hooker 10 Kitts 3 McCluney 29
Hopkins 14, 17 Knighs 17 McCullough 46
Horne 47 Krider 44 McGahu 44
Horner 16, 23 Kud 34 McCaughy 2
Horst 22 McGhee 40
Howard 19, 47, 53 McGill 58
Howell 41 Lambert 5 McKay 46
Houston 53 Lancy 39 McLaren 17
Hudson 27, 58 Laney 26 McMannus 59
Hughen 55 Langley 7, 14, McMurry 19
Hughes 36, 45 Leaptrot 34 McNew 16
Huffman 32 Lee 40, 47, 50 McPhaul 59
Humphries 8 Leight 30 McRay 23
Hurst 34, 37 Lesley 30 Mecham 57
Husten 22 Leslie 9 Meeks 36, 41
Hutson 43, 49 Leverett 7, 10 Michem 19
Lewis 43, 54 Micloed 6
Littlejohn 58 Miles 3, 25, 51
Ingram 44 Lloyd 21 Millan 39
Irwin 19 Lofton 17 Miller 3, 14, 19, 31
Logan 16, 42 Mitchell 24
Jackson 7, 12, 22, 30 Long 15, 17, 31, 52 Montgomery 49
James 26, 43 Longley 24 Moore 21, 48, 55, 58
Jansen 27 Lovelace 31 Mooring 31
Jeane 26 Loving 35 Morgan 33, 52
Jenkins 46 Luckado 21 Morisson 39
Jeter 32 Lynch 9, 11, 21, 47 Morrison 37
Johns 31 Morrisson 40
Johnson 7, 14, 24, 28, 37, Mulliken 50
40, 41, 51, 54, 56, 60 Macnab 57 Murphy 27
Jolly 15 Macon 31 Murroh 22
Jones 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 18, 24 Madden 11 Murtishaw 12
30, 43, 44, 49, 50 Maddin 45 Myers 36
Maddox 19
Magee 6 Neal 41
Kealing 45 Malery 8 Neely 16, 32
Keef 14 Mallory 2 Newman 18, 36
Kellion 9 Malone 3 Nix 33
Kelly 33, 35 Maloy 40 Nixon 48
Kendrick 3, 26, 42 Manes 12 Nobles 50
Kennedy 47 Mankin 41 Noles 43
Mann 55 Normand 57
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