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Danford 49 Evans 27, 29, 44, 46, 53 Goodwin 25
Daniel 3, 8, 35 Everett 44 Gordon 26, 35
Daniels 11, 21, 35 Ewan 15, 26 Gragory 23, 40
Dares 6 Eyer 58 Graham 13, 21, 25, 37, 51
Daugherty 44 Grant 10, 39
Davener 56 Gray 7, 35
Davie 37 Farbiss 60 Green 10, 27, 29, 33, 44, 45, 50
Davis 14, 27, 29, 32 44, 51, 58, 19 Fergerson 29 Grider 14
Davy 31 Fergison 18 Griffeith 57
Dawson 20 Fespennan 45 Grist 1
Dea 34 Finley 7 Grizzle 32
Dects 32 Fisackerly 27 Grude 46
Dees 46 Fisher 24, 55, 60
Demery 35 Fitzgerald 18 Hal 28
Dennis 56 Fitzhugh 4, 08, 23, 47, 51 Hall 34, 52
Dennison 42 Folks 34, 36 Halpern 16
Derdon 4 Follis 28 Ham 51
Dice 5, 9 Ford 28, 41, 54 Hamilton 4, 6
Dickson 20, 35 Forgus 36 Hamlin 57
Dismond 26 Frasier 45 Hammock 34
Dobson 10 Frazier 38, 55 Hancock 38
Dodgen 1 Fruen 5 Hanley 3
Donaldson 53 Furguson 54 Hardamen 52
Dorris 58 Furlow 11, 36, 48 Hardin 7
Dosier 3, 09 Hardon 1
Doxner 34, 36 Gade 34 Harrell 16, 22
Drew 51 Gaddy 8 Harris 2, 14, 22, 36, 39, 51, 54, 58
Duff 18 Galleghy 53 Harrison 5, 30, 50
Duke 18 Gamsett 23 Harrod 4, 24
Dunlap 9, 50 Gannon 47, 48 Hart 22
Dunlop 33 Garner 4 Harvick 3
Durden 24 Garretson 12 Hatfield 36
Dyer 37 Garrett 21, 28, 38, 53 Havens 14
Garrison 57 Haw 30
Earnest 46 Garry 32 Haws 16, 22
Earp 41 Gay 17, 28 Hawkins 5, 7, 21, 28, 32, 33
East 42 Gean 4 Hawthorn 57
Eastman 31 Gee 36 Hays 6, 50
Echols 33, 40, 55 Gibbs 47 Hazelwood 22
Edmonds 4 Gibs 30 Hellum 7
Edmons 30 Gibson 50 Helms 33
Edwards 5, 10, 34 Glass 19, 43 Hemingway 12
Ellington 53 Glover 23, 36 Henderson 21, 25, 33
Elmont 23 Goble 13 Henley 31
Emmerson 46 Goings 1 Henly 25, 57
English 16, 55 Golden 35, 41 Herren 7
Espay 36 Golding 18 Herring 16, 26, 42
Estis 23 Goldman 22 Herrod 13, 48
Etherton 8 Golightly 1, 14, 19 Hiatt 25

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