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Transcribed or Abstracted Records
of Marion County Arkansas

NOTE !!!
The Courthouse Burned in 1887
There are no records prior to 1887 in the courthouse. The following items are for your personal use.

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Transcribed Records found elsewhere on website:
     Abstracts of the Mt Echo Newspapers - Select Newspapers on left
     Transcriptions of WB Flippin & WR Jones newspaper articles (early years in Marion Co) - Select Myths, Legends & Stories at left
     Census Records - Select Census Records at left

Court Records:
Bonds: Constable Bonds - Index: 1888-1892
Bond: Sample of Constable Bond - E S McCracken
Bonds: Officers of the county - Index: 1888-1894
Confederate Pensions - 1891-1898.
County & School Officers & Directors - List: 1894
Elected County Officials - Judges, Court Clerks, Sheriffs, Treasures, Coroners, Surveyors & Assessors: 1836-1958
Estray Notices - Abstracts: 1895-96
Docket: County Court - 1887 Common (Civil) Case & Witness docket
Docket: County Court - 1888 Common (Civil) Case & Witness docket
Docket: Criminal Court - August 1887 Case & Witness docket
Docket: Criminal Court - February 1888 Case & Witness docket
Docket: Criminal Court - August 1888 Case & Witness docket
Docket: County Court - Equity Cases February 1887
Docket: Justice of the Peace Court - Index: Union Township 1883-1896
Docket: Justice of the Peace Court - Index: Prairie Township 1884-1896
Docket: Justice of the Peace Court - Index: Union Township Jan 1892-June 1904
Docket: Probate Court - 1882
Justices of the Peace - List: 1888-1894
Jury Lists - 1891 & 1892
Jury Lists - 1899
Letters of Adminstration - Index: 1889-1920
Register of Physicians & Millers - Abstracts: 1892-1912 with some dated eariler.
Prisoners - Index to a few State Prisoners from Marion Co 1918-1920
Voters List - 1893. Both transcribed names and .pdf scanned copies
Will Book A - Index: 1st record book after courthouse fire

Land Records:
First Land Owners - in Marion Co (outside link)
Some Early Landowners - List from Ben Fee's personal records
Index to Original Landowners - Index to names & plat maps
1886 Deliquent Taxes - Real Estate taxes from Mt Echo
Deed Book A Grantor - (Seller) Index
Deed Book A Grantee - (Buyer) Index
Deed Book B Grantor - (Seller) Index
Deed Book B Grantee - (Buyer) Index
Mining Claim Book O - Index
Mining Claim Book P - Index
Mining Claim Book R - Index
Property Tax Assessment Book - 1891. Index

Marriage Records:
Marriage Book E - Brides - Index. First book after courthouse burned
Marriage Book E - Grooms - Index. First book after courthouse burned
For marriage records from other sources select Marriages from index at left

War Records:
14th Confederate Infantry - a Brief History of the 14th Infantry in the Civil War
A quick overview of the 14th (outside link)
Members of the 14th - (outside link)
WWII Army and AF Casualties - list of some casualties from Marion Co

Miscellaneous Records:
AG Cochran - Postmaster of Buffalo City. 1859 Article about Buffalo City
Pleasant Grove Church - Minutes of Aug 1888
Democratic Selection Committee - Minutes of 1896 meeting
Crooked Creek Church - Minutes (Outside Link)
Rush Creek Bugle Mining Camp Newspaper - 10 Sep 1916 issue

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