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Here are some links I've run across that I think are helpful.

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Home Pages of people with Marion Co connections
Turnbo Stories Read about Silas Turnbo and his delightful stories, many of them about Marion Co pioneers.
USGenWeb AR State Page The USGenWeb Arkansas state site. Lots of AR information.
USGenWeb Marion Co Archives The archives is chock full of transcribed information. And, the best part is that you can search for a surname over a wide area.
Linkpendium Running neck & neck with Cyndi's site. This is site of links that is organized by state and county. This particular link takes you to the links for sites with Marion Co., AR informtion.
Google Books If you don't regularly search for things at google books you're missing out on a good thing. Here's an example: A Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Service A printed list, by state.
Internet Genealogy What's Good! What's Not! And What Are We Going To Do About It? - A MUST read for everyone!
Just Beginning your Research? Rootsweb's lessons are fun and informative.
Family Census Records Although the name of the site is "Census Records" the site contains a lot of AR links
Arkansas Genealogy "Arkansas genealogy surnames, look ups, marriage records, census sites, biographies, death records, military, and libraries to help with your Arkansas genealogy research in your search for your ancestors. Search our Marriage Records for Arkansas marriage records."
Newspaper Abstracts Contributions by volunteers. But, you never know what you'll find.
Rock Fence Genealogy Lots of Boone and Marion County names
Territorial Papers This site has transcribed many papers from territorial days. Early AR Territory tax lists, etc.
Pension Project Another great site from the USGenWeb Arichives. This site is transcribing all pension applications from the National Archive microfilm. They also have other good information.
Access Genealogy Tons of links. This link takes you to Arkansas Records.
Arkansas Genealogy Society Nice site.
Cyndi's List Cyndi's links to Arkansas sites.
Vital Records Lots of advertising on the site, but still the best source of information.
Pathways & Crossroads Several resources pertaining to the Cherokee Indians who lived in Arkansas during the reservation period. This group will also do look-ups for you.

Civil War Information

Arkansas Civil War Site A really great site to search for AR Civil War military men
Arkansas Research Desmond Walls Allen's great site. Looks of books and information
Andersonville Prison. Considered to be the worst prison of the Civil War. Includes names of prisoners.
Confederate Service Records Information on Confederate Service Records. As a side note these records are on
Civil War Muster Rolls A site of links to Civil War Muster Rolls
Arkansas Civil War Information Civil War information on AR Union, Confederate and Civil War Research.

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Jeana Parker Houghton Webmaster