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Dividing Line

Marion Co AR

Mysty McPherson

Dividing Line

1803 - The Louisiana Purchase occurred, bringing about 1 million acres west of the Mississippi River under the ownership of the United States. A portion of the Purchase became Louisiana Territory and covered what is today LA, AR, MO, and probably more.

1811-1812 - New Madrid (MO) earthquake. Felt from Boston MA, Philadelphia PA, Richmond VA, and Charleston SC to the Rocky Mountains.

1812 - Missouri Territory created out of Louisiana Territory with Arkansas a part of it.

1813 - Peel, originally known as Need More, was at this time a Cherokee Indian encampment.

1813 - 31 December - Missouri Territory subdivided into counties. Arkansas then in New Madrid Co., Missouri Territory.

1815 - 15 January - New Madrid Co., Missouri Territory, subdivided. Arkansas then in Lawrence Co., Missouri Territory.

1819 - July 4 - Missouri Territory subdivided. Arkansas Territory created and encompassed Lawrence Co.

1820 - Yellville, originally Shawneetown, a Shawnee Indian encampment by this time.

1823 - 1 November - Carroll Co., Arkansas Territory, created from Lawrence Co., Arkansas Territory.

1824 - September - The Great Flood of White River - highest in recorded history.

1825 - 2 October - Lawrence Co., Arkansas Territory, subdivided. Izard Co., Arkansas Territory, one of the counties created.

1830 - Approximate beginning of the City of Flippin.

1833 - 13 November - The Great Meteoric Display over White River. Seen as far away as Kansas City KS, Memphis TN, and St. Louis MO.

1835 - 3 November - Searcy Co., Arkansas Territory, created from Izard Co., Arkansas Territory.

1836 - 15 June - Arkansas Territory granted Statehood.

1836 - 29 September - Name of Searcy Co. AR changed to Marion Co. AR.

1838 - 28 September - Captain John Benge Route of Trail of Tears left Fort Payne AL with 959 Cherokee and 144 Negroes.

1838 -13 December - Searcy Co. AR recreated out of southern part of Marion Co. AR.

1838 - December - During the Christmas season, the Benge Route of the Trail of Tears, having crossed the Mississippi River south of Cape Girardeau and walked to Batesville AR, traveled up the Old Military Road on the north side of White River to what is now Denton Ferry Road in Baxter Co. Crossed White River above Cotter AR, walked through Flippin Barrens and what is today Summit, crossed Crooked Creek west of Yellville, and proceeded past Bruno and Everton AR.

1839 - 17 January - The Benge Trail of Tears arrived in Indian Territory (now Talequah OK) with a head count of 1132. Captain Benge reported one birth and 33 deaths during the 106-day walk.

1840 - Probable beginning of Bruno.

1840 - Probable beginning of Dubuque, which was named June 1851.

1844 - May - Great Freshet on White River. A few feet lower than the 1824 flood.

1844 - June - "June Fight of 1844" opened the Tutt - King - Everett War. Also known as the Tutt - Everett Feud or the Marion Co. War.

1845 - Hansford "Hamp" Tutt donated nine acres for the site of City of Yellville near Shawneetown.

1848 - 9 October - Second big fight of the Tutt - King - Everett War.

1849 - 31 August - The Kings, followers of the Tutts, were ambushed by the Everetts and their followers. Three Kings were slain.

1849 - 16 September - John Seldon Roane, Governor of Arkansas, ordered State Militia to Marion Co. AR to end "flagrant violations of the Law." Only time in history the State Militia was sent to Marion Co. AR.

1849 - 27 September - David Walker, Arkansas Supreme Court Judge, ordered arrests of the eight Everett men involved in the ambush of the Kings as well as the 11 Everett men who "did counsel [sic], advise and encourage" the killing of the Kings.

1850 - September - Murder in Yellville of Hansford "Hamp" Tutt ended the Tutt - King - Everett War.

1850 - Approximate beginning of Old Buffalo City.

1854 - Approximate beginning of Eros.

1857 - April - Departure of the Fancher Wagon Train from Benton Co. AR headed for California.

1857 - 7 - 11 September - Mountain Meadow Massacre in Utah Territory. Two brothers from Marion Co. slain.

1861 - 1 June - Arkansas State Legislature adopted (by a one-vote majority) the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, thus seceding from the United States of America.

1861-1865 - Marion Co. courthouse at Yellville burned at least twice.

1862 - April - Salt peter works at Bean Cave damaged and outbuildings burned.

1862 - November - Salt peter works at Dubuque and Bean Cave destroyed.

1869 - 9 April - Boone Co. AR created from eastern portion of Carroll Co. AR and a narrow strip of the western portion of Marion Co. AR.

1870 - Approximate beginning of Doddville, later known as Dodd City. Basically a mining town which no longer exists except for its schoolhouse.

1870 - Approximate date Stringtown, so called because it was strung out along the north bank of Crooked Creek, was renamed Powell.

1870 - Approximate beginning of Orcutt Flat, today known as Oakland.

1872 - Yellville incorporated as a town.

1873 - 24 March - Baxter Co. AR created in part from Marion Co. AR.

1882 - Beginning of Rush and the mining era.

1884 - Zinc first discovered at Morning Star Mine at Rush.

1886 - April - The Mountain Echo newspaper began publication.

1887 - August - Marion Co. courthouse burned to the ground, reducing all county records to ashes.

1900 - Approximate beginning of Kingdon Spring, a mining town that was gone by 1935.

1904 - 10 September - City of Pyatt dedicated. Previously known as both Stringtown and Powell. Powell was relocated because of location of railroad depot and renamed Pyatt.

1905 - Stone courthouse built at Yellville, the county seat.

1916 - Rush became so large that a second town, New Town, sprouted up next to it.

1920 - Approximate beginning of the end of the mining era.

1946 - C. S. Woods Sr. created the City of Bull Shoals, formerly known as Newton Flat.

1952 - Construction of Bull Shoals Dam across White River completed. U. S. President Harry S. Truman dedicated the dam.



"History of Marion Co. AR" by Earl Berry. (1977) 2002.
"Genealogies of Marion Co. Families 1811-1900." 1997.
"History of Boone Co AR" 2000.
"The Tutt, King, and Everett War" by Vicki Roberts & Mysty McPherson. 2003.
"Marion County - The Divided. 1861-1865" by Vicki Roberts & Mysty McPherson. 2002.
Manuscripts of Silas Claiborne Turnbo.
Mountain Meadow Massacre Association web site.
"The Mining Era of Marion Co. AR" by Vicki Roberts. 2003.
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