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Vol 1. No. 3

Mt. Echo Newspaper
March 19, 1886 Issue
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Linda Haas Davenport

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When the print is so faded that it cannot be read <.....> will be used . All transcription will be as found in the paper, misspellings and all.

Page 1 Column 1

Column 1 is the Echo Directory and the same advertisements as last week's issue. See Mar 6, 1886 transcription

Page 1, Column 2 (Top)

The bill appropriating $250,000 to erect a monument to the memory of Gen'l Grant has passed both Houses of Congress. The monument will be erected at Washington.

Dr. M M McGuire of Dardanelle, Yell county, is a candidate for Auditor of State. The doctor is a man of sterling worth, a good Democrat, and in every way qualified for the position he seeks.

Senator John F Miller, of California, after a lingering illness, died at his residence in Washington City, on the 8th inst. The Governor of California, who is a Democrat, will appoint Senator Miller's successor.

Texas is a curious State. It is so cosmopolitan that the Governor's messages, are printed in four different languages. About 30,000 copies are printed in English, 10,000 in German and 5,000 each in Spanish and Bohemian.

Several candidates will be in the field this year for our State Auditorship, and as the contest waxes warm the State press will be delighted to see the present Auditor Files waxed to exceeding great wax - Harrison Times.

Congressman Peel is solid on the silver question. He is, of course, opposed to the suspension of silver coinage. We publish this week his speech on this subject, recently made in Congress, and recommend it as "mighty good reading."

It is a bad showing for so pious a city as Philadelphia is reputed to be that at her late municipal election, of 732 polling places, 703 were in saloons; it is also a bad showing for the party of great moral ideas which always gets a rousing majority in that city.

F R McKennon, candidate for Congress, has developed into somewhat of a letter writer. He is trying to explain his little deal with the Wheel organ. Like the Plumed Knight of Main, he has written too many letters. His letter to Secretary Owen gave his little scheme dead away and will make the road to congress a little tedious for him.

A Washington dispatch gives the following health report of the Senate: "Senator Payne's health is failing; Senator Miller, California, slowly dying; Sehator Don Cameron, gone south for his health; Senator Mitchell, Pennsylvania, at home sick; Senator Vest, neuraigia of the brain and is on indefinate leave; Jones, of Florida, is away out in Michigan sick at heart because he could not capture a winsome widow".

It is said that those who become members of the Wheel Organization renounce all allegiance to other political parties. If this be the case the Democratic paty is in the minority in Boone county today - Harrison Times

"Other political parties?" We have always understood that the Wheel was not a political party. And we do not think it is. Members of both parties belong to the organization, and as a band of brothers, they can accomplish much good, and without laying aside their political principles.

Genuine prosperity can only come to the farmers of Arkansas by getting out of debt and staying out. It may require several years to get out of the clutches of debt, but it can be done and the effort should be made. Rigid economy, the curtailment of the expenses in many ways that will readily suggest themselves will soon put the farmer on the
(Page 1, Column 3 (Top)
highway to independence. It was related of a farmer in Franklin county a short time ago, that in an experience of twenty years he had never purchased a pound of meal, four or meat. All this he had made at home. It is safe to say that this man has some cash on hand, and if not the very best of credit. It is safe to say that no "anaconda" mortgage has ever held him within its deadly grasp. What this Franklin county farmer has done may be done by thousands of other farmers. They can "live at home" if they desire to. Not only now, but after getting out of debt they can each year lay up something for a rainy day. As Horace Greeley said of resumption, that the only thing about it was to resume so the only thing in getting out of debt is to begin to pay. Payment once begun and resolutely kept up will certainly bring independence. This is the doctrine that the agricultural associations have all preached to the farmers and there can be no sounder doctrine. - Little Rock Democrat.

       Mr. J M Barlett returned on the steamer Allen last week from a two weeks trip to the Rush Creek zinc mines in Marion County, in which he is interested. He was accompanied by Mr. Bruce Miller, of Columbus, Kan., a mining contractor and expert in mining matters. They brought back a large number of very fine specimens of the different ores found in these mines, all of which indicate a very profitable yield. There are several forms of the zinc ore, all of which are considered valuable - the lowest assaying over 60 per cent. They also brought down about a ton of the zinc ore for shipment to the La Salle zinc works at La Salle, Ill. The object of Mr. Miller's trip was to examine the ores with a view to leasing some of the lands and opening the mines. He expressed himself as highly pleased with the result. A few men are at work and about twenty-five ton of ore have been taken out. The force will be increased in a short time. These lands are situated on Rush creek, from which they took their name, in Marion county, and right along the lines of the two railways recently surveyed through that country. The building of these roads would at once greatly enhance the value of the mines and the facilities of shipping ore would be all that could be desired - Batesville Guard, 6th inst.

       We have received the first issue of The Mountain Echo, a neat and newsy paper just started over at our neighboring town of Yellville by H B Dallam. The editor of The Echo has done his part by getting out a good paper, and now if the people of that county and business men of that town will but perform theirs the paper will be a glorious success. - Harrison Times
       The first number of The Mountain Echo, published at Yellville by H B Dallam, has been received. If the number before us is to be taken as a fair specimen of what the paper is to be, we feel safe in saying that it will not be many weeks before Marion county can boast of one of the neatest, newsiest and best county paper in the state. Mr. Dallam, the "chief cook and bottle washer" of the concern, has plenty of energy and get-up about him, and if the people will only come to his support - as they should do - he will give hem a paper of which they need not be ashamed. Success to The Echo. - Jackson County Herald

The Supreme Court has decided that all personal property is responsible for taxes assessed against it, although said property may have changed hands before said taxes are collected; each class of property however is liable for the tax levied on that class. Persons purchasing valuable personal property should see that no lien for taxes is held against it.


Candidates are announcing in Baxter county.

A rise in the river is devoutly wished for by many.

What do you think! Luke will shave you for a dime and give you a drink!

Through the kindness of Deputy Sheriff Lawson, we received our new roller this week. Thanks.

Preaching at the M. E. Church on Sunday, by the pastor in charge, Rev. O. H. Tucker

A few bales of cotton coming in to this market occasionly. The bulk of the staple has been sold and shipped.

Mr. K. F. Cantrell, of Sylva, will try The Echo. He called one day this week and ordered the paper sent to his address.

Mr. John N. Pennington was a caller Saturday. He joined the procession and had his name put on our subscription list.

Our subscription list is steadily on the increase. The best citizens of the county realize the fact that they need a county paper.

County Treasurer M. H. Wolf paid us a pleasant call last Saturday. He enrolled with The Echo for a year. Let others do likewise.

Candidates are on the "still hunt." They should come out boldly and announce their candidacy through The Echo. "The early bird catches the worm."

Mr. T. H. Flippin, Marion county's able Representative, was in town last Saturday attending the organization of the Wheel at this place. --Baxter Citizen.

Messrs. J. P. Sims, J. I. Thompson, T. S. Nowlin, Wm. A. Sims and several others of the county, called and subscribed for The Echo last week. Thanks gentlemen.

We cannot afford to send The Echo out on time. We have to pay cash for board, office rent, and paper, and must have the cash for our paper. Don't ask us to wait on you. It is not business, in the first place and we can't afford to in the second place.

We learn from Mr. A. G. Cravens that a large cave has recently been discovered in the northeast corner of this county, near the Missouri line. Tom Malinees and a Mr. Howard made the discovery. It was explored by the above named parties, and they found fine specimens of mineral and a number of curiosities. In the cave are several large chambers, and tracks, and human teeth were found in it.

The Madison County Democrat has changed hands. Gage & Bohannan are its new proprietors.

T J Witt, of Conway, was shot and killed in a liquor saloon last Sunday by J H Williams, a St. Louis drummer. Both men were drunk.

Page 2, Column 1 (Top)

Gardening is the order of the day.

There is very little sickness in the country, so say the doctors.

Mr. W A Lawson and Mr. Alex Hurst called this week and had their names placed on our list.

Mr. A S Layton and Dr. Sims returned from St. Louis last Sunday. They did not go to Washington.

One hundred and twenty-two tracts of land are published as delinquent. This is rather a large list for Marion county.

Attorneys De Roos Bailey and J C Floyd attended circuit court at Mountain Home this week. They returned home yesterday.

Ella, the little daughter of Mr. H. W. Hudson, Sr., fell from a swing Tuesday evening and was very badly, but not seriously, hurt.

The Marion County Wheel will meet at this place on the first of April. Mr. Ben Weast was chosen delegate by the Yellville Wheel.

Mr. W E Brumbelow, of Prairie township, was a caller at The Echo office last Saturday. We understand he will be a candidate for Representative.

More miners for the Rush Creek mines passed through town yesterday. Let 'em come; the more the better. There is plenty room for all.

E T Record, Marion county's cattle king, came down on a visit the latter part of last week. He is enjoying excellent health. - Newport Herald, 13th inst.

We publish this week an interesting story, entitled "Delinquent Tax Sale." Read it carefully and see if your land is advertised. The sale will take place on the second Monday in April.

Assessor Cravens was assessing at this place this week. He will be at the precinct in Prairie township March 22nd and 23rd; Hampton 24th and 25th, and Bearden 26th. Be on the hand and list your property.

The mineral of this county is attracting considerable attention. There is an abundance of zinc, manganese and copper in this county, and a railroad is all we need to make bid Marion come out of the kinks. And the railroad we are bound to have.

Mr. Bruce Miller of Columbus, Kansas passed through town Wednesday with a lot of miners enroute for the Rush Creek zinc mines. They were fully equipped for business and seemed to think that the prospect for a "boom" in mining matters in Marion were flattering.

Mr. N Wood, one of Marion's substantial farmers, was a caller at this office last Wednesday. His wife and mother came to town also, the first time the latter in a long time. Mr. W. wants a county paper and believes in supporting it, hence he subscribed to The Echo.

Children who are troubled with worms are pale in the face, blue rings around their eyes, pick the nose, have variable appetites, are fretful by spells, have bad dreams, are restless in sleep. Dr. J H McLean's Liquid or Candy Vermifuge will kill and expell these troublesome parasites. 25 cents a bottle.

The steamer Home, Capt. Stallings' new boat, was at Buffalo City this week. The river is so low she could not get up to MeBee's. The Home is the only boat on the river that can run on the present stage of water in the upper river. She discharged her freight at Buffalo City and went down the river again.

Some time ago the Yellville Bachelors club held a meeting in the parlors of the West End House and agreed that the member who married first should board the rest of the unmated gang. The winter of their discontent has not yet been made glorious summer by the marriage of a brother bachelor, and the chances for another boarding house looks a little uncertain. The poet laureate of England says, "in the spring time the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love," and who knows but that the gentle springtime will turn the thoughts of some one of these old bachelor's in the same direction?

Page 2, Columns 3 & 4 (Top)

List of Delinquest Tax Sale - See Transcribed Records

Page 2, Columns 3 & 4 (Top)

Reprint of Marion county article from Mar 6 & 12 issue

Page 2, Column 5 - bottom section

The widow of ex-Gov. Horatio Seymour died at the residence of Roscoe Conkling, Utica New York recently.

When nature falters and require help, recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J H McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier $1.00 per bottle.

There are 1,142 convicts serving the State of Kentuckey at this time, only 193 of whom can be accomodated in the walls of the penitentiary.

Far better than the harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the stomach Dr. J H McLean's chills and Fever Cure, by mild yet effective action will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle.

The President has appointed James C Matthews, a colored man as Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia, to succeed Fred Donglass, resigned.

Thousands of people suffer with back ache, not knowing that in most cases it is a symptom of diseased kidneys and liver, which plasters and lotions cannot heal, the best and safest remedy is Dr. J H McLean's Homopathic Liver and Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle.

Land Office at Harrison, Ark, March 17, 1886
        Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the U.S. Land Office at Harrison, Ark., on the 27th of April 1886, viz: William I Dial, Hd. Entry No 5531 for the ne frl qr and nw se qr and sw frl qr Sec 4, tp 21 north, range 17 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up and cultivation of said land, viz: Lewis Chaffin, Steven Chaffin, John Robbins and Edward Cruse, all of Lead Hill, Ark. H C Tippon Register

Notice of Trustee's Sale for the land of John & Josephine Langston that appeared in the Mar 12th issue

ad for Friedman Bros - Boston MA & Memphis, TN

Page 2, Column 6 (Top)

same ads as Mar 12th issue

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