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Vol 1. No. 2

Mt. Echo Newspaper
March 12, 1886 Issue
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Linda Haas Davenport

Dividing Line

When the print is so faded that it cannot be read <.....> will be used . All transcription will be as found in the paper, misspellings and all.

Page 1, column 1

This first column is the Echo Directory - I will transcribe it here and until it changes I won't transcribe it again

State Officers:

Governor - Simon P Hughes
Secretary of State - E B Moore
Treasurer - W E Woodruff
Auditor - A W Files
Attorney-General - Dan W Jones
Land Commissioner - Paul M Cobbs
Supt Public Instruction - W E Thompson
Chancellor - D W Carrol
Chancery Clerk - W W Calloway
Chief Justice - S R Cockrell
Associated Justices - B B Battle & W W Smith

Circuit Court:

Judge - J M Pitman, Fayettville
Pros. Aty'y - J Frank Wilson, Harrison
Circuit court convenes at Yellville on the 3rd Monday in Feb and September

County Officials:

Representative - T H Flippin
County and Probate Judge - Wm Horn
County Clerk - Neal Dodd
Sheiff - J J Keeter
Treasure - M H Wolf
Assessor - A G Cravens
Surveyor - William Black
County Examiner - J C Floyd
Corner - <no name listed>


J.P.s - SL Wiggins and John Allen
Constable - J F Wood


M E Church South, Rev. O.H. Tucker, pastor. Preaching first and third Sundays at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. Class meeting, fourth Sunday at 11 a.m. L.C. Wilson Class leader

Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. James B Wilson, Superintendent; Neal Dodd, Secretary; L Seawell Treas. Woman's Missionary society meets on the first Friday in each moth at 3:00 p.m.


Yellville Lodge No. 117, A.F.&A.M., meets Saturday on or before full moon of each month. WH Wolf, WM, Neal Dodd Secretary.

Jefferson Lodge, No 284, A.F.&A.M., meets on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. before the third Sunday in each month. JN Joury, WM, WT Gooch, Secretary.


J.F. Wilson, Harrison ARK, DeRoos Bailey, Yellville Ark.
Wilson & Bailey
Attorneys at Law
and Partners in Civil Practice
Offices at
Yellville and Harrison, Ark
DeRoos Bailey also practice in the Criminal courts

J.C. Floyd, Yellville, W.S. Floyd, Bentonville
Floyd & Floyd Atty's At Law
And Solicitors in Chancery
Prompt attention will be given to all
business entrusted to their care

J.S. Lindley MD
Physician & Surgeon
Yellville, Ark
Keeps constantly on hand a supply of pure drugs. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night.

L Matlock's Barber Shop
(Northwest corner of Court Square)
Is the place to have your shaving, hair cutting and shampooing done.
Work first-class and charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed.

-- Go To --
Thompson & Covington's
Blacksmith and Wagon Shop!
South side Public Square
Yellville, Arkansas
Where they are prepared to do most any kind of work in wood or iron on short notice
Produce taken in exchange for work.
We make horse shoeing and tire work a specialty.

B Lowenstein & Bros
Importers and Jobbers of
Dry Goods
Gent's Furnishing Goods
242, 244 & 246 Main St
Memphis, Tennessee
Wm M Cross, Drummer

Page 1, Column 2 (Top)

subscription rate box at top - See March 6th issue

Our thanks are due and are hereby tendered Senator Berry for valuable public documents.

The Blair Educational bill passed the Senate by a vote of 36 to 11. Senators Berry and Jones voted for the bill.

In case the Blair bill passes, the Boston Advertiser wants Massachusetts to give her share of the appropriation to educate Indian children.

The Democratic State Central Committee has been called to meet at Little Rock on Wednesday, March 31st, to fix a time and place for the State Convention.

The House has determined to investigate Attorney-General Garland's connection with the Pan-electric telephone matter. An investigation of the matter can do no harm, and will prove Mr. Garland's innocence of improper conduct.

Mr. FR McKennon, candidate for Congress in the Fourth District, does not deny that he contracted for influence and support of the Economist, the Wheel organ. He claims that the contract was legitimate. Me. McKennon has simply "cooked his own goose," and so has the Economic!

<...> Jones, of Florida, is neglecting his duties at Washington and is at Detroit Mich., besieging the heart of a maiden of thirty summers with matrimonial intent. The young lady does not give the Senator much encouragement, but he is none the less devoted and determined and may yet come off winner. Many a girl marries a fellow "just to get rid of him" - so they say.

From present indications our best prospect for a railroad is from the Gould system - the Carthage and Batesville road; now being surveyed. It is stated now that the survey will be made to Bald Knob, in White county, instead of Batesville. Bald Knob is on the Iron Mountain road. A road is to be built from that point to Memphis, Tenn., and the contract for building the same has been let. This certainly is a most practicable route, and we think the road will be speedily pushed to completion. This line as surveyed will run within a half mile of Yellville.

Mr A C Hull of Harrison, in a letter to the Baxter County Citizen, gives the following interesting statistics relative to lands in his district: "This land district embraces twelve counties and a small franction each of two other counties, and there is in the above mentioned territory 2,124,400 acres of vacant land, and the same is distributed in the various counties as follows: Baxter, 186,800' Benton, 76,400; Boone, 117,000; Carroll, 145,800; Fulton 82,000; Izard, 55,000; Madison 211,900; Marion 181,600; Newton, 375,000; Searcy, 270,000; S<.... hole torn in paper> 290,000; Washington 86,500, at <....> the township of Independence 5,6<....> and two townships in Van Buren county 40,000, all of which makes up the grand total mentioned above. Now, to show you how rapidly this territory is being taken, <.....> will say, there has been 59,700 acres of government land in the district taken up during the last six months, a monthly average of 9,950 acres, which is an indication of what we all may expect in the future twelve moths in the way of settlement on our public domain."

Page 1, Column 3 (Top)

The Arkansas Gazette thinks Secretary Manning "must go." the Gazette says: "Peplying to <...> for facts Secretary manning gravely <...> House that he has said <...> to get silver into circulation.' The law recongnizes the quality of gold and silver as leagl tender - as equal in paying all debts due the government <...>from the govenment <...> one individual or corporation or <...> to another individual or corporation. This Mr Manning know as well as he knows that he has never hesitated to use the power given him by his official position to dishonor silver before the country. The law the Secretary of the Treasury is sworn to enfoce recongized gold and silver - not one to the pre<...> of the other - as fall legal tenders in all sums and for all purposes. In redeeming governmental bonds Mr Manning pays only in gold, thus discrediting and dishonoring silver, which should also be need for that purpose. Yet Mr Manning speaking officially as Secretary of The Treasury, claims to have used his "utmost efforts to get silver into circulation" Every well informed person in the United States knows he has used his "utmost efforts" to keep silver out of circulation. Manning must go.

There is a general railroad strike on the entire Gould southwestern system. Freight traffic is generally suspended and business is at a standstill. The strikers at Little Rock number about 250. It is said the real issue in the strike, and the cause that has led the men at Little Rock to unite with other Knights of Labor is that the Gould roads have violated the agreement made and entered into at St Louis in Mar, 1885, when-the strike waa settled by Gov. Glick of Kansas and Gov. Crittenden of Missouri on the part of the strikers, and Ex Gov Brown, solicitor of the Gould Southwestern system on the part of the railroads. They say the agreement was that no man should be discharged for having participated in the strike or for belonging to any labor organization; that no man should demand an increase of wages or salary without giving the road thirty days' notice, and that the road should make no reduction without first giving the men to be effected by such reduction thirty day's notice, and that no man should be discharged then, or at any time thereafter, without a full, fair and impartial trial. The strikers claim that this agreement has been violated in the case of Hall, foreman of the shops at Marshall, Texas who they claim was discharged last week without any previous notification, for the reason that he had made himself obnoxious by participating in certain labor meetings. The receivers of the road say that he was discharged for incompetency.

       Dr. H C Allen, of this place, has suggested to our Congressman N W Peel a plan for cutting a canal from Cape Jerido to the Gulf on the west of the Missippi river, thereby cutting off the streams running into the Mississippi from the west and completely draining the swamp lands of that section. ...

Page 1 Column 4 (Top)

A Lovesick Senator (transcribed by Gladys Brown in Mar 1886 issues)

The East Tennessee temperance people will try to elect representatives of their movement to the next legislature.

Page 1, Column 5 (Top)

National Affairs

The President has nominated Brig. Gen. AH Terry for Major General vice Hancock, deceased.

The Eilz John Porter relief bill has passed the Lower House of Congress and will probably pass the Senate.

The President has approved the <....> removing the disabilities of Alexander Stuart, of Mississippi, Edward GW Butler, of Missouri and Thos L Rossor, of Virginia.

The committee of the Hose on the 2d agreed to an adverse report upon the Senate bill providing for an increase of salaries of judges of the United States district courts to $500 per annum.

The following nominations were made on the 2d: To be consuls - Hobert Johnson of the district of Columbia at Venice; MA Turner of Arkansas at St. Thomas. Commodore William T Truxton to be rear admiral in the navy.

The House committee on claim have agreed to report favorably the bill granting compensation for over time to government employees who work more than eight hours after the passage and before enforcement of the eight-hour law.

Senator Gorman introduced a bill in the Senate authorizing the President to invite the Presidents of the sixteen American republics to meet at Washington the 10th of March, 1889, in honor of the hundreth anniversary of the constitution of the parent republic of the United States.


Evarts and Logan are proposed as a Republican ticket for 1888.

Our total interest-bearing debt is now $1,261,222,5063

The hydrophobia scare has caused the slaughter of 10,000 dogs in London.

Democrats talk of running Carter Harrison for Congress in the Third Illinois district.

A world's exposition to celebrate the discovery of America is being agitated in Washington.

Philadelphia proposes to erect monuments to the memory of Gens. Hancock and McClellan.

The pastor of a church at Uniontown PA has been compelled to resign because he road a bicycle.

Reports from all parts of the country show that the condition of winter wheat is uniformly good.

The owners of New York street railways are organizing to combat future possible strickes of employes.

A bill is before the Ontario legislature making it a misdemeanor for any person to enter a bar-room on Sunday.

IT is reported that Gen. George Maney, of Nashville, will be the Republican candidate for Governor of Tennessee.

Five thousand new physicians will be graduated from 101 incorporated medical colleges in the United States this year.

Senator Plumb wants Congress to prohibit legislators or their families from applying for free railroad passes under penalty of fine and imprisonment.

The Connecticut House of Representatives has passed a bill requiring instruction in the public schools as to the injurious effects of alcoholic drinks.

The Texas Pacific railroad shopmen at Marshall, Tex., quit work in a body because an employe was discharged for attending a Knights of Labor meeting.

Astronomers promise that a bright comet will be visible just before sunrise during the latter part of May. It is the comet "1886" discovered lately by Prof Barnard.

A newspaper of Beloit, Kansas says that in Clark county during a recent snowstorm a large flock of sheep crowed close together, and the snow, melting for a while and then freezing fastened the entire flock together.

The change of the guage of all the principle roads in the south, which is announced to take on May 31st, will be the largest piece of work of the kind that was ever executed in a day. There are 12,000 miles of rail to be changed and the work will commence at 5 a.m. on the 31st of May and will be finsihed at 4 p.m. of the same day. Four men will be <paper torn....> to each mile. The cost <.......> is estimated at $750,000 <......>

Page 1, Column 6 (Top)


Mountain Home has a live Temperance Society.

It is proposed to build another hotel at Harrison.

A.P. Grant has been appointed postmaster at Helena.

The Boone county Bank will be ready for business soon.

The Citizen says there is not a vacant house in Mountain Home.

Hot Springs is making an<.....> for the State convention to be held there

There is a rumor that a Republican daily will soon be started at Ft. Smith

H.M. Jackoway has been appointed Receiver of public moneys at Dardanelle.

J.B. Smith, assistant postmaster at Nashville, Howard county, has been arrested on the charge of embezzlement.

The Little Rock Gazette says it proposes to make a good Christian out of Brother Winfield "if it takes all summer."

Sixteen new doctors graduated at the medical department of the State Industrial University, Little Rock, on the 4th inst.

Arkansas Democrat: There are twenty distilleries in the State of Arkansas; fourteen cigar factories and eight tobacco manufactories.

The contract for building a railroad from Batesville to the <....> mines, a distance of 12 miles, has been let for the sum of $108,000.

The grand jury of Conway county indicted Sheriff Spears for criminal negligence in allowing a prisoner, charged with murder, to escape. He was deposed and Harry Coblentz was appointed sheriff.

Baxter County Citizen; There is enough surplus cattle in Baxter county to furnish the people with an abundance of money through the summer, if our farmers could dispose of them at anything like reasonable figures.

Baxter Citizen: Wheat crops are looking exceedingly well for this season of the year. There is a good crop reported from all parts of the county and prospects are very favorable at present for the most bountiful harvest for several years.

The Pine Bluff correspondent of the Gazette says; "There is a negro child two month old who was born at Rob Roy who has fourteen well developed fingers and the same number of toes. He will be able to feel his way and when he becomes a politician to kick when a caucus nomination does not suit him."

Articles of incorporation of the Little Rock and St. Louis railroad have been filed in the office of the Secretary of State. The capital stock is $500,000. The road will be built from Little Rock through the counties of Pulaski, Lonoke, Prarie and Arkansas to a point on the Texas and St. Louis, and be owned by Little Rock people.

Clarksville Economist: It is stated by some who pretend to know that the peach crop has been killed by the excessive cold of the past winter. This is the same old song that is repeated as often as we have a severe winter. Such a thing while the bud is in the dormant state never has and never will occur and indeed is impossible, except in cases where the cold is so sever as to frostbite the entire twig.

<this has a torn out section> An Indiana editor gives the following excellent advice to the young ladies of his town. Paste it in your scrap-book: Be sensible, young ladies <...> not be ashamed to learn <...> work. Play the pianto, ma<....>, jabber French, batter brass, paint china. If you want to learn too, how to make <....> won't sink a ship; try <........> or the keys of a <.....> how to heel and <....> and to restore harm <....> divided against itself. <.....> need these and a few other accomplishments of the same nature, but then again you may; and at any rate the knowledge will not weigh you down to an early grave.

Gunpowder was known and cannon used in China early 8,000 years ago. The Moors and Turks first used them, in European war and the Turks also originated many of the most approved features of modern fortifications and seige <....>prosches.

<this is torn off and only a few words are left> There are nine bills <.......> fore Congress <...>

Page 2, column 1 (Top)

Entered at the Post Office at Yellville, Ark, as second-class mail matter.
H.R. DALLAM .... Editor

March winds and weather

We yearn for spring and garden "sass"

Two Memphis drummers in town this week.

The last grand jury found thirty-eight indictments.

Pure drugs and patent medicines at Hudson's Drug Store

The brass band should reorganize and begin to learn to "toot."

Winter holds so well. Wonder if the ground-hog did see his shadow?

Another light touch of "the beautiful snow" Sunday morning and also Tuesday.

We have added quite a number of subscribers to our list this week. Room for more.

When you want a lunch call on Hudson. He keeps all kids of can goods, dried beef, sausage, etc.

If Whitfield Harris Esq., will call at this office he will find something he has been looking for.

On Tuesday there was a three inch snow five miles south of town. It melted as fast as it fell here.

Weast & Co's distillery commenced operation one day last week. It is located six miles south of town.

White river has been quite low for the past three week, and boats have been unable to get above Buffalo City.

K. J. Hudson keeps fresh family groceries always on hand. Call on him when needing anything in the grocery line.

Advertising promotes trade, for even in the dullest times advertisers secure by far the largest share of what is being done.

The Carthage and Batesville railroad engineers are on Big creek, Searcy county, about 25 miles southwest of this place.

An old Kentucky friend writing to us says: "It seems to be a 'very proper caper' that an Echo could be heard from Yell-ville."

Send us the news from your respective neighborhoods. Don't expect us to know intuitively all that is going on in the county.

J. H. Berry & Son are still at the old stand, opposite the south door of the court house, dealing out their merchandise at hard time prices.

We will take gold, silver, greenbacks or a few loads of wood, at par, on subscription to The Echo. Don't all bring wood; silver will do.

If Yellville is an incorporated town, why not elect town officers next April? It is time to put on city airs and prepare for the railroad.

The public school at this place, under the management of Prof. A. W. Wickersham, is in a prosperous condition, and the attendance is quite large.

Newspaper advertising compels inquiry, and when the article offered is of good quality and at a fair price the natural result is increased sales.

Mr. Henry Hudson, Sr., is with the railroad engineers. They have engaged his and Thos. Railsback's wagons and teams for the next three months.

Our readers in the county are invited to call on us when in town. We wish to make their acquaintance. Office opposite the postoffice, next door to Hudson's drug store.

Perhaps a butcher shop in this town would not be a very paying institution, but oh! What a blessing it would be. We could relish a steak cut from the horns of Texas steer.

If there is any truth in the old saying that a good crop year follows a hard winter, then our farmers need have no fears for the coming season. The winter has been severe, if that has anything to do with it.

Page 2, Column 2 (Top)

Mr. K.J. Hudson, dealer in drugs, groceries, etc., has a card in this issue of The Echo. Read his card and give him a call when you need anything in his line.

As many copies of this issue of The Echo will be sent out to parties in other States, the article on "Marion County" is republished. The object is to advertise our county and its resources.

Mrs. James Johnson died at her home, on Lee's mountain three miles north of this place, on Wednesday, the 10th inst. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

Government work on White river, we learn, will not begin before the first of June. The snag boat Henry Sheldon is choking a tree, down about Batesville, while her officers are drawing full pay and living on the fat of the land.

Mr. E. H. Trimble, of the Boone County Tobacco Works, called on us this week. Mr. Trimbel is one of the best tobacco men in the State. He contemplates opening a factory at Lead Hill about May 1st. Our merchants will do well to patronize him.

Rev. D. E. Dortch, the evangelist, will be here about the first week in April, and will hold a series of meetings at the M. E. Church South. He is a successful worker and we hope he will do much good here. More definite notice of the time will be given next week.

A farewell party was given Mr. G. W. Layton, at the palatial residence of his brother, Mr. A. S. Layton, on last Friday night. Those who attended pronounced it a most enjoyable occasion. Owing to a previous engagement with an Arkansas chill, The Echo reporter failed to attend.

The firm of J H Berry & Son come to the front this week with an advertisement. This firm does a general mercantile business, and carry a large stock of everything the farmer needs. They are at the old stand, south of the courthouse. When you want bargains give them a call.

We return thanks to Rev O H Tucker for a copy of the "Minutes" of the Forty-ninth Session of the Arkansas Annual Conference of the M.E. Church South," held at Morrillton, Nov 25-30. It is printed in neat pamphlet form and contains some valuable statistics, which are of interest to every Methodist in the conference.

It is not our intention to beg. We are not asking the support of the people for charity's sake. We prepose to stand on our merits. If you think this paper is worthy your patronage you should patronize it; if not we do not ask you to patronize me one cent. And you, of course, can be your own judge. This applies to advertisers as well as subscribers.

Readers, if you have a good live advertisement running through your local paper, you have hundreds of servants out at work for you, whether you wake or sleep, whether you are sick or well. No monarch's slaves ever scattered at his bidding so fleetly or faithfully, or in such bewildering numbers, as the literary messengers that bear your individual word to the people.

In this issue of The Echo we published the law card of Messrs Wilson & Bailey. These gentlemen are associated in the civil practice, and all business put in their hands will receive prompt and careful attention. They are lawyers of ability and gentlemen of strict integrity. Mr. De Roos Bailey of this place, will practice in the criminal courts. Read their card.

Mrs. Maggie McDowell, wife of Mr. G. W. McDowell, died at her home at this place, on Tuesday morning, the 9th inst., after a lingering illness of several months. The remains were consigned to their last resting place on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. O. H. Tucker, of the M. E. Church, South, officiating at the grave. An appropriate obituary will be published next week.

Take your county paper. One year, one dollar, in advance.

Page 2, Column 3 (Top)

When your old shoes or boots need a patch or half-sole do not throw them away, but take them to Luke Matlock's shop and have them mended. He will do it neat and cheap.

Your attention is called to the law card of Floyd & Floyd, Yellville and Bentonville. Mr. J C Floyd, this place, will practice in the circuit courts of Marion, Baxter, Searcy and Boone counties. Mr. W S Floyd is located in Bentonville and will attend to business in that end of the circuit. These gentlemen are well known to you all and need to introduction from us.

The necessity for a railroad through this section of country is apparent to all. The resources of this county can never be fully developed until we get better shipping facilities. We are now absolutely cut off from the outside world. A railroad will materially enhance the value of property, open up our mines, afford easy transportation for our products and be the means of bring a healthy immigration here to settle upon the vacant lands. Let us encourage the building of railroads through this county. Out of three prospective roads we certainly ought to get at least one.


County Clerk Dodd returned from Harrison Sunday afternoon.

Mr. A. S. Layton and Dr. J. B. Sims left on last Saturday for Washington, D. C.

Capt. John T. Warner, of the steamer John F. Allen, was in town last week in the interest of his boat.

De Roos Bailey, Esq., returned home Tuesday. After the adjournment of court at Harrison, he visited his father's family a few days.

Baxter Citizen, 3rd inst.: E. T. Record, of Noe's, Marion county, passed through town yesterday with some fine mules which he was taking to the southern market.

Mr. John B. Milum, of Blythe township, was in town on Tuesday. His brother, F. D. Milum, is suffering with catarrh in the head, and has been totally blind for the past few days from the effect of the disease. He will try Dr. Child's remedy.

Mr. G. W. Layton, who has been visiting his mother and other relatives and old friends at this place for the past few weeks, departed on last Saturday for his home in the far west - New Mexico. This was Mr. Layton's first visit to his old home in seven years, but he thinks he will not remain away so long this time.


Young - to the wife of Mr. J. A. Young, on the 8th inst., a son.

Tucker - to the wife of Rev. O. H. Tucker, on the 9th inst., a son.


A Nashville girl eloped with an editor. The commissioners of the insanity reported her case incurable.

In Holland the church doors are locked during the sermon that nobody can interrupt by going in or out.

When nature falters and requires help recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J H McLean's Strengthening cordial and Blood Purifier. $1.00 per bottle.

A gentleman who claims to know, and who, by the way, is a scholar and Christian, says the only difference between Kansas and Paradise, is that Kansas is receiving much heavier imingration and has the best roads - Ex.

Far better than the harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the stomach Dr. J H McLean's chills and Fever Cure, by mild yet effective action will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle.

Miss Fanny Mills, of Ohio, who is to be married soon, is a lady of fair understanding. She wears a No. 30 slipper, and has had a pair built in New York to wear at her wedding. Their dimensions are as follows: Across the bull, 22 inches; across instep, 22; across heel, 25; around the ankle, 20 inches.

Thousands of people suffer with back ache, not knowing hat in most cases it is a symptom of diseased kidneys and liver, which plasters and lotions cannot heal, the best and safest remedy is Dr. J H McLean's Homopathic Liver and Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle.

Children who are troubled with worms are pale in the face, blue rings around their eyes, pick the nose, have variable appetites, are fretful by spells, have bad dreams, are restless in sleep. Dr. J H McLean's Liquid or Candy Vermifuge will kill and expell these troublesome parasites. 25 cents a bottle.

Page 2, Column 4 & top section of column 5 (Top)

Reprint of last issue's report on Marion County"

       Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by the virtue of the power given by a certain deed of trust, dated on the 2nd day of February, 1851 (1881?), executed <...> by John Langston and Josephine Langston, conveying to me in trust the following real estate hereinafter described to secure to J H Berry the sum of one hundred and forty dollars and forty-two cents upon a promissory note executed to the said J H Berry by the said John Langston and dated on the 2nd day of February 1884, for the sum of one hundred and forty dollars and forty-two cents, one day after date, and with interest at the rate of ten percent per annum from date until paid, which said deed of trust is duly acknowledged and recorded in record book of deeds Book E, at page 139, of the records of Marion county and State of Arkansas to which reference is hereby made, between the hours of 11 o'clock in the forenoon and 2 o'clock in the afternoon on The 10th day of April, 1886, at the court house door, in the town of Yellville, in the county of Marion, and State of Arkansas, at public auction to the highest bidder, or cash in hand, the following described real estate, situated in the county of Marion and State of Arkansas to wit:
       The south half of the northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 17, north of Range 16 west containing 80 acres, more or less; of as much there of as may be necessary to amass the sum of the amount due on said deed of trust. Dated this 3rd day of March 1884.

(Boxed Ads)

Boots and Shoes
9 Main Street Memphis TN
J.A. R<...>, Drummer

1819-1886 the Arkansas Gazette!
Leading Journal of the Southwest
The Daily Gazette
Reaches its country readers with all the news
of the day from twelve to twenty-four hours in advance
of all other papers
The Arkansas Gazette
Prints and publishes a larger volume of telegraphic and local news than any other paper in the State. Has a full and detailed financial, commercial and market report by telegraph and local, in advance of all competitors. Prints the weather new; river news, crop news and steamboat news in full up to the hour of going to press. It is the only paper in the State which is able to receive, handle, set up and print in full the daily Associated Press Service. The Gazette has in addition Specials from all parts of the State .... The Weekly Gazette .... Mailed every Thursday, contains the current news and the market reports of the day of publication, and reaches its patrons with fresher dates by one week than any other Weekly in the State. .... The Sunday Gazette .... Contains Abstracts of Supreme Court decisions, religious news, foreign news, budget, literary matters, society gossip, fashion notes e.c. ..... Terms of Subscription: Daily, per year $10.00; Daily , six months $5.00; Daily three months, $1.00; Sunday 52 numbers, $2.00; Weekly, 52 numbers .50; Weekly 26 numbers, $1.00 <.... > the Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, Ark.

Page 2, Column 6 (Top)

J H Berry - J C Berry
J H Berry & Son
Dealers in Dry Goods
Boots And Shoes, Hats
Clothing and Gent's Furnishings
Goods a Specialty
Also keep a large stock of
Queensware, Hardware, Plows
And all kinds of
Farming Implements
Remember we keep a general stock comprising everything the farming community may want ... Give us a call and we guarantee satisfaction
J H Berry & Son

B H Trimble
Manufacture of all grades of
Lug, Twist and Smoking
Will open at Lead Hill, Ark, May 1st 1886

Hill, Fontaine & Co
Cotton Factors
commission Merchants
116 S Main St, 2<..> & 296 Front St
St. Louis Mo, Memphis, Tenn.
<...> Alf H Hoslin

H J Hudson
Dealer in
Pure Drugs
Patent Medicines
Family Groceries
Tobacco and Cigars
Candies and Confections
South side of Court Square, Yellville, Ark.

Picture of a bottle labeled: Prickly Ash Bitters Cures all diseases of the Liver Kidneys Stomach and Bowels For Sale by All Druggist Price 1 Dollar Cures ... Dyspepsia, General Demildy, Jaundice, Habitual Constipation, Liver Complain, Sick headache, Diseased Kidneys, Etc. Etc. <...> contains only the Purest Drugs, among which may be enumerated Prickly Ash Bard and <the names are too smeared to read> ... Purifier of the blood is Unequaled. ... It is not an intoxicating beverage nor can it be used as such, by reason of the C<...> Properties .... Prickly Ash Bitters Co, Sole Proprietors, St Louis and Kansas City

Dividing Line

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