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Vol 1. No. 4 ![]() March 26, 1886 Issue Abstracted & Copyrighted by Linda Haas Davenport When the print is so faded that it cannot be read <.....> will be used . All transcription will be as found in the paper, misspellings and all. Page 1, column 1 Same as transcribed in Mar 12th issue Page 1, Column 2 A Washington special says the House committee on education has decided to report the Blair education bill, recently passed by the Senate, adversely. Hon. Michael Hahn, Representative in Congress from the Second district of Louisiana died suddenly on the 15th inst., at Willard's hotel, Washington City, of hemorrhage of the lungs. The Knights of Labor from an organization that has had a phenomenal growth. Organized in 1869 by U.S. Stephens, the order now claims 650,000 members, and increases at the rate of about 175,000 a year. The Chicago News is authority for the report that Mr. Joel Chandler Harris, "Uncle Remus," is about to marry a niece of Stonewall Jackson, Miss Caroline Muggs, a young and wealthy North Carolinian, and an authoress. The Democratic State Central Committee will meet at Little Rock on next Wednesday, to fix a time and place for the State convention, and to arrange all necessary details of the same, and for such other business as may come before it. Mr. Thos. B Padgett, of Batesville, is mentioned as a probable candidate for Auditor of State. Mr. Padgett is a thorough businessman and would keep the public accounts straight. If he consents to run he will make a strong race. The Democrat who is now most freely mentioned as likely to be nominated in 1888 is Mr. Carlise, and there are reasons for supposing that he would make a strong candidate. At any rate, if he could carry the State of New York, there would be very little difficulty about electing him; but that is a question which may give us pause. - New York Sun The Philadelphia Times thus comments on the lamentable condition of the grand old commonwealth of Kentucky: "Kentucky's debt has reached its legal limit, her treasury is exhausted, her running expenses are high, law is a mockery in many counties where the rude vendetta rules, and the Legislature now in session is either unable or unwilling to give the State any assistance. Oh yes, let us, "obliterate party lines," by all means. So say the Republicans of Arkansas. The Democrats would perhaps be more willing to do so if they were in the minority. As it is, they have everything to lose and nothing to gain by dancing to such a tune. - Boone Banner The New York Star says: "That a large amount of sympathy has been wasted upon Mormon women is proved by the action of the female advocates of polygamy in Salt Lake city. At a recent crowded meeting they vigorously protested against any interference on the part of the government with their "rights" and passed resolutions denouncing the Federal courts for attempting to enfore the laws. After such an offensive outbreak and positive glorification in their own shame, the last bit of compunction ought to be wrung from government officials, and the whole nasty brood, women as well as men, prosecuted to the full extent of the laws." Page 1, Column 3 (Top) There is no change in the great railroad strike. Business is at a stand still, and no trains moving except passengers. The Newport Herald of the 20th says: "During the week several engines have been disabled by the strikers, and as a last resort the railroad company now go to the chancery court, both in St. Louis and Little Rock for injunctions, restraining and prohibiting the Knights from going about their grounds, right of way, shops and offices, and from in any manner interfering with their employes and business generally. Writs have been issued in both courts, and now the State of Missouri and the State of Arkansas, through their regularly constituted tribunals, are trying to settle the questions involved in the great strike. There is one thing the railroad company seems to have overlooked and that is the rights and interests of the general public. From St. Louis to Texarkana merchants, farmers and everybody engaged in any kind of business, have been interferred with and damaged to a greater or lesser extent and it is time the trouble was settled. It is not about time for the Democracy of this county to decide what course they will pursue in the coming campaign? "United we stand, divided we fall," and it appears to us that the party is not a unit in this county, or the result in past elections would have been different. We suggest that the chairman of the County Executive Committee call the committee together and fix a time for a convention or primary election. It is the only safe plan. Nominate good men and then stick to them. The Boone Banner, in speaking of the convention in that county, gives the following sound advice, which Democrats all over the State will do well to heed: "Let us all who call ourselves Democrats take hold of this thing in earnest, organize thoroughly, and make the party what we want it to be. It is the only way we can accomplish anything. To secede upon side issues is only to help the opposite party. The only question for us to decide is, shall the Republican or the Democratic party rule this county and State. Let all who have not hey had enough of Republican rule, and who desire to see that party restored to power, vote and act with them, dither directly or indirectly through other organizations. Let all who believe in Democratic principles act and vote in unison, that those principles may prevail. 'He that is not with us is against us, and whoso gathereth not with us, scattereth abroad.'" THE REMARKABLE YEAR: Page 1 Column 4 (Top) FACTS OF THE STRIKE: Page 1, Column 5 (Top) THE FIRE FIEND The American World says: "The sharpest dodge in the real estate business comes from Dakota, the land of the handsome women. The town of Dunlieth having offered $300 and a town lot to the first baby born within its limits, a lady living some 200 miles distant went over, gave birth to a bouncing boy, pocked her $300 and the deed for the town lot, and finished up the entire transaction in less than 48 hours Let Congressmen who are trying to keep Dakota out in the cold take note of the snap and enterprise of the people up in that Territory, and come to a realizing sense of their mistake." The Neillsvile (Wis) Times publishes the following advertisement: "Poetry Wanted - WE will be pleased to publish unobjectionable poetry for 20 cents per line. The Times has a very large circulation, and poets desiring to reach the public will find better facilities offered here than by the average paper. The cash must accompany all 'outbursts of the muse' at the rate announced above. If you send ten lines let it be accompanied by $2, if twenty lines, $4, etc. Spring poetry 5 cents a line extra. No cordwood taken on poetry." The Echo will adopt the same plan. A correspondent of the Rogers New Era furnishes the following: "The distillery is in operation and whisky and still-slop is plentiful. Every hog in and around Nebo is drunk and something worse is expected. Since the start of the distillery the Nebo young ladies held a meeting and adopted the following platform" A Buffalo man mentions it as one of Cleveland's strong points that he can trudge along a stream all day without catching any fish and never swear or get drunk. Page 1, Column 6 (Top) NEWS IN BRIEF There are still some Seminole Indians living in the evergalde region of Florida. Stonewall Jackson's war horse died at Richmond, Virginia, aged thirty five years. Congressman Wm L Scott, one of the wealthiest members, began life as a page in Congress. Both Houses of Congress have passed the bill increasing the pensions of widows of soldiers from $8 to $12 a month. Three Massachusetts towns will be 250 years old this year - Springfield in May, Dedham in September, and Sciturtle in the following month. Mrs. Pendleton and her daughters have suddenly started for America on account of the death of a near relative. Minister Pendleton remains in Berlin. Rev Sam Jones says Chicago has beaten the first two weeks record in St. Louis and Cincinnati and reckons the number of converts to date in Chicago at about 500. The effects of the coal strike in the Pennsylvania districts is already being felt at many of the eastern shipping points in the suspension of shipments. A big jump in the price is daily expected. Edwin Booth is reported as refusing to contribute to the McCullough monument fund, saying: "There were other actors greater than McCullough who have no monuments, notably Edwin Forrest and my father." The cotton mills at Victory, N.Y., were shut down, owing to a strike of operatives. The mills employ about 500 hands, and they all went out. The men refused an advance of 10 per cent, on their present wages. White people of means, and education are said to be leaving West Virginia, Ohio, and parts of western Pennsylvania for Arkansas. Their intention being to carry on farming extensively in the productive and healthy sections of this State. Mexican tobacco threatens to supercede the product of Cuba. In several districts careful cultivation produce a quality of the weed which easily sells in the New York market under Cuban trade-marks, but it is becoming so favorably known that it will hereafter be sold on its merits. George Gould, son of the great millionaire, Jay Gould, is engaged to be married to a Miss Kingdom, of Daly's theatre, New York. "Like Simon Suggs, George beats the old man. Jay started in for all that was in sight, conquered Wall street, won all the railroads and the balance of the country, but George has conquered a Kingdom." STATE NEWS A Knights of Labor lodge, of 60 members, has been organized at Newport. W E Thompson, Superintendent of Public Instruction, is a candidate for re-election. Newport is have water-works. The town is already supplied with whisky works. The Batesville and Brinkly railroad will be completed to Newport by the first of June. A freight train on the Iron Mountain road was wrecked at Jacksonville last week by unknown parties. Hot Springs had a $150,000 fire on the 11th inst. Insurance #37,000. The burning is thought to be the work on an incendiary. The workshops of the Arkansas Industrial University have been opened, and the young men of that institution will now be taught a few practical principles. The railroad yards have presented a sort of graveyard appearance for the past two weeks, and nobody knows how much longer the funeral is going to last. - Newport Herald. A Phillips county farmer raised 1600 bushels of sweet potatoes on less than six acres of land last year. His crop is now worth $1600 spot cash. It cost him less than $200 to plant, cultivate and market the crop, giving him $1400 net profit - about a thousand times as much clear money as was made by any farmer in the county, or any other county in this State, on he same area in cultivation. The farmer who thus diversifies his crops and keeps his limbs free from the toils of the anaconda is R.C. Ramsey. We have the finest soil in the world for sweet potatoes, and we humbly beseech our farmers to raise at least enough potatoes to supply home consumption, if none for the market. - Jackson County Herald. Page 2 Column 1 (Top) LOCAL ECHOINGS Cattle buyers are on the lookout for cattle in this county. We want a good correspondent in every township in the county. Mr. W. Q. Seawell has moved into the Layton house, near J. H. Berry's residence. Rev. O. H. Tucker went to Lead Hill on Tuesday to assist Rev. J. H. Cantrell in a protracted meeting. Messrs. J. J. Horner, W. E. Horner, John Cheek and many others enrolled with The Echo since our last issue. The woods caught fire on Lee's mountain last week and considerable damage was done to fences and many rails were burned. Farmers are too busy plowing and getting ready to "pitch" their crops to come to town. The streets of the village are in consequence almost deserted. Thanks to our Flippin correspondent for his interesting letter. We hope he will continue to furnish us the news from his section, and that others will follow suit. Several pounds of nice fish were caught in the creek Tuesday by some of the boys. The fish were found in a hole and were taken out by the boys with their hands. Assessor Cravens is in Hampton today. This is his last appointment for this year. He will commence work on his books about the 1st of April at his office at this place. Mr. Ben Carney brought some fine specimens of zinc and silver ore to town Tuesday from Rush Creek mines. The mineral is on exhibition at L L Seawell's store. Mr. Henderson Morris, having sold his farm in the southwest portion of the county, has moved to town, and is occupying J. N. Griffin's house. He thinks he is going to Oregon. The merchants who have goods at Buffalo city find it almost impossible to get teamsters to go after them. The farmers are too busy "speeding the plow" to do hauling. Mr. F. N. Matthews and Miss Dora Baldwin, both well known at this place, were married at Huntsville, Madison county, on the 8th inst. Their many friends here wish them a full measure of matrimonial felicity. Luke Matlock, the clever barber, now wears a broad smile. He says there is young lady arrival at his house, and although it will take an extra barrel of flour for the family this year, the price of tobacco, cigars and shaving remains steady. Wanted a good, steady, industrious boy to learn the printing business. Must be able to read manuscript. We want a boy who is willing to work and pay for his instruction and one how will not want to boss the concern after the fist week. Capt T B Stallings, the comodore of the upper river, was in town the latter part of last week, looking to the interest of his good steamer, the Home. We understand his boat will go up the river to Lead Hill on the first rise, and the clever Captain invited a number of the boys to make the trip with him. The M. E. Sunday school has decided to buy an organ, and on last Sunday a committee was appointed to solicit donations for that purpose and to make the purchase. The following named were appointed as the committee: Dr. J. S. Lindley, Mr. De Roos Bailey, Misses Una Jobe, Virgie Berry and Hattie McDowell. Only six marriage licenses have been issued by the County Clerk during the month of March, to this date, as follows: Page 2, Column 2 (Top) The woods, in all directions are on fire. A few days ago a teamster while driving along the road was almost suffocated by the smoke, and the fire was so near the road that his eyebrows and hair were considerable singed by the heat. Mr. John Q Wolf, clerk on the steamer Home, was in town yesterday. He reported he boat on her way up. She was at the rapids when he left her. On account of the great strike, the railroad company at Batesville would not receive her freight for re-shipment. Mr. Virgil Stillwell of Doddsville, paid this office a pleasant call on yesterday. He says the farmers in his section are at work in earnest. Mr. S. has just opened a stock of hardware and groceries at Flippin, and Mr. Jackson, the postmaster at that village, will conduct the business. The Echo wishes him success. FLIPPIN NEWS But don't the wind blow cold? A little stranger at Charley Lewallen's is a girl, and weighs 10 pounds of course. The hard-fisted yeoman has doffed his big coat and gone to work in dead earnest, while his songs have the old time ring. On the 21st inst. W. P. Lewallen was married to Miss Jo Flippin, at the residence of Mrs. Julia Flippin, Rev. Thomas Sutton officiating. White River is without sickness now, not withstanding that death has taken some of our oldest citizens across the river to that beautiful beyond this winter. Capt. T B Stallings, of the steamer Home, is here circulating among his many friends and looking after the interest of his boat. We wish the Captain and his new boat success. James Flippin, the efficient and assiduous singing master, is rendering the community valuable services, affording all an opportunity of learning to sing free of charge. It is to be hoped he will continue his good work. We meandered down to our little city last Saturday and was greatly surprised to meet that genial, clever and never-to-be-forgotten Stillwell, of Doddsville, opening up a full line of hardware and farming implements. It is an enterprise that will be appreciated by the entire vicinity. March 22, 1886 - W B F Jr NEWPORT NEWS Newport, Ark, March 20, 1886 Mr. Editor - Upon launching your little barque upon the rough sea of journalism I extend to you my hearty congratulations and best wishes for the success with The Mountain Echo. I feel assured that if the people of Yellville and Marion county will do their part, you will give them the neatest, newsiest and best paper the county has ever had - one well worthy of their support. The local "political pot" is beginning to warm up. There are three candidates in the field for Mayor. It is to be hoped that the "old veteran," Mr T T Ward, will "get there" with but little trouble. The railroad strike has cast a gloomy shadow across the progressive pathway of the great railroad king, Jay Gould. He begins to think that money has about ceased to be a "power." It is believed that it will terminate in trouble. Business has been exceeding dull in the quite but enterprising, little city since the strike was instituted. Newport has contracted for water works and electric light. Where will be found a more enterprising little town that Newport? She well deserves her name - the "City of Progress." It is generally believed that liquor will be unanimously voted out of both the town and county at the September election. Good for Newport. Not desiring to intrude upon the readers of The Echo, and fearing this "slush" will be consigned to the deep recesses of the waste basket, I will subside. -- Your humble servant - Cranky Jim OBITUARY ATTENTION YOUNG MEN Page 2, Column 4 & 5 (Top) Reprint of the Delinquent Tax Sale list from the previous issue Page 2, Column 6 (Top) This column is ads and they look to be the same ones from previous issues that were torn and couldn't be transcribed. J H Berry, J C Berry .... J H Berry & Son ... Dealers in Dry Goods .... Groceries ..... Boots and Shoes, Hats ... Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods a Specialty .... Also keep a large stock of .... Queensware, Hardware, Plows ... and all kinds of .... Farming Implements. ... Remember we keep a general stock comprising everything the farming community may want. ... Give us a call and we guarantee satisfaction J H BERRY & SON B H TRIMBLE ... Manufacture of all grades of Plug, Twist and Smoking .... Tobacco ... will open at ... Lead Hill, Ark, May 1st, 1886 HILL, FONTAINE & CO ... Cotton Factors ... and Commission Merchants ... 116 S Main St St Louis MO .... 296 & 297 Front St Memphis Tenn. ... Represented by Alf. H Joblin K J HUDSON ... dealer in ... Pure Drugs ...Patent Medicines ... Family Groceries ... Tobacco and Cigars ... Candies and Confections .. South side of Court Square ... Yellville, Arkansas The ad for the Arkansas Gazette has already been transcribed in prior issues ![]() Top of Page