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Mt. Echo Newspaper
May 1888 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

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May 4, 1888 Issue

The President has nominated Hon. Melville Fuller, of Illinois, as successor to the late Chief Justice Waite, deceased. He is 55 years old, and for 30 years has enjoyed a lucrative practice and won distinction at the bar in the city of Chicago.

Jones Hamilton, who assassinated R. D. Gambrell, at Jackson, Miss., last summer, has been acquitted after a long and tedious trial. Hamilton is rich and employed all the lawyers of influence in his portion of the State. The murder created great excitement and the sympathies of the masses were with the murdered man.


Mr. H. W. Hudson, we regret to learn, is quite sick.

One of Cam Berry's match ponies died the other day.

Miss Una Jobe, of King's Prairie, was in town a day or two this week.

Mrs. Bell Griffin and children returned to their home at Oakland yesterday.

Mr. John Covington is quite sick with pneumonia. We hope for his speedy recovery.

We are glad to learn that Mr. J. S. Cowdrey's little boy, Roscoe, who was reported as dangerously ill last week, is rapidly recovering.

Dr. W. T. Bryan made a short visit to relatives in Searcy county since our last issue. He has returned home and is rolling pills in his old stand.

Dr. W. L. Massey, of Pope county, came over last week to visit his relatives and friends and "best girl" in this county. While in town the first of the week he gave our office a pleasant call.

Clerk Dodd has received information from the superintendent of the insane asylum that Jonathan Night had been recaptured and placed in the asylum. He was found the day after making his escape.

Messrs. Chas. F. Covington, Wm. Phillips, James Holland, Marion Poynter and Dr. Calvin Barnes, all of this county, have been summoned to Fort Smith to attend the federal court as jurors and alternates. (name?) Covington is a petite juror and left her Wednesday for Fort Smith via West Plains.


May 11, 1888 Issue (Top)

Dr. James Clark, one of the most prominent young physicians in Benton county, committed suicide at Bentonville on last Saturday by taking bromide and morphine. Dr. Clark was a son-in-law of S. W. Peel. No cause is assigned for the rash act.

Gen. Wirt Adams, postmaster at Jackson, Miss., and John H. Martin, editor of The New Mississipian, met on the streets of Jackson on the first inst., and exchanged shots, resulting in the killing of each. The editor had been publishing personal allusions to Gen. Adams and the difficulty grew out of these publications.


Henry Young keeps Castoria. Children cry for it.

Uncle Mike Wolf we learn has gone into the hotel business at the mines. Success to him.

We are pleased to report that John Covington is fast recovering from his attack of pneumonia.

Mr. R. J. Hurst says he has a fine Durham calf that weight 81 pounds when one hour old.

There was a very good crowd in town Monday. Probate court and the republican convention was the attraction.

Col. Eli Dodson, of Bellefonte, was in town a day or two the first of the week. He had business in the probate court.

Public examination of those desiring to teach in the public schools of this county will take place today and tomorrow.

Next Sunday is Rev. J. H. Bradford's regular day to preach at this place. In the afternoon, several persons will be immersed by him.

Elbert Noe is papering Mr. N. Woods' house a few miles east of ... [The bottom cut off this page.]

Lawyers Floyd and Fee attended a law suit in White River township Wednesday. It was a civil suit -- W. C. McBee vs. John Morgan. Defendant, represented by Mr. Floyd, gained the suit. The trial was before Squire J. W. Williams.

Sunday week will be "Children's Day," so designated by the general conference of the M. E. Church South, and the day will be generally observed by the churches of that denomination everywhere. Suitable services will be held at Yellville and the various churches on the circuit.

We learn from Mr. R. J. Hurst that Mr. Luke Marler died at his home in Blythe township a few weeks since. Mr. Marler was doubtless the oldest man in the county, being in his 99th year when he died. He lived and died a consistent member of the Baptist church.

The editor bows his acknowledgments to little Miss Virgie Layton for a lovely bouquet of roses, presented him on Wednesday morning. May the pretty roses on her sweet face never fade and may her pathway ever be strong with the sweetest and most fragrant flowers -- the emblems of her innocence and gentleness.

Little Mary Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Young, made The Echo man a happy recipient of a tastily arranged bouquet on yesterday evening, for which he makes his politest bow. She said she was just 8 years old that day, and The Echo sincerely hopes she may live to enjoy many more happy returns of her natal day, and that each succeeding year may bring flowers rare to crown her brow.

       From Mr. L. T. Lindsey, of Buffalo township, who was in town Monday, we learned that a destructive windstorm visited that section of the county on Thursday evening last week.
       France Stevens dwelling house was blown down and his wife received slight injuries. Mr. Stevens lives on Rance Spencer's place.
       John Lack's residence was partly unroofed. Mr. Lack lives on the Baker farm.
       A barn on Dr. E. E. Adams' farm, known as the Woodcock place, was demolished.
       Orchards were considerably damaged and a great deal of timber was blown down.

       From Messrs. K. J. Hudson and John B. Thompson, who returned from Calico Rock on Monday night, we learn of further and greater damage by Thursday's storm. The store house of Shelt. Cochran, merchant at Lone Rock, Baxter county, was razed to the ground and its contents was considerably damaged. A saw mill at the same place was blown down. A dwelling house was damaged by the porch being blown away, and other slight damage was done. Two ladies were slightly injured, but no serious damage to persons is reported. The path of the storm was about a mile wide and all the timber that was in its tracks was laid low by the storm.


May 18, 1888 Issue (Top)


Senator Jones, of Arkansas, is one of the two senators selected to attend the annual examination at the West Point Military Academy in June.

G. A. Leiper, Thos. Gaddis, and Ed. Hall, who were held under bond to answer the charge of murdering a convict named Tolbert at Coal Hill, were released at Clarksville by the grand jury of Johnson county for the lack of evidence to warrant them in presenting an indictment. The most important part of the evidence taken before the coroner had mysteriously disappeared.


Elder Palmer, of the Baptist Church, will preach at this place Saturday night and Sunday morning.

We learn from Prof. Jones that there will be a public exhibition at the close of the public schools - two weeks from today.

If the thief who stole our paste brush will call around Monday morning we will take great pleasure in kicking him to the full extent of the law.

Mrs. J. F. Wilson and daughter left here Friday for Harrison. After a short stay at Harrison, they will leave for Prescott, Arizona, to join Col. Wilson.

Mrs. W. R. Jones, Miss Mary Shanks and Mr. R. A. Tatum were baptized in the creek last Sunday afternoon by Rev. T. H. Bradford. [Cut off at bottom of page.]


May 25, 1888 Issue (Top)


Disastrous overflows are reported from the Mississippi and Arkansas River valleys because of the late heavy rains.

A correspondent of the Boone Banner nominates Hon. B. B. Hudgins as chairman of the State convention which will assemble next Thursday. The Banner seconds the motion and The Echo votes aye.

The federal court at Fort Smith is said to be quite an expensive piece of machinery. It requires $1,000 per day to pay this court's expenses. There are 125 prisoners now confined in the jail at that place.

At Clarksville, Johnson county, on the 18th inst., Judge George Cunningham and Capt. A. S. McKennon, one of the most prominent attorneys in the State, became involved in a serious difficulty. Cunningham was presiding over the Johnson county circuit court, and being a very arrogant and dictatoral(sic) man, his rulings were unsatisfactory to McKennon, who took exception to them. Cunningham ordered McKennon to sit down and the latter refused, whereupon the judge fined the attorney. This enraged McKennon. Words ensued and finally the attorney attacked the judge and, pulling from his pocket a pen knife, stabbed him several times about the face, head and neck, inflicting dangerous wounds. Friends separated them, but it is said that the excitement in the town over the affair is very high, and friends of the parties will likely become involved.

BOONE COUNTY NEWS (Boone Banner, 17th inst.)

Died - on the 14th inst., at the residence of Dr. T. M. Gipson, in this county, Mr. Wm. Gibbs. As his death was very sudden, a coroner's jury was summoned and the verdict was that he came to his death from the bursting of a blood vessel.

Two young girls not over 14 years old were brought before our Mayor Tuesday evening, charged with vagrancy and lewdness. They said two young men had induced them to leave their home in Douglas county, Mo., under promise of marriage, and had left them here. Mayor Garvin sent them to jail for the night, having nowhere else to send them. The good Samaritans of the town are going to try to send them home. Theirs is a pitiable case.

A meeting was held Monday night looking towards the establishment of a canning and evaporating company. Mr. Storrs addressed the meeting and $2,600 were subscribed. A committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions, and another meeting will be held next Thursday night, to organize the company and proceed to business. No doubt is entertained that sufficient money will be raised to put an evaporator into operation this season.

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