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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() April 1888 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown April 6, 1888 Issue BRIEF MENTION An explosion in a coal mine near Rich Hill, Bates County, Mo., on the 29th ult. caused the death of over 20 miners who were at work in the mine at the time. The penitentiary commissioners have ordered all the convicts at Coal Hill and other places in the state to be returned to the walls of the penitentiary immediately. Correct. LOCAL ECHOINGS Isam Cantrell has the measles. We learn that Mr. Calvin Coker, of Prairie township, died on last Sunday. John Twiggs, of Gassville, was over Saturday on business for Cox & Denton. Dr. J. M. Coker now has his office down town, next door to The Echo office. Miss Belle Blake, of Columbus, Kansas, is visiting the family of Mr. T. A. Blake, of Exter(sic). Dr. J. M. Coker has purchased Dr. J. S. Lindley's house and lot, known as the Wickersham property, opposite Wilson's hotel. Dr. J. S. Lindley left here last Saturday, but had not decided where he would locate. He went west. May success attend him. Miss Dora Rea, of Onset, was visiting in town and attended the protracted meeting several days this week. She was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Coker. Our young friend, Roney Davis, one of Marion county's brightest young men, now a student at the Valley Springs Academy, called to see us yesterday morning, in company with our genial friend, T. R. Wheeler. We learned from Mr. J. D. McGregor, who was in town Monday, that there was a wedding at Doddsville last Sunday. Mr. Jacob Waltman and Miss Rebecca J. Thomas were married by Elder Jenkins at the Christian Church. [married 1 April 1888.] An appeal has been granted in the Hudspeth case by the supreme court, but a new trial has not been granted as has been stated by some of our exchanges. Mrs. T. J. Barb, of Marion county, the youngest sister of the senior editor of this paper, accompanied by her nephews, Palmer and Willie Black, of Tenn., arrived in the city today, on the steamer Allen. They are stopping at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Ruddell. This is her first visit in six years. -- Batesville Pilot. Please say to Mrs. Barb that Tom has been to town this week, but behaved himself very well. He attended the county court during the day and the protracted meeting at night. ******* April 13, 1888 Issue (Top) BRIEF MENTION Gov. Hughes is being severely criticized on account of the Coal Hill horror. The governor, secretary of state and attorney general constitute the board of penitentiary commissioners, and the board is charged with dereliction of duty in not looking more closely after the penitentiary lessees and their convicts. LOCAL ECHOINGS Len Weast is enlarging his barn. It will be a mammoth building when completed. Mr. West Gaines, and Miss Mary Taylor, of White River township, were married last Sunday. Mr. Peter Doshier, Jr., who lives four miles south of town, is reported as being quite low with pneumonia. Dr. Coker's little girl, Virgie, was quite sick the first of the week, but she is now much improved and will soon be well. The post office known as Rush, six miles south of Yellville, has been discontinued on account of not having a postmaster. Nellie Wilson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson, has been quite low with pneumonia. We are glad to report that she is now much better. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Floyd returned Tuesday from Bentonville. They had the pleasure of hearing Eli Perkins, the celebrated humorist, lecture while at Bentonville. Surveyor Black informed us last week that he had laid off a new town at Stringtown, on this side of Crooked Creek. Milum & Davis will put up a large store house on the new site at once. The enterprising people of that community are making an effort to raise money by subscription to build a fine school house, and if successful, will have a graded school. Honest "Uncle Mike" Wolf is again before the people of Marion county as a candidate for treasurer, and his announcement will be found in this issue of The Echo. We this week, by authority, announce Robert J. Hurst as a Democratic candidate for sheriff of Marion county. ******* April 20, 1888 Issue (Top) BRIEF MENTION Slugger John L. Sullivan is on his way from Liverpool to America. Two of the train robbers who "held up" the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas train at Kingsland, this state, some time ago, have been captured and are now in jail at Pine Bluff. Their names are Nelson McQuestion and John Jones. An inmate of the insane asylum at Little Rock was so brutally beaten by a deranged employee recently that he died. Mr. John G. Fletcher is president of the board of trustees of the asylum. But of course the only "hell in Arkansas" is at the Coal Hill convict camp and Gov. Hughes' great sin of omission eclipses all the "mistakes" of the Hon. John G. Fletcher from a Little Rock standpoint. David Walker, chief of the Christian county, Mo., Bald Knobbers, was sentenced on the 12th to be hanged on the 18th day of May, the same day fixed for hanging Wm. Walker, Wiley Matthews and John Matthews. The necessary papers for an appeal were filed. William Stanley and Amos Jones were sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary for 21 years, and C. O. Simmons, the Bald Knob preacher, was sent up for 12 years. The three last names plead guilty to murder in the 2nd degree. This virtually ends the Bald Knob trials. GENERAL INFORMATION N. H. Hall was granted $13,000 damages in a suit against the Iron Mountain Railroad at Hot Springs, for the value of a broken leg. A mob of women at East Liverpool, O., assaulted and ran out of town a disreputable husband and his paramour, who had taken possession of the deserted wife's home. Miss Mary Daly died recently at Asbury Park, N.J., age 101 years. It is not believed that there is a woman in the world who will dispute the claim made for Miss Daly that she was the oldest old maid in the United States. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mrs. J. N. Griffin and children, of Oakland, are visiting in town. Mr. H. A. Young as put up in front of his establishment a handsome street lamp. Mrs. J. F. Wilson and little daughter, Don, returned from Harrison Wednesday. Mr. D. A. Blake expects to move his family back to town from the mines so as to have the benefit of our excellent school. Mr. Peter Doshier, Jr. died at his home four miles south of town Monday evening, of pneumonia. He was a good, industrious citizen, just in the prime of life, aged about 85 years. He leaves a wife and three children. Mr. Wayne Hensley and family of North Fork township, intend moving to Colorado soon. Mr. Hensley and wife have been visiting relatives in town this week, and expect to leave for their future home in a few weeks. The Hudspeth case will be heard on the appeal for a new trial in June. Yesterday, the 19th, was the day set for hanging Hudspeth, but now, if the supreme court does not grant a new trial, the governor will have to fix the date of the execution. If a new hearing is granted - then what? In that event the only thing certain would be the extra expense to the county. Misses Fannie Cravens, Minnie and Emma Clendenin went up into Marion and Baxter counties last week. Mr. Jno. P. Clendenin, of Baxter county, father of the two latter, came down on the Allen taking all three of the young ladies back with him. -- Batesville Pilot. The Misses Clendenin have returned to Batesville. Miss Fannie Cravens is at home in White River township. County court (adjourned term) convened last Monday and has been grinding along all week, and is still grinding. Settlements with the treasurer and sheriff were made, and some business of minor importance transacted. The insurance money on the court house ($1,375), which was this week turned over the treasurer, was appropriated for building a court house. No other steps have yet been taken in regard to the building. Tom Barb came to town Tuesday as hot as a hornet. He wanted to see a lawyer. Baxter county court at the January term had granted him license to run the ferry at Denton's, fixing the rate at fifty cents for vehicles. The court at its April term reduced the rate to twenty-five cents, upon petition of citizens, although the license was for a year. Mr. Barb says he cannot afford to run the ferry at the reduced rate. The county's cash has at last bobbed up serenely and found its way into the treasury. That is to say the insurance money on the court house was paid over to the county treasurer this week. As to where it has been all the while, and by what authority and for what purpose it was kept out of the treasury, still remains a conundrum. But as the lost has been found, we will cease to propound questions, which may be hard or painful to answer. Ta, ta. "Uncle Johnny" and "Aunt Ollie" Phillips, who live a few miles south of town, were in town last Saturday. [The rest of this is cut off at the bottom of the page.] The Echo this week announces, by authority, Mr. A. W. Wickersham as a candidate for circuit and county clerk of Marion county. ******* April 27, 1888 Issue (Top) BRIEF MENTION The Memphis bridge bill has become a law. New York has substituted electricity for hanging. "Bill Arp," the Georgia humorist, is making a tour of this State delivering lectures. Poinsett county instructed for Fishback as first and Rector second choice for governor. Three votes. Hon. Roscoe Conkling died in New York City on the morning of the 18th inst. in the 60th year of his age. The Horton House at Mammoth Spring, Fulton county, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 16th inst. Loss about $5,000; no insurance. Gaddis, an ex-convict who was employed as warden at Coal Hill, was tried at Clarksville for the murder of a convict. He was bound over without bail to await the action of the grand jury. Dexter, the famous trotting horse, died last Saturday. He was owned by Robert Bonner, of New York. He was 30 years old. He was the greatest trotter of his day, and was the first horse to make a mile in 2:17-1/4, and cost his owner $35,000. The supreme court of Nebraska has decided that, as between a woman dependent upon her husband for support and a saloon keeper, she is entitled to the money her husband spent for liquor - meaning that she may sue and recover the money her husband has so squandered. LOCAL ECHOINGS Roscoe, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cowdrey, is quite sick. One Keeling now occupies lodging in the county jail, for wearing weapons. On yesterday the corner stone of the Masonic and Odd Fellows hall was laid at Gassville. Mrs. Wm. Doshier, who lives a few miles south of town, is at Dr. Coker's receiving medical treatment. From a private letter we learn that Dr. J. S. Lindley has decided to locate at Neosho, Mo., having formed a co-partnership with Dr. Benton, a prominent physician of that city. His many Arkansas friends wish him a full measure of success. In this issue we announce Mr. R. B. Garrett, of Prairie township, as a candidate for clerk, subject to the action of the democratic convention or primary election. "The Social Mirror," by Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, is a complete treatise on the laws, rules and usages that govern our most refined homes and social circles, also a treasury of home reading for moral training. It is a handsome book, as well as useful, and very cheap. Call at this office and see the prospectus. Rev. J. H. Bradford has gone on a visit to his aged father, who lives in Lonoke county, and will also visit his sister in Van Buren county and his brother in Faulkner county before he returns home. He will return in time to fill his appointment here the second Sunday in May, and Rev. J. H. Wade will fill the pulpit for him at Pleasant Ridge on the first Sunday. Tom Barb, of Marion county, was over one day last week on business pertaining to the recent action of our county court in reducing the ferriage rates at Denton's ferry, he owning one half interest in the ferry, and this being his year for running said ferry. He has appealed the case to the Marion circuit court for adjudication and in the meantime proposes charging the same rates fixed by the county court at the time it granted him license for the year. -- Baxter County Citizen. A LUNATIC AT LARGE RELEASED BY DEATH ![]() Top of Page