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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ![]() January 1887 Issues Abstracted & Copyrighted by Gladys Horn Brown January 7, 1887 Issue BRIEF MENTION A Massachusetts school mistress allows her white pupils to kiss her on one cheek and the colored pupils on the other. This is drawing the color lines with a vengeance. The duty on broadcloth is 41 per cent, ad valorem. The duty on jeans is 89 per cent. Who said that our great and glorious tariff system was not in the interest of the laboring man. "Jim Cummings," the daring express robber, has been captured. His real name is Fred Whittrock. Four accomplices were also captured, and considerable money was recovered. Hiram P. Revels, the first colored man elected to the United States Senate, is now a well-to-do farmer in Mississippi. There have been two negro Senators and thirteen Representatives. The Baxter County Citizen has been enlarged from a six-column to an eight-column folio. We are pleased to note this sign of prosperity, and the enterprise of our neighbors we hope will be duly appreciated by the Citizens of Baxter. AN HONOR WORTHILY BESTOWED STATE NEWS The Arkansas Locomotive is the name of a paper published at Springdale, Washington county. A receiver has been appointed for the S. B. Kirby Sewing Machine Company, of Little Rock. The receiver was appointed at the instance(sic) of foreign creditors. Jay Gould is investing heavily in Arkansas railroads. In an interview with Hon. Logan H. Roots, of Little Rock, Mr. Gould spoke in glowing terms of the future of Arkansas. Adjutant-General Drum has issued an order declaring that the army and navy general hospital at Hot Springs will be opened for the reception of patients January 17. J. P. Leake, of Sebastian county, assistant clerk of the House of Representatives in 1885, and a prominent candidate for clerk of the next house, died recently at his home in Greenwood. LOCAL ECHOINGS A. H. McVey is now a merchant prince. Tom Noe is doing some real nice paper-hanging at the City Hotel. Next Sunday is Rev. Mr. Barker's regular day to preach at the M. E. Church. A. H. McVey has bought out K. J. Hudson's stock of drugs and other goods. Rev. O. H. Tucker's regular appointment to preach at this place is the fourth Sunday in each month. Judge Perew, of Harrison, was in town on Monday attending to some legal business before the county court. Maj. A. H. Joblin, the St. Louis and Memphis commercial pilgrim representing Hill, Fontaine & Co., was in town this week. His firm gets the bulk of the cotton raised in this section. Our esteemed neighbor has done gone and done it. He has "discontinued all courtesies," and The Echo no longer adorns his X list. The Echo is still echoing all the same, at the same old stand. County court convened on last Monday, His Honor Judge Horn presiding. There was nothing more than the routine business before the court, which was dispatched and court adjourned on Thursday. Dr. Lindley on Monday evening dropped a heavy stick of wood on the big toe of his little right foot, and since then he has been going over the frozen snow in a kind of skip, hop and a jump gait. Dr. Bryan was present when the accident occurred, and while a grim smile lit up his face he assured Dr. L. that his toe would feel a great deal better when it quit hurting. Deputy Sheriff Lawson, who just returned from the Tomahawk copper mines, reports everything booming over there. He left a specimen of the ore with us, and it is the riches we ever saw. The last party of the holiday season was given by Miss Una Jobe at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Seawel, on last Friday night -- the last night of the year 1886. An elegant supper was served, and that it was an enjoyable affair goes without saying. Messrs. Jesse M. Bartlett and J. L. W. Grover, of Batesville, who have been looking after their mining interests down on Rush creek, were in town last Sunday and Monday. After making arrangements for building a house on his claim, Mr. Bartlett left on Tuesday for Batesville, leaving a superintendent in charge of his affairs at the mines. Mr. Grover was delayed several days on account of litigation concerning one of his claims, which had been "jumped" by another party. On Wednesday morning of last week the dead body of John W. Ayres was found lying at the front door of the court house at Harrison. His skull was crushed, either by falling from the second story of the court house or by a heavy stroke made by a club or rock. The coroner's investigation did not throw any light upon the killing. The Boone Banner says of Ayres. "Deceased was a native of England and had no relatives here. He was an inoffensive old man, but much given to habits of drunkenness, in which condition he was often the sport of the mischievous boys about town, who would blacken his face and play other tricks upon him. He was last seen at a late hour Tuesday night in a drunken condition and with his face blackened." THE TELEPHONE ODDS AND ENDS Fifty colored men hold clerkships in the departments at Washington at salaries ranging from $1000 to $1600 a year. Women are employed on the staff of over 200 newspapers in the United States. Some of the leading papers and periodicals in this country are edited entirely by women. Bishop Herrick, of the Mormon Church, has renounced polygamy and moved to California with his legal wife, having previously provided for the families of the three other women upon whom he had turned his converted back. L. Matlock, at Desoto, keeps a fine line of cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco, ammunition, the best of sugar and coffee, salmon, oysters, crackers, pure candies, patent medicines, leather and shoe findings, &c. Be sure and give him a call when wanting anything in his line. January 14, 1887 Issue (Top) We have received the thirteenth biennial report of the board of trustees of the Arkansas School for the Blind. There were 63 pupils enrolled last year -- 33 males and 30 females. Marion county furnished two pupils. "As we go to press," says the Boone Banner of the 13th, "the telephone informs Mr. Baker that Barker, of Drew county, has been elected President of the Senate, and Hewitt, of Lee, has been nominated for Speaker by the Democratic caucus, which is equivalent to he election. LOCAL ECHOINGS J. N. Griffin, of Oakland, was in town this week. Len Weast has sold his interest in the Water Creek distillery to John McCuiston. W. Q. Seawel wants 500 bushels of wheat, for which, he will pay 75 cents in cash per bushel. J. C. Floyd, Esq., returned last Monday from Searcy county where he had been on legal business. There are now three distilleries in Marion county -- one in Water Creek township and two in North Fork. Postmaster Russell, of Mountain Home, will please accept our thanks for favors this week. He is a clever, accommodating gentleman. Deputy Sheriff Lawson will accept our thanks for some nice specimens of ore from the Rush Creek Zinc and Silver Mines. Mr. J. D. Goodwin, the accommodating mail carrier between Yellville and Mountain Home, has our thanks for favors this week. Len Weast and A. S. Layton have filled their ice houses with ice from the creek, and there will be no lack of ice cream and lemonade next summer. Drs. James Small, of North Fork township, R. J. Pierce, of Blythe, and J. S. Lindley, of Union, were appointed at the recent term of the county court as board of medical examiners. Mrs. O. H. Tucker announces in this issue of The Echo that she will begin teaching music on next Monday. Read her notice in another column. A new arrival at Deputy Clerk James Estes -- a ten pound girl - and the Deputy now looks nearly as tall as he is wide out. Dick Tatum also rejoices over the arrival of an heir. Mr. W. J. Taff, of Blythe township, made us a pleasant call on Wednesday. He believes in keeping up with the times, and besides taking The Echo he subscribed for the Weekly Gazette. Our Oakland correspondent furnishes the readers of The Echo with the facts of the accidental killing of Miss Sarah Alexander, near that place on the 6th inst. It was a very sad affair, and should be a warning against carelessness with fire-arms. Charlie Burlison, son of Mr. Jos. Burlison, of Blythe township, met with an accident on last Saturday evening that came near resulting seriously. He was carrying a large stick of wood and slipped on the ice and fell, the stick falling on his head and neck. He was considerably bruised and was senseless for awhile. D. F. Jenkins and his son, W. S. Jenkins, were tried on Thursday before W. H. Slagle, J.P., of Tomahawk township, for hog stealing. The justice bound them over in a bond of $500 each, in default of which they were ordered to jail. As Marion county has no jail, Deputy Sheriff Lawson and J. C. Berry started for Harrison this morning with the prisoners. Jenkins and his son have been in the county only about six months. NORTH FORK FROM JAMES CREEK Uncle Wiley Osborn has concluded to remain in his old home until spring opens as work on his new house is progressing rather slowly. Our energetic neighbor, Robert Long, abandoned the idea of having a double set of teeth put in after having one of his old ones extracted. He bled freely. F. M. Bain purchased of Fred Hargraves the "Cave Bottom," on White river, a few days ago, consideration, $1800. The bottom, when rightly improved, will be one of the finest bottoms on the river. Fulbright & McCracken take the cake when it comes to raising corn. They have gathered ninety-two wagon loads up to date, and have about fifteen acres yet to gather. M. D. Matthews is safely and pleasantly ensconced within his new domicile, and makes very much like he is at home. J. N. McCracken is all smiles, and it is nothing but a boy. ... Nighthawk NOTICE HOMICIDE IN BOONE. January 21, 1887 Issue (Top) James Lamb, Albert O'Dell and John Echols, white, and John T. Stevens, an Indian negro, all convicted of murder, were hanged at Fort Smith on last Friday, the 14th instant. A special to the Gazette says this makes fifty-four men who have been hung at Fort Smith in the last thirteen years, while at least as many more have been commuted to life imprisonment. Senator Jones, of Florida, says a Detroit special, while engaged in conversation with some newspaper men, said: LOCAL ECHOINGS A "Protracted" prayer meeting is in progress at the M. E. Church. Miss Una Jobe is visiting relatives at Eros and Valley Springs this week. Mrs. J. H. Berry returned on yesterday from Oakland, where she has been visiting the past week. Next Sunday is Rev. O. H. Tucker's regular day at the M. E. Church, South. Go out and hear him. Baxter county will build a fireproof vault for the safe-keeping of the county records. Marion should do likewise. Capt. J. Dobbs, of George's Creek, was in town yesterday and paid his respects to The Echo in a substantial way. Last Sunday was a spring-like day and a number of the young ladies were out horse-back riding in the afternoon. Elder Wright, Baptist, preached at the M. E. Church, South, on last Sunday forenoon. His regular day here is the third Sunday. Mr. Wm. Fielding, of the Boone Banner, and his family have been visiting relatives near town this week. Mr. F. honored The Echo with a call on Monday. Mr. J. L. W. Grover, of Batesville, who has been looking after his mining interests on Rush Creek for the past few weeks, started for his home one day this week. "Should the wife go to church with her husband, or the husband with the wife?" is the subject of Dr. Talmage's discourse, to be found on the second page of this paper. Mr. Isaac N. Shelby, an old-time friend of the editor, was in town this week. He now represents a St. Louis furniture establishment, and is meeting with success as a salesman. Miss Minnie Crump, of Harrison, who has been visiting the Misses Berry for some three or four weeks past, returned home on Tuesday. Miss Minnie is a bright, intelligent and charming young lady, and we hope she may visit our town again. ROAD OVERSEERS January 28, 1887 Issue (Top) Abe Chambers, colored, was hung at Jacksonport on last Friday for the murder of another negro at Newport last fall. The trial of Dan. C. Fotheringham, the express messenger accused of complicity in the 'Frisco robbery, has been set of January 31st at St. Louis. Frank James is in St. Louis attempting to get work in a boot and shoe store. This information will be surprising to those who believed that Frank would think of nothing less than opening a bank. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mrs. Fanny Young's baby is quite sick. Lee Nanny is now a deputy sheriff. Mr. John Cheek, one of our solid farmer friends, was in town Tuesday. We understand that Noe & Griffin, of Oakland, have dissolved partnership. Rev. Mr. Brumbelow and J. R. Sheppard made us a pleasant call yesterday. Another regular boarder registered at the City Hotel Tuesday morning. It's a boy, and Dr. Wilson is all smiles. Rube Carson had a load of cotton burned as he was taking it to the gin one day last week. It caught from a pipe. J. C. Berry has several head of young cows that he will trade for steers, coming fours or fives. Nice trim cattle are wanted. Several parties have expressed themselves favorable to the organization of a "Chautauqua Circle." Why not organize at once? Mr. Joe Burlison and his son, of Blythe, paid their respects to The Echo on Wednesday. Master Charlie subscribed for our paper. Charlie Kemmerer, who was in town yesterday, informs us that he has closed out his cigar factory at Harrison and will go to St. Louis. Mr. A. B. Davis, of Clear Creek, was in to see us Monday and left an order for some job work for the enterprising firm of Milum & Davis, of that place. Messrs. E. T. Record and H. J. Noe, of Oakland, were in town on Monday and Tuesday on business. They report everything quiet in North Fork. Our anticipated improvements in the makeup of The Echo will have to be postponed for the present, owing to circumstances over which we have no control. Col. J. Frank Wilson and his little daughter, Don(sic), of Harrison, were in town Monday and Tuesday. The Colonel appears to be enjoying his usual good health. Uncle Jack Noe's barn caved in on last Sunday morning, spilling his corn and other feed stuff. His stock and two horses belong-ing to Dick Tatum very narrowly escaped. A boy in North Fork township claims that he has not slept a wink in seventeen days. He says his brother-in-law is a wizard and if he goes to sleep he will take his breath away by witch-craft. Mr. Frank A. Horn, formerly of this county, and now a citizen of Marion, was over the latter part of last week. He has bought a farm seven miles west of Yellville and is permanently located. We wish him success. -- Baxter County Citizen O. P. Goodwin, Jr., living near this place, has purchased a place in Independence county, near his father's home, and will move thither in the near future. The Batesville Pilot says "he will be gladly welcomed by his old friends and acquaintances." George Layton went over to Oakland Wednesday. He is thinking of going into business over there with J. N. Griffin. E. T. Record will probably associate himself with Charlie Noe at the same place. Thus the dissolution of Noe & Griffin will give Oakland two good business houses instead of one. We have added several names to our subscription list this week, among the number are the following: J. H. Cowdrey, J. N. Stubbs, Dan Stockton, H. L. Nanny and C. R. Burlison. Mrs. Ann Noe, wife of Dr. Wm. Noe, died on yesterday (Thursday) at 11 o'clock, after a lingering illness of several years. Her remains will be buried at the grave yard near this place this afternoon. On Tuesday night, Miss Dora Lawson, daughter of Deputy Sheriff Lawson, eloped with Wm. Baughman, a young man who has been working for Mr. Lawson for some time. They went to Taney county, Mo., and were married. Mr. Lawson was out in the country on official business when the elopement occurred. His daughter is about 15 years of age. The Boone Banner publishes by the request of one interested, a notice to respectable widowers everywhere, who are willing to be persuaded to marry again, that Harrison is the place for them to find their Mary Ann. The Banner says there are more good looking widows there, able to take care of a husband, than any other town of its size in the United States. Our friend Ben Weast will please take note of this. GRAPEVINE TELEGRAPH From Blythe Editor Echo: [abstract] The matrimonial fever has been very prevalent here this winter. There have been six weddings in a radius of three miles from Clear Creek post office within the last sixty days. The malady has somewhat abated at present, though from sundry ....[Too faded. No names given.] ... Clear Creek, Ark. Jan. 22, 1887 ![]() Top of Page