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Mt. Echo Newspaper
December 1886 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

Dividing Line

December 3, 1886 Issue


The Masonic Grand Lodge met at Little Rock last week.

It is now asserted positively that Secretary Lamar's marriage to Mrs. Holt, of Macon, Ga., will occur in the latter part of next spring.

The town of Washington, Hempstead county, Arkansas is furnishing the Attorney-General of the United States, the Attorney-General of the State, one Supreme Judge for the State, one United States Senator and one United States Commissioner.

A SHAKER in a settlement near Albany tells a newspaper reporter that, while the order is a little over a hundred years old, it numbers only seventeen societies, averaging from 100 to 200 members each. Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Ohio and Kentucky are the States in which they exist, and their numbers are diminished.

The Rev. Sam Small has tried his hand on the sinners of Little Rock. He now carries his hand in a sling. However, this is quite an improvement in Mr. Small's condition, for, less than fifteen months ago, he carried a gin sling in his hand. Samuel is a polished, genial gentleman, and no doubt accomplishes much good. To lead a man away from the whisky punch and the rose colored cocktail is to lead him to salvation - the salvation of his home - Arkansas Traveler.

Mr. Thos. Newman, the veteran newspaper man of North Arkansas, died at the home of his son, Mr. John R. Newman, editor of the Times, at Harrison, on the 24th ult., aged 54 years. He established in 1869 the first paper ever printed in Boone county - the Advocate, which he continued to publish at Harrison for about five years. He has been connected with several newspaper enterprises in this section of the State, among them the Elixir Bugle, afterwards moved to Lead Hill and called the Lead Hill Bugle, which was suspended a year or so ago. Mr. Newman was a practical printer and thorough newspaper man; he was kind-hearted and genial, and always had a word of encouragement and wholesome advice for young men, especially those engaged in the printing business. His bereaved widow, sister and son have our sincerest sympathy. Peace to "Uncle Tom's" ashes.


Christmas draweth nigh.

How shall we observe the day?

Mr. Thos. Young left one day this week for West Plains, Mo.

The matrimonial boom is now booming. "What will the harvest be?"

We have heard of no arrangements for amusement during the holidays.

L. Matlock invites the public generally to give him a call at his establishment in Desoto.

Many thanks to our Clear Creek correspondent, "Parson Hardhead," for his kind words concerning The Echo.

Mr. Thos. Noe has the contract for papering the rooms of the City Hotel. He is now putting up the canvas.

Col. W. W. Watkins and wife, of Harrison, visited the family of Mr. W. Q. Seawel a few days this week. Col. Watkins is the efficient clerk of Boone county.

An exchange says one reason why women are more graceful than men is that they have no pockets to put their hands in and acquire a slouchy gait while young.

Mr. A. H. McVey has moved to the Duren house, recently occupied by Mr. Jas. A. Young, and Deputy Sheriff Lawson has moved his family to town and is now comfortably domiciled in the house vacated by Mr. McVey.

Mr. Wm. Tripp, of Water Creek township, who had just returned from a trip to Pope county, dropped in to see us on Monday. He also recently visited the Tomahawk copper mines, in Searcy county, and he reports everything booming there.

A young gentleman remarked the other day: "Yellville is the dullest town I ever saw. Why don't the young people get up something for amusement?" He suggested a literary society, which would prove both entertaining and instructive. Who will put the ball in motion?

L. Matlock, at Desoto, keeps a fine line of cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco, ammunition, the best of sugar and coffee, salmon, oysters, crackers, pure candies, patent medicines, leather and shoe findings, &c. Be sure and give him a call when wanting anything in his line.

On Monday, just before noon, we were reminded of that old nursery song about the beggars a-coming to town. It was a sight most pitiful to see a family of seven, clothed in dirty rags, barefooted and bareheaded, wearily marching through town. They made no halt, and from whence they came or whither going we did not learn.

If we were forced by circumstances to issue a half sheet, we would dispense with dead cuts so as to make up for the deficiency of matter as far as possible. Hancock and English, for instance, would be readily dispensed with.

The editor of The Mountain Echo says the paper was late last week, on account of sickness in his family, but he failed to tell us which one of his family was sick, or what was the matter. Please give the particulars next time. -- Newport Herald.

Well, that's "material."

Clerk Dodd went up to Harrison the latter part of last week, but with his usual regularity returned to the bachelors' retreat late Sunday evening. In answer to his inquiry for the latest news, a fellow sufferer told him that the Bachelors' Club had lost a member - by marriage: The Clerk emphatically remarked, "that's business!" appearing to forget that it was also news, and with a smile no his countenance that seemed to say, "while the lamp holds out to burn the oldest bachelor may yet coax Cupid to return," he sauntered down to the dining hall.

A lady of experience gives advice on kissing to a young lady as follows: "Be frugal in your bestowal of such favors. In the first place, I would refuse all uncles, cousins and brothers in-law; let them kiss their own wives and daughters, and I would not kiss the minister, or the doctor, or the lawyer who gets you a divorce." You see this lady understands her business and does not exclude the editor; he of all others needs these osculatory attentions "to lighten up the gloom." She's a jolly, sensible woman, with a heart in the right place.


Warner - Wood. -- At the residence of the bride's mother, in Yellville, on Sunday morning, Nov. 28th, 1886. Mr. L. G. Warner to Miss Mollie J. Wood, A. J. Noe, J.P., officiating.

Johnson - Dobbs. -- On Sunday, Nov. 28th, 1886, at the residence of the bride's parents in Blythe township, by Judge W. M. Horn. Mr. Burt Johnson to Miss Lula B. Dobbs.

Davenport - Hudspeth. -- At the residence of the bride's parents, in Blythe township, on Sunday, Nov. 28th, 1886, by Judge W. M. Horn. Mr. W. T. Davenport, Jr., to Miss Sarah Hudspeth.


From Clear Creek.

Editor Echo: - I have been reading your paper for some time, and I like its make up well, because it is simon pure in politics; and as there has not been any correspondence from my immediate vicinity, I grasp my pen to write.

I live near the village of Evansville, which is a stirring little town. It has a store, a blacksmith shop, a steam mill and gin.

The ginners have put up 106 bales of cotton to date on an old forty-saw gin. They are now putting in a new sixty-saw Brown gin and mending bale box, and will soon be ready to gin the people's cotton as fast as it comes in.

Health is good in and around the village.

The farmers are preparing for winter -- building new houses and repairing old ones. Rev. J. A. Rose, who lives near the village, has just put in three glass windows in his dwelling house. The Parson is coming up.

For fear this sheet finds its way to the waste basket, I will close, but if it finds a place in your columns I will come again. ... Yours truly, Parson Hardhead. Nov. 29, 1886


As much as fifteen cents each is paid for jack rabbits' scalps by county authorities on the Pacific coast.

A lady of experience observes that a good way to pick out a husband is to see how patiently he waits for dinner when it is behind time. Her husband remarks that a good way to pick out a wife is to see whether the woman has dinner ready in time.

The pistol with which Guiteau shot President Garfield is in the keeping of the civil authorities of the District of Columbia. All the personal property found on the assassin's body at the time of arrest was confiscated and is still retained by the officials.

When Sam Jones, in Omaha, Neb., asked any man present who had never spoken a cross word to his wife to stand up, a round faced, good natured looking individual, with a beard, stood up. ""Thank God, there's one man who never said a cross word to his wife," said Sam. "I'm a bachelor," shouted the round faced man.

       I, J. N. Griffin, administrator of the estate of James N. Hamilton, deceased, hereby give notice to the creditors of said deceased that letters of administration have been granted to me in vacation by the clerk of the Probate Court and for the county of Marion, and State of Arkansas, and that the same were dated on the 18th day of November, A.D. 1886, and all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to exhibit the same to me as such administrator, properly authenticated and verified, within one year after the date of such letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit in the said estate; and that if such claims are not exhibited within two years from the date of such letters, they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit from such estate.
       Given under my hand this 25th day of November, A.D. 1886
       J. N. Griffin,
       Administrator of the estate of James N. Hamilton, deceased.

December 10, 1886 Issue (Top)

On Tuesday morning of last week the town of Rogers, this State, was visited by a destructive fire.

A school teacher in Benton county was building a fire at the school house one morning last week when a pupil, Jack Mason, walked up behind him and stabbed him in the back, inflicting a serious wound.

The young men of Morrilton, this State, have organized themselves into a secret society known as the Knights of Morality. Its object is to inculate moral principles, to abstain from drinking, smoking and using profane and indecent language.

There were sharp shocks of earthquakes at Charleston, Columbia and other points in South Carolina early Wednesday morning and during Tuesday night of last week. There were eight shocks in all at Summerville, a severe shock at Columbia and two slight disturbances in Charleston. l The shock in Charleston made more noise than shakes. No damage reported in any quarter.

The matter of mutilated coins, with holes punched in them, has received the attention of the Treasury Department, and the lawful value of such coins has been established as follows: Double eagle, $15; silver dollar, 75 cents; half dollar, 35 cents; quarter dollar, 18 cents; dimes, 5 cents. Parties handling coins will be saved considerable annoyance and some clean cash by cutting this item out and putting it in sight.

       Friday has long been regarded as a day of evil-omen, but it has been, to say the least, an eventful one in American history.
       Friday, Columbus sailed on his voyage of discovery.
       Friday, ten weeks later, he discovered America.
       Friday, Henry III., of England, gave John Cabot his commission, which led to the discovery of North America.
       Friday, St. Augustine, the oldest town in the United States, was founded.
       Friday, the "Mayflower," with the Pilgrims, arrived at Plymouth; and on Friday they signed that august compact, the forerunner of the present constitution.
       Friday, George Washington was born.
       Friday, Bunker Hill was seized and fortified.
       Friday, the surrender of Saratoga was made.
       Friday, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, and on Friday the motion was made in congress that the United Colonies were, and of right ought to be, free and independent.


The M. E. Sunday school will have a Christmas tree.

Rev. O. H. Tucker returned from Conference on last Friday.

The beautiful snow is gone and now we have the slushy slush.

Col. Berry has been down on Buffalo several days this week.

Messrs. George Layton and J. C. Floyd went down to Buffalo on yesterday.

The first snow of the season, sufficient to cover the ground, fell here on last Friday.

John Thompson, Jr., says he will sell his "purp" at the same old price." Ask him about it.

A little daughter of Mr. Alex. Hurst fell in the fire one day this week and was seriously burned.

Those owing us for legal advertisements are requested to call and liquidate instanter, if not sooner.

Haywood Linville, a lad of about 13 years, fell from a wagon on Monday and broke a bone in one arm.

Miss Lizzie Davenport, daughter of Mr. L. Davenport, of George's Creek, is attending school at Yellville.

Rev. Mr. Barker will preach at the M. E. Church, South, on tomorrow night. Also on Sunday morning next.

We would be pleased to hear from all our correspondents as often as possible in the future, and to add new ones to our list.

Mr. John H. Twiggs, of White River, was in town a few days the latter part of last week circulating among his many friends.

Rev. J. B. Williams has been in town several days this week. He has been assigned to the Carrollton circuit for this Conference year.

Mr. J. P. Brady, of Clear Creek, was a welcome caller at this office last week. He renewed his subscription to The Echo for one year.

Get your presents ready for the Christmas tree, and don't forget the poor. Mr. Tucker made some very appropriate remarks on this subject on last Sunday night.

Mr. T. M. Brown, one of the solid farmers of George's Creek, was in to see us yesterday and subscribed for The Echo for himself and a relative in Randolph county.

Sheriff Keeter commenced collecting taxes in Buffalo township on last Monday. He is assisted by his son, Mr. James Keeter. They are in Tomahawk township today.

We learn from Dr. Lindley that there are five cases of typhoid fever in the family of Mr. Buckmaster, who lives in the lower part of town. Three of the patients are now convalescent, and the other two are still very sick.

As old Dame Rumor predicted, there were numerous weddings recently. But, says the Madam, there are two or three others on the tapis, and before the spring time comes, gentle Annie, The Echo will have the pleasure of chronicling them.

Mr. L. R. Pierce, of the George's Creek neighborhood, who was in town Tuesday, informed us that hydrophobia has been quite prevalent in his section among the canines and cats. A fine calf, belonging to a Mr. Snow, was recently bitten by a mad dog, from the effects of which it died.

Miss Ollie Phillips called at The Echo office yesterday and renewed her subscription. She says "The Echo is a good little paper," for which compliment the editor makes his politest bow.

Attention is called to the card of Isam Cantrell, to be found elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Cantrell has bought out the barber shop and shoe shop and is now snugly located in the room over Dr. Wilson's drug store, where he will be pleased to serve all who desire work done in his line. Give him a call.

From the list of appointments for the Harrison district, published elsewhere in these columns, it will be seen that Rev. O. H. Tucker has been sent back to this place and assigned to the Yellville circuit. The congregation at this place is well satisfied with Mr. Tucker and he was heartily welcomed. He is a faithful worker and we hope his efforts this conference year will be crowned with great success.

Last Friday night the Bellefonte Academy building was burned. A debating club held its meeting in the building that night, and it is thought the fire originated from carelessness in regard to the stove when the meeting adjourned. Messrs. Armitage & King inform us that the house was insured for $1500 in a Boston company. It belonged to E. G. Mitchell. - Boone Banner, 2nd inst.

Neal Dodd, the good-looking county clerk of Marion county, was in our city again last Saturday, on the same old errand, but we understand she made it one of the conditions that he should move up to the city of Harrison -- Boone Banner, 2nd inst.

We opine that when a certain young lady reads this item a pair of bright eyes will look up enquiringly at Mr. D., and a voice will "gently but firmly" fall upon his ear: "Now, Neal, tell me all about this errand to Harrison, and what right has she to make any conditions? Tell me all, Neal, or get the hence!"

Mr. John Lewis, of West Plains, Mo., was in town one or two days this week. He is thinking of opening a freight warehouse at West Plains and was soliciting consignments from our business men. Mr. Lewis is highly recommended by some of the best merchants of West Plains, and we have no doubt but that he would give entire satisfaction and look well to the interests of our merchants should he succeed in establishing the warehouse. For his trouble he proposes to charge a small commission. We understand he met with encouragement here and other points on the road.

December 17, 1886 Issue (Top)


The State Grand Lodge of Masons, which recently met at Little Rock, declared that hereafter no-one who keeps a saloon can be made a Mason, and that if he begins keeping after he is made a Mason he shall be treated as an offender and tried for it.


Now doth the old folks hug the fire,
Their shivering to smother,
While safe within the parlor, snug,
The young folks hug each other.
--- Washington Critic.

Oh, hush! Pull down the blinds, "it is so much more cozy."

One week till Christmas.

Mr. W. J. Taff and family, after spending a year in Texas, have returned to old Marion county.

Dr. Jobe has located in Phillips county, where he will practice his profession during the next year.

Next Sunday is Elders Denton's and Wright's regular appointment at the Presbyterian church at this place.

Dick Tatum's house caught fire early yesterday morning, but the fire was extinguished before much damage was done.

The Echo will not take Christmas holiday. Since the paper was established we have not missed an issue, or issued a half sheet.

Col. Eli Dodson, of Bellefonte, Boone county, was in town several days this week on business. He made The Echo a pleasant call on Tuesday morning.

If the friends of The Echo will only speak a good word for it to their neighbors, they will be doing a good work for their county paper and neighbors also.

Remember that tax-paying still goes on. The collector will complete his tour over the county, and then he will make his headquarters at the court house.

Our White River friend, Mr. W. H. Flippin, Jr., was in town Monday and favored us a call. He says White River is the banner cotton township in the county.

That wholexxxx?uled gentleman, Assessor A. G. Cravens, of White River township, was in town two or three days this week. He left an order for some job work with The Echo office.

Santa Clause will make his headquarters at J. H. Berry & Son's for the next ten days, where he will transact the ordinary business of the holidays with his old and new friends. Give him a call.

Presiding Elder Summers will hold his first quarterly conference at this place on tomorrow at 2 o'clock p.m. There will be preaching at 11 o'clock and at night. Also preaching Sunday morning and at night.

Several of the young men of town have expressed their intention of making formal New Year calls. We will publish next week a list of the ladies who will receive on New Year's day if they will send in their names.

Prof. Wickersham informs us that he will dismiss school on Wednesday "till after the holidays." On Wednesday evening there will be a review of some of the studies gone over, in which parents and friends of the pupils are invited.

A communication from "Parson Hardhead," of Clear Creek, is crowded out this week. Our space is to limited to admit of anything but communications containing news. We hope our friend will take no offense at the non-appearance of his production.

At a "play party" at Mr. Birdsong's, near town, on Saturday night, some of the boys took on too much ""budge" and created a disturbance. Deputy Sheriff Lawson waltzed them up before Esquire Noe on Monday, who sare-sed?? the xxx? with appropriate trimmings. [this is at the bottom of the page and difficult to make out - GHB]

Mr. A. B. Scott and family left on yesterday for Springfield, Mo., which city they will make their home, for a time at least. While we regret very much their departure, we wish them success in their new home.

A committee of young ladies has been appointed to solicit contributions with which to buy presents for the poor children of the town, the presents to be distributed on the Christmas tree. All should respond liberally when called on, as it is a most worthy cause. The young ladies will call on you one day next week.

We learn from Rev. O. H. Tucker that the members of the M.E. Church, South, at Shiloh and Pleasant Ridge will build new church houses during the coming year, and that the Church at Dry Hill have already commenced building. The building of churches and school houses is a good indication, and we will hail with delight the time when these institutions shall dot every hill in our county.

Yellville lodge, No. 117, A. F. and A. M. met on last Friday evening and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Neal Dodd, W. M.; James I. Thompson, S. W.; J. S. Lindley,
J. W.; J. W. Covington, Secy; A. S. Layton, Treasurer.
Deacons and Tyler to be appointed by the Worshipful Master.
The installations will take place on the 27th inst.
We would be pleased to have a report from the other lodges in the county.

In Searcy Circuit Court.
Mary Baker, Plaintiff,
I. W. Baker, Defendant
The defendant, I. W. Baker, is warned to appear in this court within thirty-days and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, Mary Baker. December 1, 1886. V. C. Bratton, Clerk

December 24, 1886 Issue (Top)


Abe Chambers, colored, has been sentenced to be hung in Jackson county on the 21st day of January next, for the murder of a colored boy at Newport some time ago.

The steamer J. M. White, said to have been the finest boat on the Mississippi River, was destroyed by fire on the 14th inst., near Baton Rouge, La. Many lives and a cargo of about 2000 bales of cotton were lost.

The Methodist Episcopal Church South has 3,855 effective traveling preachers, 177 on supernumerary list, 344 superannuated; total 4,406. Local preachers 5,043, white members, 975,260, colored members, 527; Indian members 4,858, total preachers and members, 990,994. Increase during the year, 52,507. Infants baptized during the year, 29,549; adults, 58,755. Sunday schools 10,622; scholars, 561,746. The total increase for the past four years has been 130,277 -- Exchange.

Hon. R. K. Garland, of Nevada county, died on the 12th inst., after a brief illness. He was a man of fine abilities, and for many years he occupied a prominent position as a public man and poitician(sic). He left the Democratic party, became identified with the Greenback movement, and was until his death the leader of that party in this State. His influence, especially in southwestern portion of the State, was considerable, and after he left the Democratic party was always exerted to secure its defeat. Personally Mr. Garland was very popular. His personal integrity was above impeachment; his political views were the offspringing of his conscientious conviction. In his death Arkansas has lost an able man, a good citizen and a patriot.

Mrs. Foster, a Green Bay, Wis., widow, recently married as her fourth husband the sexton who had dug the graves of the other three.

There are sixteen thousand colored school teachers in the south.


Christmas Eve.

Christmas gift!

A merry Christmas to all.

Christmas tree at the M. E. church tonight.

Good violins at Hudson's drug store for $2.00.

Headquarters for Christmas goods at W. Q. Seawel's.

The next issue of The Echo will be on the last day of 1886.

Deputy U. S. Marshal B. Flippin returned on Wednesday from Newton county, where he had been on official business.

Deputy Sheriff Lawson, and Mr. Billy Dobbs gave Logan Wood a good chance on Saturday evening. They won the race.

Another boarder at the Bachelor's Retreat. Len. Weast wears a very becoming smile in honor of the heir. It is a fine boy.

Mrs. Agnes Wilson, who lives five miles south of town, has gone on a visit to her children in Texas. She left one day last week.

Clerk Dodd has been absent from his office the past week, attending the bedside of his father, Dr. H. S. Dodd, who is quite sick.

Prof. Wickersham dismissed school Wednesday evening for the holidays. School will open again on Monday, January 3, 1887.

Sheriff Keeter has completed his tax collecting tour of the county, and from now on up to the 10th of February he will be found at his office in Yellville.

Mr. W. J. Taff, lately returned from Texas, made us a pleasant call on yesterday and subscribed for The Echo for a nephew in the Lone Star State. He is well pleased with Texas.

Mr. W. R. Brooksher, Sr., of Blythe township, always has a word of encouragement for The Echo. His good wishes are highly appreciated, and we are always glad to have him call to see us.

The personal property belonging to the estate of James Hamilton, deceased, was sold on the premises, in North Fork township, on last Monday. We learn that the property brought good prices.

Judge W. B. Flippin, of White River, honored The Echo office with a call on Tuesday. The judge appears to be hale and hearty, and has plenty of life about him. He is always a welcome caller at this office.

Mr. James B. Wickersham has purchased of Mrs. Sarah Wood her home and lot in the upper part of town. Mrs. Wood and daughter, Logan Wood and wife, and Mr. Warner and wife, all left here on Tuesday for the Indian Nation where they expect to reside in the future.

The smiling faces of Misses Una Jobe and Virgie Berry, two of Yellville's most bewitching young ladies, illumined our sanctum on Wednesday evening. They were around collecting money with which to buy presents for the poor children of the Sunday-school. But how they should ever make such a mistake as to visit a printing office to collect money for any purpose, has been puzzling us.

We are informed by one present that Prof. Wickersham's examination, on Wednesday last, was an interesting affair. The students showed that they had acquired a thorough knowledge of the principles taught, and manifested no small degree of pro-ficiencey in their several studies. The advanced grammar class especially deserve much praise for their skill in diagraming and parsing difficult sentences. We must not omit to mention the critics. Two critics are chosen every Monday morning for each week, and they are required to write down the mistakes of others and correct them, and at the close of the week these written criticisms are read to the entire school. Annie Cowdrey was critic on examination day, and many said interesting were the just criticisms she passed on the language of her little school mates. Prof. Wickersham may well be proud of his school and his charming little critic.

From his watchtower over in the temple of justice, our esteemed neighbor, of the Watchman, sends us the following greeting. It appeared in his issue of the 16th inst., but as The Echo of the 17th came out ahead of the Thursday Disappointment, we could not transplant the little bud in our columns last week. Here is his gentle reminder.

"It is an old adage, but a true one nevertheless, that people sometimes get rich by attending strictly to their own business. We regret the necessity of calling the attention of our neighbor over the way to a more faithful practice of this adage in the future, and cease melding with our business, or all courtesies from this time on will be discontinued."

And you are going to discontinue all "courtesies" and turn our toes up to the daisies by so doing, are you? We suppose our neighbor accumulated his great wealth by observing the so-called old adage to be found in the above little gem, and he wants to give us the benefit of his experience and massive and overhanging brain. Please send us over an invoice of past "courtesies" and also let us know when the editor of this noble sheet (not half sheet) ever meddled with your business. Oh, no, neighbor, we didn't do it. We have criticized your paper, but your private and personal affairs have not been interfered with by us.

With this the first Christmas greeting of The Echo, it wishes its readers and patrons a joyous Christmas-tide. May Heaven's choicest blessings crown the days of the coming time, and may God's tender mercies forgive the errors of the closing year.

       The Christmas Tree of the M. E. C. S. Sunday school will be at the Church tonight. The following committees and programme have been arranged:
       Committee to Erect Tree -- G. W. Layton, Dr. J. S. Lindley, G. W. Wickersham, Dr. W. T. Bryan and Neal Dodd.
       Committee to Dress Tree -- Mesdames J. H. Berry, H. A. Young, W. Q. Seawel and O. H. Tucker, assisted by Messrs. G. W. Layton and J. C. Floyd.
       Committee to Solicit Contributions for the Poor -- Misses Una Jobe, Virgie Berry and Hattie McDowell.
       Committee on Decoration -- Misses Edna Layton, Mary Berry, Lillie McDowell and Annie Cowdrey, assisted by Messrs. J. C. Berry, Quimby Seawel and Chas. Wilson.
1. Opening song - 'Welcome Christmas.'
2. Opening Remarks by Superintendent.
3. Song - "Christmas Bells."
4. Prayer by Rev. O. H. Tucker.
5. Children's song - "Jesus Loves Little Children."
6. Song - "Holy Night."
7. Song - "Tidings of Joy."
8. Song - "Carol Around the Christmas Tree."
9. Distribution of Presents.
Callers - Dr. J. S. Lindley and Dr. W. T. Bryan.

The editor of The Echo will remain at his office on Christmas day, where he will be happy to receive gifts from those charitable inclined. Anything from a corner lot and brown stone front to a box of fragrant Havana cigars will be acceptable. Our friends are invited to call early and often.

December 31, 1886 Issue (Top)

A Washington special to the New York Times says: "It is told on good authority that Senator Jones, of Florida, has not only drawn his full pay during this Congress, but has also drawn his mileage between Washington and Florida for the last session, his allowance for stationery and a salary for his son as private secretary.



Good-bye '86

Welcome '87

County court next Monday.

"Sociables" were numerous this week.

A happy and prosperous new year to all.

Swear off today, don't wait 'till tomorrow.

The public school will reopen on next Monday.

Write it 1887 after today, and make no mistake.

We had a mixture of weather on yesterday - snow, sleet and rain.

Bill collectors will be about the only callers in Yellville tomorrow.

The youngsters had a very pleasant party at the City Hotel during this week.

Dr. Lindley calls on those indebted to him to settle. See his notice on this page.

Miss Minnie(sic) Crump, an accomplished young lady of Harrison, is visiting the misses Berry.

The irrepressible small boy and the fire cracker made things lively on the streets Christmas day.

There was quite an enjoyable juvenile party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Seawel on last Wednesday night.

Last Monday being St. John's Day, the Masonic fraternity at this place celebrated the occasion by installing their new officers.

Harrison now has telephone connections with the outside world. Why not extend the line to Yellville? Dr. Bryan is very much in favor of such an enterprise.

Miss Fannie Cravens, of White River, has been visiting friends in town this week. She is a charming little miss and will always be accorded a hearty welcome by her Yellville friends.

The editor of The Echo returns his heartfelt thanks to kind friends for the handsome presents put on the Christmas tree for him; also to "foreign" friends for their kind remembrance. May they each and everyone live to enjoy many more happy returns of Merry Christmas, is our sincere wish.

From Mr. John Wolfer we learn that the smelter at the Rush Creek Mines has been finished, and that they would be ready to make a run in a few days. We learned also from him that the Batesville Mining Company will commence work soon on Rush, and that some of the members of the company are now on the ground.

The largest transfer of real estate that has been made in this county for some time was consummated on last Friday. Capt. L. D. Toney sold his fine Buffalo City farm and another tract lying in Buffalo township on that day to Mr. Rudolph Stacher, of St. Louis. Consideration, about $6,000. Mr. Stacher is interested in the manganese mines near Buffalo City.

Quite a large number of the young people assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berry on Christmas night and enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. A sumptuous supper was spread, which received due attention of the guests, and this scribe in particular. After supper pleasant conversation, music and mirth held full sway, and so enjoyable were the hours spent that no heed was given to time. This pleasant party was duplicated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Layton on Monday evening, and all present on that occasion are indebted to the hostess for an evening of pleasure and merriment and a most excellent supper.

Union Lodge, A. F. and A. M. No. 396, elected the following officers: J. W. Snipes, W. M.; Foster Hand, S. W.; A. H. Doshier, J. W.; W. W. Doshier, Treasurer; N. J. Bearden, Sec. The other officers to be appointed. Installation will take place at one o'clock on the third Saturday in January.

The Christmas Tree at the M. E. Church, South, on Christmas Eve, was the most important and enjoyable occasion of the holidays. The various committees appointed to arrange the tree performed their duties in a very satisfactory manner. The tree was beautifully decorated and heavily laden with presents, some of which were elegant and useful. An opening song was sung, Miss Una Jobe presiding at the organ, after which Mr. Floyd, superin-tendent of the Sunday school, made a few introductory remarks, followed by another song and prayer by Rev. O. H. Tucker. Owing to the impatience of the audience, the other songs were omitted, and the distribution of presents commenced. Drs. Bryan and Lindley calling the names and Elbert Noe, Quimby Seawel and Chas. Wilson delivering the presents. The faces of the little ones beamed with joy as they received their respective presents, and their happy countenances more than repaid the donors for their little trouble and expense. And the older ones, too, appeared little less pleased when they would receive a neat package addressed in a familiar hand. The church was full to its utmost capacity, and the whole affair one of pleasure and merriment.

       Mr. J. H. Berry's farm, known as the Dean place, which, from the best information from old settlers, has been in cultivation about sixty five years, was cultivated the past season by Esquire J. T. Drake. He put twelve acres in cotton, form which he gathered 1717 pounds of seed cotton per acre, which is equal to twelve bales weighing 500 pounds each. The land is what might be called up-land, and had previously been set in clover, but not a very good stand. This is a splendid field, and shows what clover will do for old, worn-out land.

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