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Mt. Echo Newspaper
May 1886 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

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(Many legal notices, political ads, endorsements, etc., will not be found transcribed here. Gladys)

May 7, 1886 Issue


W. C. McBee is having his mammoth store house painted and papered in "bon ton" style. I advise him to get a lightening rod hat and to subscribe for The Echo in order to be happy.

That indomitable Capt. Stallings arrived this morning at McBee's Landing in command of his boat, the Home, with fifty tons of freights. The Home is the only boat that will come here on twenty-inches of water. -- May 4, 1886., W. B. F., Jr. (W B Flippin, Jr)


Mr. Edward Kelley, of Bellefonte, Boone county, is in town.

We regret to learn that Dr. Dodd, of Doddsville, is quite unwell.

Big stock of furniture just received at Layton & Cowdrey's.

Mr. John H. Thompson, Sr., enrolled with The Echo this week.

An adjourned term of county court will be held on next Monday.

The Echo is placed under obligations to Master Robert Berry for a lovely bouquet.

Our George's Creek and Flippin correspondents came to the front again this week.

Genuine New Orleans Sugar House Molasses and Syrups at Layton & Cowdrey's.

Service at the M. E. Church, South, on Sunday at the usual hours -- morning and evening -- by the pastor, Rev. O. H. Tucker.

Attorneys DeRoos Bailey, J. C. Floyd and B. F. Fee went to Mountain Home this week on legal business.

Some of the boys have been fishing every day this week and have succeeded in being unsuccessful up to date.

Call at Dr. W. C. Wilson's and get one of Dr. Bull's almanacs and a trial package of Dr. Bull's Blood and Liver Pills. [Unsure if this name is Bull or Ball. Faded film. GHB]

Cam Berry turned cowboy one day last week. He had quite a thrilling adventure while "rounding up" the lowing herd.

By order of the President a called meeting of the County Wheel will be held at this place on the 21st inst., at 10 o'clock a.m.

Mr. James A. Young opened a subscription school at the public school house on last Monday. The Echo wishes him success.

Messrs. Geo. W. Stone and W. W. Record, two of Marion's good farmers, were callers at this office this week. They subscribed for The Echo.

This is the merry month of May, and we haven't heard of a single picnic or Sunday school celebration in the county. Verily, the good old times have played out.

"Two souls with but a single thought" have been granted license to wed since our last report. John C. Langston and Miss Amanda McElyea are the happy twain made one.

Mr. J. A. Callahan, of Water Creek township, called to see us yesterday. He left a dollar with us to help pay our board bill. Mr. C. will probably be a candidate for assessor.

Mr. Felix Huddleston, of Buffalo, was in town last Saturday mixing with his numerous friends. He was wearing a smiling countenance, the cause of which was the recent arrival of a "new infant" at his house.

Assessor Cravens and his assistant, Mr. J. I. Thompson, are progressing finely with their work on the assessor's books. The books are indeed neat and clean, and show that great care and pains have been taken with them.

Married -- At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. H. J. Noe, of Oakland, this county, April 26th, 1886, Mr. E. T. Record to Miss Mary Noe, Elder W. D. Jennings officiating. The Echo congratulates them and wishes for them many happy years and prosperity unbounded.

Mr. Pat Carson smiled on The Echo man last Friday, and The Echo man returned the compliment (smiled a smole on Mr. Carson) when he heard the merry jingle of the dollar of our daddies drop into the fire and burglar proof safe of this establishment. Mr. Carson still wears his arm in a sling.

Mr. H. W. Hudson, Sr., and James Cowdrey, who have been with the Carthage and Batesville railroad engineers since the corps left here, returned home last Tuesday, the survey having been completed to Bald Knob. From Mr. Hudson we learn that Chief Engineer Van Frank and his corps were ordered to Desoto, Mo., as soon as the work in Bald Knob was completed.

Lay away your guns now. Deer, turkeys and quails are all protected by "Uncle Sam." --Baxter Citizen. "Uncle Sam" who? What has "Uncle Sam" to do with the Arkansas game law? No more than a game rooster has to do with a game of poker between two game legged black-legs. The advice is timely, however. Put your old flint-lock blunderbus(sic) in the rack, and grasp the plow-handles.

We had quite a nice ride up the raging Crooked' on last Sunday afternoon. The gallant tub, the "Wiggins" was chartered (in the absence of the owner), and under command of Commodore Cravens she gracefully rode the shoals, and a most enjoyable voyage was the result. Cravens can successfully handle anything that floats, from a canoe up to the Great Eastern, including cedar rafts and flat-boats.

Mrs. Bradbury, of this place, is in quite a sad condition. She has been blind for a number of years, and now the light of reason has taken its flight. She showed symptoms of insanity several days ago, and has been growing worse every day. At first she was not boisterous, but talked incessantly on religion. She imagined she was dying on Tuesday, and since that day she claims that her soul has been in heaven, and that it is Christ that speaks through her, and not herself. She refuses to take medicine, and eats and sleeps but little. Yesterday she was much worse and quite boisterous. She will probably be sent to the insane asylum in a few days.


The people of this vicinity have organized a Sabbath school, with Mr. A. B. Hampton as its superintendent. Hope they will succeed well in so good an enterprise.

We attended church last Sunday at George's Creek Baptist church, where we listened to quite an interesting discourse delivered by Elder James A. Butler, of Lee's Mountain, Ark. ... Yours, c. May 3, 1886. Bill Slim

The public is hereby notified that I no longer hold myself responsible for the acts and conduct of my son, Levy Cox, he having left home. May 1, 1886, G. W. Cox

May 14, 1886 Issue (Top)


Mr. B. Mears, who got a let broke some months ago in falling from a wagon, is said to be gradually improving.


I was shown some very fine specimens of copper ore by Mr. Jo Lewallen, one of White River's best citizens, recently.

Sunday evening I visited Charley Lewallen, one of my old classmates at school when we were boys, who has been confined to his room for six months with lung fever. He is yet hopeful of his recovery.

On last Saturday I was presented a nice linen handkerchief from Grandma Flippin that she had hemmed with her hands as neat and nice as if it had been done on a forty dollar Howe machine. She gave me the handkerchief as her eighty-eighth birthday gift.

On last Sunday evening at 4 o'clock Wm. R. Reynolds led Mrs. Margaret Daffron to the hymonial(sic) altar, where they were made one. Rev. W. H. Wood officiated. Your correspondent wishes the happy couple all of the joys incident to a happy married life. They are both highly respected and much liked here, and a host of friends join us in wishing them a bon voyage through life's fitful, changing scenes. --- May 11, 1886 W. B. F., Jr.( W B Flippin Jr)


Dr. G. F. Elam was in town this week and gave us a call.

Lawyers J. C. Floyd and B. F. fee went to Baxter county yesterday on legal business.

The three big A's -- Alex. Scott, Albert Cravens and Abe McVey -- went to Harrison yesterday.

Messrs. Marion Wickersham and G. Wash. Weast started for Texas yesterday in a two-horse wagon.

Mr. J. F. Davis, of Clear Creek, will please accept our thanks for three subscribers to The Echo this week.

Mr. John Cowdrey and family and Misses Edna Layton and Lillie McDowell returned from Harrison yesterday.

DeRoos Bailey, esq., visited his Boone county friends and relatives since our last issue. He returned home Wednesday.

One marriage license issued since our last report -- W. H. Reynolds to Mrs. Margaret Daffron, both of White River Township.

Mr. E. J. Rhodes, of Elixir, Boone county, was in town several days this week attending to some business before the county court.

Mr. Alex. Scott is now a gay grass-widower. Mrs. Scott and children left on Tuesday for Decatur, Ills., where she will spend the summer visiting relatives and friends.

Dr. J. S. Lindley returned Sunday evening from St. Louis, where he attended the American Medical Association which convened in that city last week. The doctor no doubt had a pleasant time.

The boys have revived the band and the toot of the brass horn is again heard in the land. This is right. There is plenty of musical talent in Yellville and there should be a good band.

Elder Jacob Smith died at his home in Prairie township, on Sunday night, the 9th inst. He was buried on Monday with Masonic honors at the Patton graveyard. He was an old and respected citizen of the county.

On Wednesday evening the editor of The Echo was made the recipient of the handsomest and sweetest bouquet of the season. Little Mary Young was the donor, and we thank her most heartily and wish for the little miss a life as pure and innocent as the fragrant flowers her hands plucked amid the exhaling dews of the bright May morning.

Capt. B. H. Trimble, the irrepressible, was in town several days this week. He represents the famous Boone County Tobacco Factory, and his brands of tobacco are favorites with users of the weed in this section. Your attention is called to his new advertisement in this issue. He has given out the idea of locating at Lead Hill for the present.

Mr. J. P. Gilliam, of Desoto Springs, presented the editor of The Echo this week two handsome paper weights, made of Arkansas marble. They are pyramidical in shape, nicely polished and finished, and the workmanship of Mr. Gilliam. They are con-venient, as well as ornamental to our table, and we extend sincere thanks to Mr. G. for this kind remembrance.

Mr. W. H. McDowell, of Columbus, Kansas, was in town Wednesday. He has been prospecting at Rush Creek mine and expressed himself as satisfied with the outlook. He was on his way to Harrison to buy some lands in the Rush Creek neighborhood. From Harrison he will go to his home in Kansas, but will return again soon. He is expecting several other miners here from Kansas in a few days.

Dr. Lindley had been wearing a sickly, "sent for-and couldn't- go" expression ever since he returned from St. Louis until yesterday eve, when his face suddenly brightened up, and he skipped across the street to tell us that he felt a "heap" better, and then commenced humming "Every day'll be Sunday by-and by." When we suggested that his recovery was due to the arrival of a certain vehicle from the west, he blushed like a maiden wrestling with her first love.


Twenty-two convicts were recently taken from Fort Smith to the house of correction at Detroit.

The Salem Informer reports considerable damage to property in Fulton county by the hail storm last week.

After five years of labor the Panama canal has penetrated the isthmus for a distance of eight miles, at a cost of $16,000,000. Four times that sum will be needed to complete it.

In addition to their mammoth stock of general merchandise, Layton & Cowdrey keep a good supply of Cornmeal, Flour, Bacon and Lard.

Mtn. Echo, May 21, 1886 (Top)

The sheriff of Mississippi county, W. B. Haskins, is reported $9000 short in his settlement with the State. One day last week James Liston, county treasurer, had a difficulty with Haskins growing out of the alleged defalcation of the sheriff. The men came to blows, and while engaged in a scuffle Haskins drew a pistol and fired at Liston, the bullet grazing his head. Friends separated them before further harm was done, but more serious trouble is expected.

A CYCLONE struck Kansas City Tuesday morning of last week, at 11 o'clock, causing a large loss of life and property. Twenty-nine persons were known to have been killed at 10 o'clock that night, and the number injured was very large. It was one of the most disastrous storms that has ever visited that storm-beaten section. Leavenworth and Nortonville, Kansas, and Evansville, Ind., were also struck, suffering a great destruction of property but no loss of life.


I am creditably informed that Mrs. Cox, wife of G. W. Cox, has entirely lost her mind. Mr. Cox is a highly esteemed citizen and his wife an excellent woman. All are very sorry of their mis-fortune.


Mrs. A. G. Cravens, of White River, was in town Monday.

Mr. Ossa Layton was baptised by immersion, at the Crooked creek ford below town, on last Sunday evening by Rev. O. H. Tucker, of the M. E. Church, South.

Marriage licenses have been issued to the following persons since our last report: F. R. Mode to Miss Nancy Hudspeth; J. M. Jones to Miss Katie Belle Whitlock.

Robt. Berry favored us with another pretty bouquet this week. Our elegant flower vases -- a quinine bottle and a disabled goblet -- are always in readiness to receive such flowery donations.

Messrs. J. C. Rea, E. T. Record, J. N. Griffin and G. E. Orcutt, of Oakland, were in town Saturday. Mr. Rea was making final proof of his homestead entry, and the other gentlemen were witnesses.

Our young friend Will C. Bevens, of Batesville, arrived here last Friday and is passing a few days in the village. He is a manipulator of moveable alphabets and has been rendering us valuable assistance this week.

Wid Bridges, the boy who robbed the mail between Oakland and Isabella, Mo., several weeks ago, and who was taken to Fort Smith for trial, plead guilty and was sentenced to two years and a half to the house of correction at Detroit, Mich.

Mr. R. R. Carson, who returned the first of the week from a trip through the Buffalo country, in the southwestern portion of the county, says the crops in that section are looking exception-ally fine, and the prospects were never brighter for a bountiful crop.

We noticed one of Marion's old land marks on our streets yesterday -- Mr. Bithan Allen, who is now one of Newton's foremost merchants.

Mr. B. H. Trimble, the tobacco man, was in town again this week. He has severed his connection with the Boone County Tobacco Factory and will go into the business for himself at an early day. He has not decided whether he will locate at Lead Hill or at Yellville. We hope he will decide in favor of the latter.

Died-- At his residence near this place on Monday morning, May 17th, 1886, of apoplexy(sic), Mr. Jesse Bridges, aged about 47 years. His death was very sudden. He leaves a widow and five children who have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement and great sorrow.


Miss Folsom, the President's fiancee, is one of the American ladies who will be presented to Queen Victoria at the next drawing room.

ROLL OF HONOR - Jas. A. Young's school -
The following named pupils reached the maximum 100 during the week ending Friday, May 14:
Elbert Noe - Dalla Hudson
Flora Layton - Emma Hudson
Rena Wilson - Mary Abee
Bud Covington - Lucian Weast
Effie Covington - Mary Sims
Mary Covington - Allie Cantrell

May 28, 1886 Issue (Top)

The Crescent hotel, at Eureka Springs, was formally opened on the 20th inst. This hotel has 125 rooms, and cost over $100,000. It is built of stone and brick. Among the notables who were present at the opening were Stephen Elkins, of New York; Gov. Garcelon, of Maine; J. F. Drury, of Chicago, and Mrs. Murat Halstead, of Cincinnati.


Fort Smith has a population of 10,000 inhabitants.

Lee Barnes was hanged at Dover on the 21st for the murder of Charles Holman, a gambler, last November.

Jackson County Herald: It is estimated that at least nine-tenths of all the crimes committed in Jackson county are caused, either directly or indirectly, by whisky. And still there are people who argue that whisky is a blessing.


Dr. Lindley reports several cases of sickness in the county.

Rev. O. H. Tucker and DeRoose Bailey went over to Oakland Wednesday.

Tommy Matlock gave us a pretty bouquet this week. It was very nicely arranged.

Mr. C. E. Cantrell was in town Monday. He reported everything lovely in his section.

Mr. Ross Waddill, the commercial pilgrim, was interviewing our merchants this week.

Dr. Jobe, President of the County Wheel, was in town last Friday attending the meeting of the order.

A new post office has been established at George's Creek, and will be known by that name. Mr. J. S. Hudson is the P. M.

Mr. Denny Griffin, of Johnson county, was in town last Saturday. He is visiting his brother, Mr. J. N. Griffin, of Oakland, this week.

On Monday night Mr. and Mrs. James Young entertained a few friends, The Echo man being one of the number, in a most hospitable manner.

Presiding Elder P. B. Summers will hold his third Quarterly Conference at the M. E. Church South, at this place on Saturday and Sunday, June 5th and 6th.

Messrs. W. I. Lefevers, J. W. Covington, L. Matlock, Ben Fee and son, Cam Berry and Geo. Wickersham went to Buffalo river Monday, on a fishing expedition.

Mr. Amo(sic) Culleton this week forwarded some of the Rush creek silver ore to the mineralogist of Oxford (Eng.) University, for the purpose of having it assayed.

We understand that some time in June or the first of July, Mrs. O. H. Tucker's music class will give a concert. A real good time and a musical treat may be expected.

The Echo man makes his politest bow to Miss Lillie McDowell for a handsome bouquet and elegant flower vase. The quinine bottle and disabled goblet have been shelved.

F. M. Wickersham and Dick Weast, of Yellville, passed through our town Saturday last enroute for Texas. We wish them a safe and pleasant journey.---Huntsville Democrat, 19th inst.

Mr. K. F. Cantrell, of the Desoto Springs neighborhood, killed a catfish, weighing eighty pounds and measuring four feet five inches in length, in Buffalo river, one day last week. He killed it with a gig.

Sheriff Keeter and Deputy Sheriff Lawson, assisted by Messrs J. C. Berry and Abe McVey, started with Mrs. Bradbury, of this place, for the Insane Asylum at Little Rock, on Wednesday. The Sheriff will make his settlement with the State Treasurer while in the capital city.

This office is not supplied with a genuine "waste-basket." Our friend Albert Cravens made us a present of the aforementioned receptacle of spring poetry and other trash. Our correspondents need not become unduly alarmed at this new addition to our office, and when writing, they will save a good deal of space and time by not referring to the "deep recesses of the waste-basket," and so forth.

Dr. W. T. Bryan has moved to town and can now be found at his office at Hudson's drug store. His card will be found in this issue of The Echo. The Doctor is a clever gentleman and deserves a fair share of the business.

In the proper column we announce Mr. Ben F. Fee as a candidate for Representative in the Lower House of the Twenty-sixth General Assembly of the State of Arkansas. He offers subject to the Democratic primary election. Mr. Fee is a lawyer by profession and has a thorough knowledge of our laws and finances; he is identified with the county and her interests, and is acquainted with the needs and wants of the people, and he would, no doubt, make a good and faithful legislator. He submits to an impartial hearing and asks a fair consideration at your hands.

       On Wednesday night about 9:30 o'clock the sound of wheels attracted attention and a buggy could be seen moving up the main thoroughfare of this quiet and altogether serene village, and stopping at the City Hotel. Following the vehicle were a gentleman and a lady, mounted on horses, who also halted at the aforesaid hostelry. In a few minutes later a messenger was sent in search of County Clerk Dodd, who was easily found, the messenger knowing exactly where to find the accommodating official when off duty, and informed him that his valuable services were much needed at his office. Mr. Dodd was somewhat loth(sic) to go at once, as the hour was somewhat earlier than was his wont to depart from --- well, its unnecessary to say where. A half hour elapsed and Mr. Dodd still lingered long, held by gentle eyes, a thrall of love, nor struggled to be free. The messenger returned again and informed him that two loving hearts were growing impatient to beat as one, and asked him to adjourn until he could issue the necessary papers to accomplish the feat of welding two souls for life. The clerk could not longer withstand the earnest pleadings of Charley Wilson, the messenger, and probably applying the Golden Rule to suit the case, he hastened to give all the relief in his power. At his office he found a young man anxious to secure license to marry, and in his usual urbane manner the clerk issued the papers, signing his name with a flourish that indicated that he was glad to see the good work going on. Rev. J. C. Barker had been summoned at the hotel, at 11 o'clock, the words were spoken that united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. J. M. Boyd and Miss Emma Hatchet, both of Searcy county Arkansas.
       The young couple were not fleeing from irate parents, as is usually the case of runaway matches. Another over confident swain in the land of Searcy, it appears, had procured a license to marry Miss Hatchet without her consent, and the clerk of that county could not issue another license to marry the same young lady, until the bond was forfeited and license returned.
       We learn that the unsuccessful young man has swore vengeance(sic) against his rival and his bonny bride, but we hope that he will remember that "discretion is the better part of valor" and change his mind.
       The loving couple and their attendants, Mr. Hollyboy and Miss Keaner, left yesterday morning for their homes, as happy as a big sunflower. May they live long and never regret the blending of their lives.

ROLL OF HONOR (Jas. A. Young's School)
The following named pupils are entitled to a place on the roll of honor for the week ending May 21st:
Flora Layton - Bud Covington
D. G. Wilson& - Mary Abee
Mary Burns - Daisy McCabe
Lula Thompson - Tom Matlock
Emma Hudson - Walter Seawel
Lucian Weast 0 Lillie Cantrell
Rena Wilson ... Jas. A. Young, Teacher

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