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Mt. Echo Newspaper
April 1886 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

Dividing Line

April 2, 1886 Issue

       Our town was thrown into a state of intense excitement last Monday evening by the report that Ben Graves, living on Mr. Strait's farm, some five or six miles south of town, had murdered his two children. The facts as near as we can learn them are bout as follows: Graves waked his wife up about 12 o'clock Sunday night and informed her that he was going to kill the children, telling her if she moved or said anything he would kill her also. He then took the oldest, which was just two years old, and beat it to death with his fist, and while he was working with the dead child his wife escaped from the house, leaving the other child, which was just six months old, in the bed, and ran over to a neighbor's for help. Mr. Strait and Mr. Knight accompanied her back to the house and found one of the children lying on the floor and the other on the fire, burned to a crisp. Graves escaped in the woods after killing the children, but was captured early next morning and safely lodged in jail. The coroner's inquest developed the fact that Graves had shown his first symptoms of insanity the day before. He claims that he killed the children under the instructions of God, and that they were offerings for the sins of the people. Great excitement prevails in the county, and some have fears that he will be lynched. Up to the time of the killing Graves had a good reputation in the community in which he lived, and was said to be affectionate to his children.


Thirty-four buildings, comprising nearly the entire business portion of the city of Helena, were burned on the morning of the 21st ult. the loss is estimated at $325,000, covered by about $225,000 insurance.

Miss Abigail Bates died at Scituate, Mass., a few days since, aged 89 years. She was one of the two heroines who during the war of 1812, drove the British forces from that harbor by concealing themselves in the bushes and playing vigorously upon the fife and drum, thereby leading the enemy to believe that a large force was ready to receive them.

Harrison Banner, 26th ult. Died. -- Of apoplexy, on the night of the 22nd inst., after an illness of but a few hours, James A. Wilson, of this town. He was born in Yancy county, North Carolina, in 1821; removed to Marion county, Ark., in 1846, and was once a Representative of that county in the Legislature. For many years up to the time of his death he had been a prominent member of the bar and had an extensive acquaintance and practice in North Arkansas. He leaves a widow and several children.


Mrs. O. H. Tucker will begin her instructions in instrumental music next Monday, April 5th, for a term of three months.

Only two marriage license issued since our last report, as follows:
R. B. Jefferson to Miss Ida Wood
J. C. Wood to Miss D. E. Palmer

Mr. W. L. Massey, of Hampton Creek township, was a caller at this office on Monday. He has lately been engaged in teaching school in Searcy county.

We acknowledge a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. T. G. Stokes, one of Marion's solid farmers. He says the wheat crop looks finer than he ever saw it in this country at this season. The stand is good.

Rev. Sam Jones is credited with saying that the most beautiful sight in the world is to see a family around a cheerful fire with the head of the family reading his local newspaper, which he has paid for in advance.

On last Saturday Mr. K. J. Hudson received a letter from his father, Mr. H. W. Hudson, Sr.; who is with the Carthage and Batesville railroad engineers. At the time he wrote they were at Round Bottom. They expected to get to St. James, Stone county, this week.

Mr. R. P. Carson, living six miles south of town, while hauling wood on Tuesday, met with a very painful accident. While going down a hill the load of wood slid down on the horses, causing them to run. Mr. Carson was thrown from the wagon and run over by the wheels, breaking his arm near the shoulder. Dr. Lindley is attending him, and says Mr. C. is getting along finely.

At a recent meeting of the Bachelor's Club, a member, noted for his gallantry, and who never allows the town branch to interfere with his engagements, arose in his usual dignified manner and addressed the Club on a most important subject. The Echo man being present took down the speech in short hand. The following is the able address:
       "Mr. Chairman: There seems to be a great stumbling block in the way of this club's matrimonial progress. I, for one, Mr. Chairman, am not hankering so everlastingly after this single cussedness. I am in favor of removing that infamous obstacle that obstructs my pathway to matrimonial bliss. I am after quitting bachelordom. I want to don the silken harness, so to speak. I want to meander down life's rugged pathway in double harness awhile. To come more to the point, Mr. Chairman, I want a wife. I am tired, yes, awfully tired of sewing on buttons, darning socks and half-soling pantaloons. I am tired of so-called single blessedness. I want someone to love me, someone to caress me, and some one to -- make fires next winter. Thems my sentiments, Mr. Chairman. [Applause] Now, Mr. Chairman, I have made a thorough canvass of this matter, and I find that a certain bylaw we adopted some time ago, in a moment of temporary insanity, is the cause of my several ignominious failures lately to get a wife. I refer, Mr. Chairman, to that famous, or infamous, if you please, "boarding house clause". I was pouring out the longings of my tender heart to a fair young maiden only the other evening and when I told her how madly and blindly I loved her, and how I longed to make her my better half by a large majority, she turned up her nose and recommended the cook to my consideration. She said, "Do you suppose I want to run a boarding house and cook for your horrid old Bachelors' Club?" Yes, Mr. Chairman, she turned up her nose! [Sighs] And she is not the only one, Mr. Chairman. None of them want to run a hashery! In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, let me say, that "Boarding house law" must go - must be repealed, or myself expelled! I want to marry and I'll be totally jumped up if I don't! Don't suppose the Senator from the sunny south is the only great man who is love sick. My name is not Jones, but I am going to have a wife if takes all summer and if I have to repeal every law this club has ever made."
       This eloquent speech did its work. A motion was made to repeal the odious law, and was carried without a dissenting vote. The eloquent orator was then voted a leather medal and a wig for his valuable services to the club.

       On Saturday last I saddled up my pony and hied away toward the sunset. After traversing some ten miles west of Yellville, I reined up at the residence of John Tabor, the oldest settler in the county, having emigrated here twelve years before Arkansas was a State. After taking care of the horses and partaking of a hasty supper, we then gathered chairs around the old fireplace and indulged ourselves in a pleasant colloquy. Mr. Tabor's reminiscence of the juvenile days of the county is still fresh on his mind, and is his favorite topic. He told us that he was the first man to set out an apple tree in the county, and was the first man to cut a stick between White River and Yellville. Forty or fifty of the apple trees that he set out fifty-eight years ago on the farm of Aunt Patsy Tucker are still living. He also stated that he had "tripped the light fantastic toe" with an Indian squaw, with galtigaskins on and a big silver ring in her nose, for a partner. March 30, 1886. ... W. B. F., Jr. (W B Flippin Jr)

Senator Jones, of Florida, is paired upon all political questions with Senator Bowen, of Colorada;(sic) but his effort to pair with that Detroit belle is a dismal failure. But "faint heart," etc., and there's plenty of time, Jonesy -- Arkansas Gazette

April 9, 1886 Issue (Top)


Married -- Mr. M. N. Cheek to Miss Susan Thompson, at the residence of the bride's father, in Hampton township, on Sunday, April 4th, 1886, by John Quincy Adams, J. P. ... Rambler


A Mrs. Wheeler, of Madison county, lately gave birth to triplets -- all girls. How is that for a Wheeler?

Judge John Baxter of Tennessee, who died recently in Hot Springs, was a brother of ex-Gov. Elisha Baxter, of Batesville.

R. P. Pulliam, postmaster at Eureka Springs, was discovered short $600 in his accounts. He afterwards made the sum good, but was suspended and the office placed in the hands of William A. Broad, representing the sureties.

Last week a tornado swept the town of Helena, unroofing the courthouse, tearing the coal barges and flat-boats from their moorings along the river and sending them adrift, and doing other serious damage to the property of the citizens of the place.

The Graphic says the census of the city of Van Buren was taken last week, and shows a very flattering increase over the population in 1880. At that time it was only 1370, and the present census shows 2150 people, of which 1477 are white and 673 are colored.

An exchange says Fordyce has a colored man who has been turning white since 1847. His name is Lemanual Hawley, and he is 63 years old. His face and neck are spotted and his body is almost entirely white. He says when he was brought to Arkansas from South Carolina, in 1844, he was as black as the ace of spades.


Mr. John Wood, enrolled with The Echo this week for a year.

Dr. J. M. Coker was a caller at this office Tuesday and left a dollar in The Echo treasury.

Judge Wm. Horn left a small portion of his salary with us this week to pay for The Echo.

The name of the Post Office at Noe's ferry, this county, has been changed from Noe's to Oakland.

The Echo office is indebted to Mrs. J. H. Berry for the first bunch of flowers of the season. Many thanks.

Mr. E. R. LeMarshal of St. Louis, who is visiting the family of Dr. H. S. Dodd, at Doddsville, was in town Wednesday.

Capt. O. E. Hindes, of Lead Hill, who is largely interested in the zinc mines of this county, was in town Wednesday.

Assessor Cravens and J. C. Berry left here last Saturday for McBee's to meet the steamer Home. They went on her to Lead Hill.

Maj. Alf H. Joblin, representing the well-known firm of Hill, Fontaine & Co. of St. Louis and Memphis, was in town this week.

Miss Flora Montgomery, of Huntsville, Madison county, is taking music lessons under the instruction of Mrs. O. H. Tucker, of this place.

Mr. De Roos Bailey will leave Sunday for Marshal, Searcy county, to attend to some business in the probate court, which meets there on Monday.

The following marriage license have been issued since our last report:
W. E. Nipps to Miss Rachel Day
M. N. Cheek to Miss Susan Thompson

Mr. A. B. Davis, of Clear Creek, called on us Monday and subscribed for The Echo for himself and a friend. That's the way to encourage your home paper.

Marion Circuit Court August Term, 1886 - W. Q. Seawell, Plaintiff,
       Margaret Fee, Mary Noe and the following heirs at law of Jane Noe, to wit, C. W. Noe, Thomas Noe, Sabina McVey and her husband, A. H. McVey, Emily Jackson, and her husband, David Jackson, Sarah Tatum and her husband Richard Tatum, also Jane Coker and her husband Ed. Coker, Ellen Jefferson and her husband, R. A. Jefferson, Mary Noe, Minnie Noe, and Elzada Belle Noe, heirs at law of Eliza Noe, deceased, the last three named being minors, Defendants.
       The defendants, Jane Coker and her husband, Ed. Coker; Ellen Jefferson and her husband, R. A. Jefferson, Sarah Tatum and her husband, Richard Tatum, are warned to appear in this court within the ?? thirty days and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, W. Q. Seawell. April 8, 1886 - Neal Dodd, Clerk.

(The above warning order is duplicated.)

April 16, 1886 Issue (Top)


Senator Jones, of Florida, says his absence from Washington is not so much due to love of womanhood as is disgust with the administration of President Cleveland. But our reform President still moves in his victorious march the same as if Florida's Senatorial fool were in the rank of the Republican obstruction-ists -- Padukah (Ky.) Standard.


The public school will close at this place next Friday.

Mr. J. C. Berry returned home Tuesday, after a delightful trip on White river.

The matrimonial market is dull. No marriage license issued since our last report.

Rev. J. C. Barker, late of Harrison, has moved to Yellville. He is the pastor in charge of the M. E. Church at this place.

Capt. B. H. Trimble, the irrepressible, clever tobacco manu-facturer of Bellefonte, Boone county, was in town this week. He knows exactly how to handle the weed, and has a good trade here.


A young blacksmith in town, Jo Estes wears a smile on the back of his head.


Mrs. Paxton, wife of Rev. W. J. Paxton, died the night of the 7th inst. of catarrhal fever. She leaves a large family and a host of friends to mourn her loss.

April 23, 1886 Issue (Top)


Tuesday night the sheriff made a raid and arrested and lodged in jail John W. Terry, charged with selling whisky without license. He was armed and equipped with five bottles of whisky on his person. -- Boone Banner.

J. W. Jones, formerly of Newport, but recently Commissioner of Indian schools of Idaho, is in trouble. He is under arrest, and will be brought back to Newport to answer to a charge of embezzlement of the funds of the Knights of the Golden Rule of that place. He was formerly editor of the Newport News, and was a member of the last Legislature from Jackson county. He was a member of the church, and often lead in public prayer. There is considerable indignation against Jones in Newport, several widows having failed to receive the little endowments through his crookedness.


Mr. A. J. Noe, "Uncle Jack," as he is familiarly called, is one of the most accommodating postmasters in the State.

Dr. J. S. Lindley left on Tuesday for Izard county, to visit his father, who is reported quite sick. The Echo hopes for his father a speedy recovery and an early return of the genial doctor.

Three marriage licenses were issued this week, as follows:
J. S. Freeman, aged 73, to Mrs. Spicy Gowan, aged 55
J. R. Reed to Miss Cordelia Burkett
E. T. Record to Miss Mary Noe.

Mr. E. T. Record, of Oakland, was in town yesterday, and paid his respects to The Echo office. He is one of our most substantial farmers and stock raisers. We can only account for the smiles that wreathed his handsome face by referring to the list of marriage licenses.

Mr. H. C. King, of the firm of King Bros., insurance agents, of Harrison, Ark., and Mr. J. G. Stauffer, of Dallas, Texas, were in town Tuesday and Wednesday last, adjusting the insurance on Mr. W. Q. Seawell's residence, which was burned a few weeks ago. The matter was adjusted to the entire satisfaction of both Mr. Seawel and Mr. Stauffer, the adjuster.

Capt. J. Dobbs, one of Marion's oldest and most respected citizens, was in town last Saturday and paid this office a pleasant call, in company with Dr. R. J. Pierce. Capt. Dobbs has recently returned from Texas, whither he went, last fall, accompanied by his wife and son, S. N. Dobbs, to visit his children who live in that State. The round trip was made by wagon, and the Captain's health was much improved by the journey. He speaks very highly of the Lone Star State, but likes Arkansas a little better.

Hip, hip, hurrah! Let the Bachelors' Club rejoice and be exceeding glad. Ring the bell, that sweet-toned hash-hammer, and pass Bro. ______ the bread! Open wide your ears and let up on the "hash" for a minute, and read this from the Madison County Democrat:
       "Yellville can now boast of a Bachelors' Club: They hold their meetings in the Weast House, and we imagine that 'hash' is always first on the programme. We feel safe in saying, (not flattering them at all); that a finer looking set of bachelors cannot be "trotted out" in the Sate. We wish them success, and a bridge across the 'branch' at night."

       Between Yellville and Isabella, Mo., there is a semi-weekly mail, which is carried on horse-back. A new carrier, Wid Bridges, a lad about 17 or 18 years old, living near this place, was sent out with the mail on this route last Saturday. At Oakland, in this county, a way office on the route, three registered packages were placed in the pouch, but on reaching Isabella the postmaster found only two packages instead of three, for which he sent a receipt to the office at Oakland by the return mail on Sunday. This was noticed by the postmaster at Oakland shortly after the carrier had left that office for this place, on his return, and thinking that everything was not all right, parties started in pursuit of the mail boy, who was overtaken at White river. After a little quizzing the boy confessed that he had robbed the pouch himself, explaining the modus-operandi of opening the bag, which was securely locked.
       The robbery occurred between Oakland and Isabella, and so nicely was the opening effected that the postmaster did not notice that the pouch had been tampered with. The registered package which was robbed contained about $120.00 and a check for a small amount. The check was destroyed by the boy, but part of the money and some iron rivets or brads were found in his possession when captured.
       The pouch was opened by removing the iron or steel fastenings at the end of the strap where the loop goes over the staple in which the lock is placed. After the package was removed the fastenings were replaced and nicely riveted, and it required close scrutiny to tell that the pouch had ever been opened without a key.
       The boy was brought to this place Monday but no authority here having jurisdiction in such cases, he was taken back to Oakland, where he will be held until the proper authorities are notified and take charge of him.
       This is indeed a sad affair, and the young man's parents, who so keenly feel the shock and are so sorely mortified, have the sympathy of the whole community.


Well, what has happened that makes Judge Horn wear such a broad smile? Why, it is another boy, and it weighed 9 - 3/4 pounds.

Marion Circuit Court - August Term, 1886, W. Q. Seawel Plaintiff,
        Margaret Fee, Mary Noe and the following heirs at law of Jane Noe, to wit: C. W. Noe, Thomas Noe, Sabina McVey and her husband, A. H. McVey, Emily Jackson and her husband, David Jackson, Sarah Tatum and her husband, Richard Tatum; also Jane Coker and her husband, Ed. Coker, Ellen Jefferson and her husband, R. A. Jefferson, Mary Noe, Minnie Noe and Elzada Belle Noe, heirs at law of Eliza Noe, deceased, the last three named being minors, Defendants.
       The defendants, Jane Coker and her husband Ed. Coker; Ellen Jefferson and her husband, R. A. Jefferson; Sarah Tatum and her husband, Richard Tatum, are warned to appear in this court within (30) thirty days and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, W. Q. Seawel.
       April 8, 1886 Neal Dodd, Clerk

Marion Circuit Court - August Term, 1886, Abigail Seawel Plaintiff, against
       Margaret Fee, Mary Noe and the following heirs at law of Jane Noe, to wit: C. W. Noe, Thomas Noe, Sabina McVey and her husband, A. H. McVey, Emily Jackson and her husband, David Jackson, Sarah Tatum and her husband, Richard Tatum; also Jane Coker and her husband, Ed. Coker, Ellen Jefferson and her husband, R. A. Jefferson, Mary Noe, Minnie Noe and Elzada Belle Noe, heirs at law of Eliza Noe, deceased, the last three named being minors, Defendants.
       The defendants, Jane Coker and her husband Ed. Coker; Ellen Jefferson and her husband, R. A. Jefferson; Sarah Tatum and her husband, Richard Tatum, are warned to appear in this court within (30) thirty days and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, Abigail Seawel.
       April 8, 1886 Neal Dodd, Clerk

April 30, 1886 Issue (Top)


Mr. and Mrs. James A. Young have gone to house keeping.

Mrs. J. N. Griffin, of Oakland, is visiting relatives in town this week.

Mr. A. S. Wood has gone to Fort Smith to serve on the U. S. grand jury. He left on last Monday.

Assessor Cravens is busy at work this week on his tax books. He is assisted by Mr. J. I. Thompson.

K. E. Cantrell, of Sylva, called to see us last Saturday. He reports a boom at the Rush Creek mines.

Evangelist Dortch departed on last Monday to Willow Springs, Mo., to hold a series of meetings.

No marriages to record this week. The matrimonial market, as well as everything else, is dull, dull, dull.

Mrs. Dodd, wife of Mr. Sam Dodd, of the vicinity of Doddsville, died on last Tuesday night of consumption.

Tomorrow is the first day of May. The mere suggestion of a May-pole dance would probably sound harsh just now.

Hon. T. H. Flippin was in town Saturday, attending the meeting of the Democratic Central Executive Committee.

The contract for carrying the mail between this place and Kirbyville, Mo., has been sub-let to John Aiken, of Lead Hill.

Messrs. K. J. and Henry Hudson have both been quite sick this week. As we go to press we learn they are improving.

Miss Mary Berry returned from DeQuoin, Illa., on last Saturday, where she has been visiting relatives for some months past.

Mr. W. T. Rush, of Mississippi, was at the City Hotel several days this week. He is leisurely traveling toward the Lone Star State.

Mr. Wm. Fielding, of the Boone Banner, published at Harrison, was in town several days this week. He honored The Echo with a call.

What has become of our Flippin correspondent and "Slim Jim" of George's Creek? Somebody shake a bush in their respective localities and scare them out.

Wid Bridges, the boy charged with robbing the mail between Oakland and Isabella, Mo., has been taken to Fort Smith for trial. Jo Pace, Dr. Small, the postmaster at Oakland, and Mr. Fears have been summoned to appear as witnesses in the case at Fort Smith at once.

Hon. J. C. Colquitt, of Magnolia, Columbia county, was in town this week for the purpose of sub-letting the contracts for carrying the mail from Yellville to Tony, Ark., and Yellville to Kirbyville, Mo. Mr. Colquitt was a member of the last General Assembly from Columbia county.

       The meeting at this place closed Tuesday evening, resulting in 51 conversions and 10 reclaimed. The following are names of those who joined the various churches:
       M. E. Church, S. - J. C. Floyd, DeRoos Bailey, Jas. A. Young, Fannie Young, Hattie McDowell, Lillie McDowell, Mollie Wood, Vina Gallaher, Edna Layton, Sarah Roberts, Belle Griffin, Nellie Jeffreys, Lucretia Pope, Mary E. Harris, George W. Wickersham, Cuba Covington, Eva Harris, A. J. Noe, L. L. Seawel, Adelia Stockton, Sarah Mathes, Una Jobe, Belle Wickersham, Nevada Reed, Thos. Railsback, J. S. Lindley, Ossie Layton, Anna Layton, Nancy J. Allen, Let Coker (colored).
       M. E. Church .. K. J. Hudson, Essie Hudson and Eliza Hudson.
       Christian Church -- Alice Hogan, Larena Bridges
The Methodist Church -- Jesse Bridges
       There was collected for Evangelist Dortch the sum of $76; for Rev. John Cantrell, $17.50, and for Rev. Mr. Bradford, $4.


Mr. Editor: I thought I would send you a few items of news from our vicinity, as we are not represented in your "splashing" little paper. Health very good. Enterprising farmers are preparing their ground and planting corn this week. Wheat crops look flattering in the part of the country. Corn buyers are plentiful in this vicinity, but not much corn to sell. Our blacksmith, Jo Saser, is ready at anytime to do your work. Shelby Lay, the miller, will grind corn every Friday and Saturday, and he makes a good turnout of wheat.

J. C. Cooper, by an accident, had most of his fence destroyed by fire the other day. ... W. L. M.

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