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Bramble Bush


Vol. 8, No. 1         January 2004         Yellville, Arkansas 72687

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What Pioneer Arkansas Ate!!!!!

       The first dwellings of the Arkansas pioneers were crude log house hastily built to protect from the elements. The spaces between the raw logs were usually filled or chinked with mud, but most times it cracked and fell out or washed away in a hard rain. It was said that a person could see a fire through the walls of one of these log cabins burning upon the hearth. Most of these cabins or dwellings had a dirt floor, and more than likely no windows. Since glass was so hard to obtain, most used oiled paper to cover the window opening, or left no opening at all. These cabins were dark most of the time and the only lighting was either oil lamps if the family was fortunate or candles made from the fat rendered from game or the hogs at killing time.
       These pioneers had other problems as well. The supplies of cornmeal, wheat flour and salt that they brought with them on the trail soon gave out. Waiting on the first corn crop, planted haphazardly among the stumps of new felled trees, was often a dismal time. However, there was game aplenty so starvation was not a threat. But still, a man need a bit of bread every now an then. Roasted breast of wild turkey came to be known as "Hunter's bread" due to the fact that it was dry and grainy and provided some contrast to the red meat that steadily found its way into the stewpot or over the cook fires.
       A "Hunter's Stew" might contain anything from chunks of bear meat to bits of squirrel meat. One common requirement was strong red pepper to make the gamey flavor of some of the meat that got tossed into the kettle.
       Salt was another scarce item on the frontier. It wasn't until the settlers began to organize trips to Batesville to get salt that it became plentiful. Sugar was also a scarce item. Many of the pioneers would rob bee trees for their honey. Wheat was not a grain that grew very well in the Ozarks so most of the bread here at first was corn bread or corn pone. Peas, beans, turnips, cabbage, potatoes and squash flourished. With the coming of spring everyone went out to pick new greens or poke sallet. A "mess o' greens" made a pleasant change from the dried and root vegetables that the pioneer family had lived on all winter.
       "Hogs were the most numerous of the domestic animals that the pioneer kept. The hogs could roam wild in the winter and forage, be brought in, in the spring to have their young and come cold weather, the prime ones could either be sold or traded and the rest butchered, cured and saved to feed the family during the long winter to come. Hams, shoulders and sides of bacon were salted and smoked for future use: fat was rendered into lard: and spareribs and internal organs ere usually eaten fresh. Crackiings, the crisp brown bits and pieces left over from lard rendering, went into cracklin' bread. The made a flavorful addition to the unvarying cornbread of the family table.
       Most families had one or more milk cows, which the wife would milk twice a day and use the milk not only to drink but also to make butter and buttermilk in which to barter for other foodstuffs. Those families that did not have a milk cow would trade items of value for the milk and butter. Most all families owned chickens. Eggs were also a good barter item, especially at the closest general store. These items could be traded for dress goods, shoes, and leather for mending harness, or tools or seeds in the spring. In the fall also the children would be sent to gather the ever-present black walnuts. These made a delicious addition to cakes, pies and other foodstuffs during the winter months.
       Very few folks in the Ozarks owned slaves. A few families owned two or three but unlike the big plantation owners of the south, there was not the need for this labor in the mountains. Most of the families here were rich enough to own slaves; they just did the labor themselves. However, the Indians that were here did leave behind recipes that the folks still use to day.


       Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a medium to large mixing bowl, beat eggs with a wire whisk. Add remaining ingredients in order given.
       Pour mixture into a buttered 1 1/2 quart baking dish. Place in a pan containing hot water to a depth of about one inch.
       Bake pudding one hour or until center is firm when touched gently and a sharp knife inserted into center comes out clean.
       Serve hot, directly from baking dish.
       Corn Pudding makes a fine accompaniment to crisply fried chicken or roast pork
       Makes 6 servings.

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       We have some really exciting new books coming this year so watch for all the news. The picture book entitled "MARION COUNTY, ARKANSAS AND HER PEOPLE IN PICTURES" is coming in '04. It's a great book and all of you will get a notice in the mail concerning the price and the printing date. Watch your mail. I sincerely hope that 2004 will see peace across our Nation and bring prosperity to all. May God Bless You till be meet again.
           Vicki Roberts, Editor

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1803 - 1861/2

       Most family histories have several versions of events, dates, people, and places. This one is not unique in that respect. I have attempted to incorporate all the versions I have found to date and allow the reader to determine which is the more logical, or likely to be accurate.
       Jesse Ballard James was born about 1803 probably in Virginia, although some sources say that he was born in Kentucky. He was the fourth son of Joseph Thomas James born about 1777 probably in Virginia and Elizabeth Ballard James born about 1781, also probably in Virginia. Joseph and Elizabeth were married 13 Dec 1793 in Bedford County, Virginia
       Jesse married Rebecca Gibson born about 1804 in Kentucky, the daughter of Garret ad Rachel Reynolds Gibson on 19 January 1821 in Monroe County, Indiana. During their stay in Indiana Jesse owned land in Putnam, Carroll and Greene Counties. Six of their eight children were born in Indiana. Garret was born about 1822, Rebecca about 1823, Lucinda about 1826, Joseph Thomas about 1827, William M. 16 Nov 1830 (died 21 June 1915) and Rachel about 1833. Some sources say that William and Rachel may have been born in Iowa, but records indicate that they were both born in Indiana. John Ballard was born about 1835 in Arkansas and Hiram Lewis was born 14 Feb 1844 in Ozark County Missouri.
       Jesse and Rebecca reportedly moved from Indiana to Iowa, then to Arkansas before settling in Ozark County, Missouri between 1835 and 1844. Jesse built the first dam across the north fork of the White River on his property (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 15, Township 24 Range 11) near Dora in Ozark County to hold water to power the Sawmill and Gristmill he built there. He prospered there and was a highly respected member of the community.
       Rebecca died sometime between 1851 and 1856. Jesse married (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell Benge Bridges born about 1821 probably in Ohio. She was the daughter of Robert and Rachel Morris Campbell and was twice a widow. She married (1) Darkus Benge about 1846 and had two children by him, Darkes Margaret ban 10 Dec 1846 and Thomas W. born about 1848. Elizabeth later married a Mr. Bridges probably about 1851. She had one childe of this marriage, Sarah born May 1852. Jesse had at least one child, Hiram Lewis who was 12 and still at home at the time of Jesse and Elizabeth's marriage. Elizabeth had three her three children, Margaret 9, Thomas W. 7 and Sarah 4. Jesse and Elizabeth had two children during their marriage, James Lee born 9 April 1857 and Nancy Ann born 21 Dec 1859, said to be the first white child born at West Plains. After Jesse's tragic death, Elizabeth married (4) Harry Clark on 27 Sept 1863 and had a daughter Frances "Fanny" Clark.
       Different versions of the date of Jesse's death and burial exist. One says that it occurred following the battle of Wilson Creek in 1861. The other says that it took place following the Battle of Pea Ridge in 1862.
       The story goes: A band of Rowdy Confederate irregulars came down through Douglas, Ozark, Howell, and Oregon Counties on an unauthorized punishing raid. Their mission was to hang or run out of Southern Missouri any Northern Sympathizers. Jesse may well have been a Northern Sympathizer, because at Least two of his sons, John Ballard and
       Hiram Lewis served in the Union Army during the Civil War. In any case, the raiders felt justified to hang Jesse and a Mr. Brown for the heinous crime of milling grain for Union Troops and Sympathizers, ignoring the fact the he milled grain fro Confederate Sympathizers as well.
       One version of the story relates that a third man was save from hanging by the arrival of Home Guard Troops, causing the raiders to beat a hasty retreat. This version is not likely to have occurred due to the fact that the raiders remained in the area long enough to pose for a photograph with the hanging corpses of Jesse James and Mr. Brown, much as a party of hunters might pose with the carcasses of their trophies of their hunt.
       Conflicting accounts exist regarding the burial of the two hanged men. One states that Elizabeth, Jesse's widow, rode a horse under his hanging body, cut him down across the horse's back, then took him home and buried him there in an unmarked grave.
       Another version relates that the women folk of the two hanged men dug graves beneath their hanging bodies, placed burial clothes in the graves, cut them down and completed dressing them, burying them where they were slain.
       This is but one of the numerous tragic examples of violence by neighbor against neighbor that occurred in Southern Missouri, as well as all across the country during the Civil War.

The Hanging of Jesse Ballard James and Mr. Brown

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       PHILEMON WATERS Sr. b ca 1680 d VA June 1753 m/1 VA ca 1707 MARY _; m/2 VA CATHERINE (poss NEWPORT). He was a tobacco grower. Owned land in Prince William Co. VA on which Quantico Marine Base is now located. Catherine m/2 bef 1768 - Smith.

1. Children of Philemon & Mary ( ) Waters Sr.
       2 MARY WATERS b VA ca 1709 m EDWARD ASKINS. In 1730 her father deeded land to her and her son Philemon Askins.
       3 PHILEMON WATERS Jr. b Stafford Co. VA 8 Oct 1711 d SC 20 Jan 1779 m VA 1730/1 SARAH BORDROYNE or BOWDON b 20 March 1708/9 d SC 4 July1792. Children: Rosannah Waters b VA 1June 1734 d SC m John Farrow; Philemon Waters b VA 1 June 1734 d SC 29 March 1796 m Mary Berry; Thomas Willoughby Waters b VA 1838; Wilhiam(?) Waters b VA.
       4 THOMAS WATERS Sr. b Stafford Co. VA 1714 d Frederick Co. VA bet May 1760 and 20 Nov 1761 m/1 __; m/2 prob Fredenck Co. VA bef 27 June 1748 ELIZABETH ____ d Barren Co. KY aft 1810. Elizabeth m/2 1861/2 Jacob Wright (son of George & Susannah [___] Wright) b PA ca 1830 d Laurens Co. SC 10 March 1794. Jacob Wright was appointed guardian of Rosannah Waters Oct 1765.
       5 JOHN WATERS d Prince William Co. VA 1762 m CHRISTIAN ____.
       6 (poss) SARAH WATERS m WILLIAM TACQUETT. Both witnessed the will of Philemon Waters Sr. and proved it in court.
       7 (pass) LYDIA WATERS b 1720 m MARTIN HARDIN.

4 Children of Thomas Waters Sr.
       8 PHILEMON WATERS b Overwharton Parish VA 1739. Probably died young.

4 Children of Thomas & Elizabeth (___) Waters Sr.
       9 MARY WATERS b Frederick Co. VA 1847/8.
       10 PHILEMON WATERS b Winchester, Frederick Co. VA 10 March 1750/1 d Barren Co. KY 30 May 1829 m Falls of Ohio 1783 ELIZABETH HARRISON (daughter of Thomas Harrison) b ca 1762 d Barren Co. KY 10 Oct 1824. Settled near Cartnght's Station KY bef 1780. Captured by a band of Shawnee Indians and taken to Ohio. Escaped and met his wife on his way back to KY. He was approached to serve as a guide under General George Rogers Clark in an expedition against the Shawnee in Ohio along the Miami and Scioto Rivers. In Washington Co. KY 1810. Served as a Justice of the Peace and a member of the State Senate from Washington Co. KY. Moved to Barren Co. KY ca 1820. Children: Mary H. Waters; Jane Waters b bef 1778 m Aaron Stout; Elizabeth "Betsy" Waters b March 1782; Nancy Waters m Whesal D. Wheelock; Thomas Harrison Waters b KY 1791; Philemon B. Waters b Washington Co. KY 21 March 1785; Lydia Waters b KY ca 1802 m John Hindman.
       11 ROSANNAH WATERS b Frederick Co. VA 1752/3 d Barren Co. KY 8 May 1819 m VA ca 1768 JOHN BAUGH Sr. b England ca 1843. Jacob Wright was appointed Rosannah's guardian in Oct 1765. John is listed in 96th District, Laurens Co. SC in the 1790 census. He was one of the appraisers of the estate of Jacob Wright 10 March 1794 in Laurens Co. SC. John was on the Warren Co. KY Tax List of 1797.
       Roseann joined the Mt. Tabor Baptist Church in Barren Co. KY 1798. John received Lot No. 57 in Glasgow, Barren Co. KY 22 March 1880 from the Trustees of Barren Co. KY. Children: Nancy Baugh b VA ca 1869; William Baugh b VA ca 1771; Henry Baugh b VA ca 1772; Philemon Baugh b VA ca 1773; Jacob Baugh b VA ca 1774; John Baugh Jr. b SC ca 1776; George Baugh b SC ca 1778; Waters Baugh b SC 1778; Rose Ann Baugh b SC ca 1783; Sarah "Sally" Baugh b SC ca 1782/4
       12 THOMAS WATERS Jr. b Frederick Co. VA 1754/5 d Adams Co. OH aft 1820 m ELIZABETH STORMS b ca 1763. Enlisted at Winchester VA, serving in the VA Line during the Revolutionary War.
       Applied for a pension 15 April 1818 in Adams Co. OH. Children: Thomas George Waters; John Jackson Waters; Nathaniel Waters; Nancy Waters; Narcissus Waters; Elizabeth Waters; Amos Waters; Mary Waters; Elijah Waters; Susanna Waters b 6 April 1880; Robert Waters b 13 April 1802.
SOURCES:; World Connect Project of Roots web; DAR Patriot Index

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1803 - The Louisiana Purchase occurred, bringing about 1 million acres west of the Mississippi River under the ownership of the United States. A portion of the Purchase became Louisiana Territory and covered what is today Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri and probably more.

1811-1812 - New Madrid Missouri earthquake. Felt form Boston MA, Philadelphia PA, Richmond VA, and Charleston SC to the Rocky Mountains.

1812 - Missouir Territory created out of Louisiana Territory with Arkansas a part of it.

1813 - Peel, Arkansas , originally known as Need More, was at this time a Cherokee Indian encampment.

1814 - 31 December - Missouri Territory subdivided into couties. Arkansas then in New Madird Co, Missouri Territory.

1815 - 15 January - New Madrid Co., Missouri Territory, subdivided. Arkansas then in Lawrence Co., Missouir Territory.

Arkansas then in Lawrence Co., Missouri Territory.

1819 - July 4 - Missouri Territory subdivided. Arkansas Territory created and encompassed Lawrence Co.

1820 - Yellville, originally Shawneetown, a Shawnee Indian encampment by this time.

1823 - 1 November - Carroll Co., Arkansas Territory, created from Lawrence Co., Arkansas Territory.

1824 - September - The Great Flood of White River - highest in recorded history.

1825 - 2 October - Lawrence Co., Arkansas Territory, subdivided. Izard Co., Arkansas Territory, one of the counties created.

1830 - Approximate beginning of the City of Flippin.

1833 - 13 November - The Great Meteoric Display over White River. Seen as far away as Kansas City KS, Memphis TN, and St. Louis MO.

1835 - 3 November - Searcy Co., Arkansas Territory, created from Izard Co., Arkansas Territory.

1836 - 15 June - Arkansas Territory granted Statehood.

1836 - 29 September - Name of Searcy Co. AR changed to Marion Co. AR.

1838 - 28 September - Captain John Benge Route of Trail of Tears left Fort Payne AL with 959 Cherokee and 144 Negroes.

1838 -13 December - Searcy Co. AR recreated out of southern part of Marion Co. AR.

1838 - December - During the Christmas season, the Benge Route of the Trail of Tears, having crossed the Mississippi River south of Cape Girardeau and walked to Batesville AR, traveled up the Old Military Road on the north side of White River to what is now Denton Ferry Road in Baxter Co. Crossed White River above Cotter AR, walked through Flippin Barrens and what is today Summit, crossed Crooked Creek west of Yellville, and proceeded past Bruno and Everton AR.

1839 - 17 January - The Benge Trail of Tears arrived in Indian Territory (now Talequah OK) with a head count of 1132. Captain Benge reported one birth and 33 deaths during the 106-day walk.

1840 - Probable beginning of Bruno.

1840 - Probable beginning of Dubuque, which was named June 1851.

1844 - May - Great Freshet on White River. A few feet lower than the 1824 flood.

1844 - June - "June Fight of 1844" opened the Tuft - King - Everett War. Also known as the Tuft - Everett Feud or the Marion Co. War.

1845 - Hansford "Hamp" Tuft donated nine acres for the site of City of Yellville near Shawneetown.

1848 - 9 October - Second big fight of the Tuft - King - Everett War.

1849 - 31 August - The Kings, followers of the Tufts, were ambushed by the Everetts and their followers. Three Kings were slain.

1849 - 16 September - John Seldon Roane, Governor of Arkansas, ordered State Militia to Marion Co. AR to end "flagrant violations of the Law." Only time in history the State Militia was sent to Marion Co. AR.

1849 - 27 September - David Walker, Arkansas Supreme Court Judge, ordered arrests of the eight Everett men involved in the ambush of the Kings as well as the 11 Everett men who "did counsel [sic], advise and encourage" the killing of the Kings.

1850 - September - Murder in Yellville of Hansford "Hamp" Tuft ended the Tuft - King - Everett War.

1850 - Approximate beginning of Old Buffalo City.

1854 - Approximate beginning of Eros.

1857 - April - Departure of the Fancher Wagon Train from Benton Co. AR headed for California.

1857 - 7 - 11 September - Mountain Meadow Massacre in Utah Territory. Two brothers from Marion Co. slain.

1861 - 1 June - Arkansas State Legislature adopted (by a one-vote majority) the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, thus seceding from the United States of America.

1861-1865 - Marion Co. courthouse at Yellville burned at least twice.

1862 - April - Salt peter works at Bean Cave damaged and outbuildings burned.

1862 - November - Salt peter works at Dubuque and Bean Cave destroyed.

1869 - 9 April - Boone Co. AR created from eastern portion of Carroll Co. AR and a narrow strip of the western portion of Marion Co. AR.

1870 - Approximate beginning of Doddville, later known as Dodd City. Basically a mining town which no longer exists except for its schoolhouse.

1870 - Approximate date Stringtown, so called because it was strung out along the north bank of Crooked Creek, was renamed Powell.

1870 - Approximate beginning of Orcutt Flat, today known as Oakland.

1872 - Yellville incorporated as a town.

1873 - 24 March - Baxter Co. AR created in part from Marion Co. AR.

1882 - Beginning of Rush and the mining era.

1884 - Zinc first discovered at Morning Star Mine at Rush.

1886 - April - The Mountain Echo newspaper began publication.

1887 - August - Marion Co. courthouse burned to the ground, reducing all county records to ashes.

1900 - Approximate beginning of Kingdon Spring, a mining town that was gone by 1935.

1904 - Included in the Mining Boom of the county, Considered to be the the peak of the era. Marion county had a population of 11, 377,

1904 - 10 September - City of Pyatt dedicated. Previously known as both Stringtown and Powell. Powell was relocated because of location of railroad depot and renamed Pyatt.

1905 - Stone courthouse built at Yellville, the county seat.

1916 - Rush became so large that a second town, New Town, sprouted up next to it.

1920 - Approximate beginning of the end of the mining era.

1946 - C. S. Woods Sr. created the City of Bull Shoals, formerly known as Newton Flat.

1952 - Construction of Bull Shoals Dam across White River completed. U. S. President Harry S. Truman dedicated the dam.

2004- Marion County has for the first time in one hundered years reached a population equal too, if not larger than that of the Mining Boom in 1904. Her population today is 16,268.

"History of Marion Co. AR" by Earl Berry. (1977) 2002.
"Genealogies of Marion Co. Families 1811-1900." 1997.
"History of Boone Co AR" 2000.
"The Tutt, King, and Everett War" by Vicki Roberts & Mysty McPherson. 2003.
"Marion County - The Divided. 1861-1865" by Vicki Roberts & Mysty McPherson. 2002.
Manuscripts of Silas Claiborne Turnbo.
Mountain Meadow Massacre Association web site.
"The Mining Era of Marion Co. AR" by Vicki Roberts. 2003.

Dividing Line

Membership DUES FOR 2004 ARE DUE NOW!

       Annual dues of $12 must be received by HGSMCA no later than 31 DECEMBER 2003 to continue to have Bramble Bush at your fingertips quarterly through 2003. Don't miss even a single issue. Get those dues in the mail today.

       Send your check for $12 to HGSMCA, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687>P>

Dividing Line


       SERVICE DIRECTORY is published in Bramble Bush as a service to those who may wish to advertise some of the many books, products, and services available that relate to historic and/or genealogical research. The charge per ad is $12 per year. Ads from both members and non-members are accepted. The name and address of a contact person must accompany each ad.

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       EARLY DAYS AND WAR TIMES IN NORTHERN ARKANSAS." Thomas Jerome Estes. Reprint 1999 (1928). $5. HGSMCA, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687.
       "EARLY DAYS OF MARION COUNTY." Lester & Marian Burnes. Indexed. $25. Marion Burnes, 2102 W. Jefferson, Sioam Springs AR 72761.
       "GENEALOGIES OF MARION COUNTY FAMILIES 1811-1900." Genealogies of 400+ families settling in MCAR by 1900. Hardbound. Indexed. $60. HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687.
       "INDEX TO THE MOUNTAIN ECHO 12 March 1886 thru 26 June 1903." Births, marriages, deaths. Indexed. $24.50 + $3.50 s/h. Margie Garr, 1505 Mistletoe, Mountain Home AR 72653, (870)-425-0405.
       IZARD CO. AR 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $4. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28 Avenue, Tulsa OK 74107
       MARION CO. AR 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $4. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28 Avenue, Tulsa OK 74107.
       MARION CO. AR 1850 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $10. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28 Avenue, Tulsa 0K 74107
       MARION CO. AR 1870 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. Annotated. $20. Nancie Todd Weber. HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687.
       MARION CO. 1880 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $21. Gladys Horn Brown. HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS 1887-1896." Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 363 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGERECORDS 1896-1905" Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 363 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGES 1905-1917." Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 2363 MC 032, Yellville AR 72687.
       "MARION COUNTY 1890 CENSUS." Reconstructed from 1880 & 1900 census; land, tax records, etc. Indexed. Hardbound. $45 HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       The Mining Era of Marion County Arkansas by Vicki Roberts ,$30.00 + $3 s&h 2363 MC 5032 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Silver Anniversary" History of Marion County. Reprinted 2002. Indexed, $75 plus $5 sh, HGSMCA P.O. Box 761, Yellville, AR 72687
       "Marion County: The Divided" by Vicki Roberts and Mysty McPherson, $5.00 + $1 s&h HGSMCA, P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Marion County, The Way She Was in 1836" by W.B. Flippin, $5.00 + $1.00 s&h P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Gleenings of PIoneer History" by W.R. Jones , $5.00 + $1 s&H, P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687

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       Marion Co. AR and surrounding areas. Experienced researcher. $10 per hour plus copy costs and postage. Vicki Roberts, 2362 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687 (870) -449-6195 aft 6:00pm CST. E-mail:

        Marion Co. AR area. $10 per hour plus copy costs and postage. Experienced researcher. Mysty McPherson, 35 MC 6023, Yellville AR 72687; (870)-449-5223. E-mail:

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       Membership in the Historical Genealogical Society of Marion County Arkansas is $12 per year.
       Membership for one year runs from 1 January to 31 December of that year.
       Membership includes the quarterly newsletter Bramble Bush
       Membership begun later in the year includes all issues of Bramble Bush for that year.
       Make your check for $12 payable to HGSMCA and send to HGSMCA, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687-9612.

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       The Bramble Bush is published quarterly by the Historic Genealogical Society of Marion County Arkansas, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687. EDITORIAL STAFF: Editor, Vicki Roberts; Design/Production, Mysty McPherson; Art Work, Bonnie Sanders; Queries, Mary Birrer; Subscriptions, Barbara Holland; Printing, Penny Pincher Printing, 722 Locust, Conway AR 72034; Contributing writers, Janice Mears. HGSMCA Officers: Chair Vicki A. Roberts; Vice-Chair, Mysty McPherson; Secretary, Sherry Berthot; Treasurer, Barbara Holland; Grants/Purchasing Mysty McPherson.

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