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Bramble Bush


Vol. 7, No. 4         October 2003         Yellville, Arkansas 72687

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       June 1886- Mrs. Bradbury of Marion County was admitted to the insane asylum in Little Rock. She was escorted there by Sheriff Keeter, Deputy Lawson, J.C Berry and Abe McVey.
       Mr. Jesse Bridges passed away the end of May this year. Mourned by his fellow students.
       June 4, 1886 - Mrs. John Soward died at her home three miles north of town. She leaves a husband and three small children.
       June 1886- Mrs. John Birch presented her husband with a 10-pound boy.
       Charley Lewallen passed away leaving a wife and four little children.
       June 18, 1886- the following marriage license have been issued: J.E. Cruse to Miss Avarilla Cain; S.D. Seawel to Miss Annie Hurst; and George Young to Miss Mary K. Taff. Congratulations to all.
Just Gossip:
       June 1886- Rev. Henry Sasser, Andrew Sasser and K.F. Cantrell killed an 80 pound catfish in the Buffalo River. A mighty big catch.
       The mail service between Yellville and Kirbyville, Missouri was increased from 3 to 6 times a week. This gave Yellville a daily mail service to Lead Hill, and made this the shortest and quickest mail route from Yellville to Springfield. MO
       June 13, 1886- Mr. Samuel D. Seawel and Miss Annie Hurst were united in marriage on Sunday night at the residence of the brides father, Mr. R.H. Hurst, three miles east of Yellville. The ceremony was performed by Rev Alex Mathes.
       Last month here in Yellville, J.M. Boyd and Miss Hatchett of Searcy County were united in marriage. Word has come to the echo that Mr. Oaf, the young man who was jilted by Miss Hatchett has committed suicide by taking chloroform.
       July 1886- Deputy Sheriff Lawson sold 107 gallons of whisky at public outcry at the courthouse. The whisky was levied upon and sold as the property of James Herd to satisfy a judgment in favor of Steakel and Johnson, of Springfield, MO> was bought by B. F. Fee for the said firm at $1 per gallon- lOcents a gallon above the revenue.
       The new DeSoto Township was created from Bearden and Water Creek Townships this month.
       Marion Circuit Court, August Term, 1886. Warren Hoskins, Plaintiff, vs. Warning Order.
       The following heirs at law of Jesse Mooney, deceased, to wit: George C. Mooney, Greenwood Mooney, Martha E. Williams, and John Williams, her husband; Mary J. Farmer and Robert F. Farmer, her husband; Jesse Mooney, Laura B. Mooney, Lorena O. Mooney Emma F. Mooney, Eugene W. Mooney, Milton L Mooney, Lorena O. Mooney, Alma J. Mooney, unknown heirs of John Mooney, deceased; Rosella Mooney, Alberta Mooney, Maud Mooney, heirs of Calhoun Mooney, deceased; A.G. Byler, administrator of Jesse Mooney, deceased; A.B. Trammel, T.O. Horn and H.M. Horn, Defendants
       August 1886- WARNING ORDER The defendants, unknown heirs of John Mooney, deceased, Mary J. Farmer and Robert Farmer, her husband; Greenwood Mooney, Jesse Mooney, Martha E. Williams and John Williams, Her husband, are warned to appear in this court within thirty days and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, Warren Hoskins. - Neal Dodd, Clerk, June 18, 1886 by James Estes, D.C.
       WARNING ORDER: State of Arkansas, County of Marion; James Creek Township - Justice's Court, J.T. McCracken, Plaintiff, against Thomas Radcliff, Defendant.
       The defendant, Thomas Radcliff, is hereby warned to appear before me at my office in James Creek Township, in said county, on the 17th day of July 1886, to answer the complaint of the plaintiff, J.T. McCracken. This June 24th 1886
       July marriage license: R.M. Crowder to Mrs. Sarah Pearson; W.W. Osbom to Miss Lucinda Lanis; and T.L Umphery to Miss Louisa McGinnis.
Clipping from the St. Louis Globe Democrat:
       Doddsville, Ark, July 2, 1886 - In this Marion County is to be found two mad-stones, one owned by Mr. Taylor and the other owned by Mr. Shelton. Some four years ago two children of Davis Snapp were bitten by a rabid dog. The same dog bit several animals that promptly went mad; showing conclusively that the dog was a real genuine mad dog. Mr. Shelton's mad stone was applied and adhered a number of times to each, thereby drawing out all the poison and the children are will now and have never had any symptoms of the disease.
       In September last, Logan Clark, a boy 14 years of age and in the writer's amply, was bitten by a rabid puppy which was confined and had no chance to bit anything but a chicken, bu the chicken went mad. I promptly sent the boy to Mr. Shelton's mad-stone and it adhered to his wound six times and no symptoms whatever have appeared. As H have seen and conversed with the boy every day since.
       Rev Wm. C. Jenkins had two children bitten by a rabid puppy. The were promptly taken to Mr. Taylor's mad-stone, and in a few days after his return home another made dog bit another child, and he immediately took to Mr. Shelton and all these children are now well. These are all plain, borne facts and facts are very stubborn things. I could give you may cures that I know of by these mad stones, but give these only as a sample.
       I am aware that physician generally are prejudiced against the made-stone, and advise people accordingly, but I am an old and retired physician and were I bitten by a rabid animal I would take the mad-stone in preference to Mr. Pasteur or anything else I know of. Red Chick-weed and also elecca-pane [elecampane] root have long been know as antidotes to dog poison.

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       Most folks that keep up with us here at the Bramble will realize that this last issue of the Bush is a wee bit late. This editor has been one busy woman this last quarter. So maybe all of you out there will forgive this tardiness in her writing. We made it thru Turkey Trot with flying colors and had a great time. Spoke with lots of old friends and made some new ones along the way. Debbie Mitchell had a showing of art at the old Rex Hotel in Yellville and is in the process of restoring that wonderful old building to some semblance of the way it was. Good luck to Debbie and her husband Russell for all their hard work. Fall is here and the leaves are turning beautiful colors. The weather is fine here in the Ozarks and we here at the Bush are looking forward to a wonderful winter. Perhaps by the next issue of the Bush, the staff can announce the coming of a new book. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
           Vicki Roberts, Editor

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Last quarter you will remember we reported to you the murder of James Hamilton by Andrew J. Mullican. You will remember that Millican was captured and put in the Boone county Jail

Mountain Echo 1886
       The killing of Andrew J. Mullican by a mob at Harrison on the night of the 11th of November 1886 was an atrocious crime. Mullican, it is true, deserved death as punishment for his heinous crime, but there was no excuse in the world for the interference of a mob. The officers of this county did everything in their power to bring the murderer to justice and kept a vigilant guard over him while in their custody. After his examination, the accused murderer was safely lodged in jail at Harrison and there were not possible means of his escape, and in the course of the time he would not doubt, have been legally convicted at the hands of the law. His public and legal execution would have had a salutary effect as an example, while his death at the hands of a mob has left a stain on the county and set a most pernidous example.
The murderer of James Hamilton. Taken from the Harrison Jail and Shot to death.
       (Harrison Time, Nov. 13) On Thursday, the 4th of November a sheriff's posse from Marion County brought to our town and placed in jail for safe-keeping James Page, alias A.J. Mullican, who, on the 18th of October last killed James N. Hamilton, of North Fork Township, in that county. Ever since then, there has been rumors to the effect that, in view of the atrocious character of the crime and the fact Mullican had made a full confession regarding it, there was little doubt but that a mob of indignant citizens, both from Marion and Searcy counties, would eventually accelerate justice by giving the murderer his quietus. About 12:30 on last Thursday night as the wind whistled about the old bulk which has so long served as a jail, and sent gusts of cold rain through the bars into it dark interior, the two guards, as they pace gloomily without were suddenly confronted by a large body of men who were holding their guns in a manner which was calculated to inspire the boys with a sudden desire to obey whatever order might be given. Ascertaining that the keys of the jail were in the possession of Deputy Sheriff U.P. Johnson, one of the guards was forced into service as a guide and a committee of the lynchers repaired to Mr. J's. house, aroused him from bed, and by a vigorous us of shot gun argument induced him not only to furnish the keys to the jail, but to accompany them to the same and see that the opening there of was satisfactorily accomplished. It took but little time after this committee had returned to enter the jail, sever the shackles which bound Mullican to the floor and tie a rope about this neck; after which the picket which had been thrown out in various directions were withdrawn and the party departed, crossing the creek on the road to Bellefonte. They did not go far, however, as a tree with strong branches just south of esquire Andrew's residence suggested itself as suitable for their purpose and preparations were at once made to sting him thereto. But by this time many of the people of the central part of town had been aroused and the ringing of bells, shouting of crowds and general racket created by excited citizens perhaps frightened by the lynthers into completing their without further delay' so several gathered about the unhappy man who was begging piteously for his life, a dozen pistol shots rang out upon the air, and leaving Mullican struggling in his gore, they remounted their horses and rode hurriedly away in the direction of Bellefonte. As near as those who attempted to county the mob could tell there must have been about fifty of they in all. Twenty-two of them were seen by parties living near the forks of the road to take the Marshall branch where it leaves the main road near Valley Spring. Very naturally these are supposed to have been citizens of Searcy County. The balance of the party took the Yellville road near Bellefonte, and were of course set down as the Bald Knobbers of Marion. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning Coroner Young, of Valley Spring arrived, and immediately summoning a jury proceeded to examine into the matter. Although numerous witnesses were examined no particular light was thrown upon the case, and the following verdict was rendered yesterday evening: "at an inquisition taken the 12th day of November, 1886, at Harrison, in the county of Boone, before J.K.Young, coroner of said county, upon the view of the dead body of Andrew Jackson Mullican, we, twelve good and lawful persons of said county, who being in due form sworn, say that the said Mullican came to his death by seven pistol shots in the hands of unknown persons, in the town of Harrison, county of Boone, State of Arkansas, on the night of the 12th day of November, 1886."
       It was reported that a foul murder was committed about three weeks ago in Franklin Township, in the northwestern portion of the county, near the Missouri line. (June 25 1886)
       About three weeks ago, an old man by the name of Hawkins, who lived in Franklin Township was shot and killed in his own yard by a youth by the name of Henderson. It is supposed that tone Wheeler, a blacksmith, who once worked at this place, and who is well known by some of the citizens here, hired the boy to commit the crime. This suspicion s based on the fact that Wheeler was charged by Hawkins with being to intimate with one of his (Hawkins') daughters and had sworn out a warrant for the arrest of Wheeler.
       Both Wheeler and the young murderer have left the neighborhood, or are hiding out. As far as we can learn, old man Hawkins was a quiet, inoffensive man. The guilty parties should be hunted down.
       Reported in this same July 25, 1886 edition was the fact that Mr. Hawkins was killed in Taney Co. Mo not Marion County AR.
July 2, 1886
       We have learned, and from the sheriff, that old man Hawkins was killed in this county. There is something strange about this affair, in as much as it was kept so quiet that the sheriff didn't know that a man had been murdered in his county, although the murder was committed openly and no attempt made to conceal the body. Are murders to be thus committed to our county and the guilty parties allowed to escape and no effort be made to arrest and bring hem to justice? It is strange indeed that the constable and good citizens of Franklin Township did not inform the sheriff. We learn from deputy Sheriff Lawson that the murder was committed on the 27th of May last and the inquest was held on the 28th, Just one month from the day of the inquest a warrant, dated June 29th, was issued for the arrest of Allen Henderson, the you man who did the killing, and Isaac Wheeler as accessory. It was a cold-blooded murder and the guilty parties should not be allowed to escape.
       Gov. Hughes has offered a reward of $125 each for the arrest and conviction of Allen Henderson and Isaac Wheeler, the murders of old man Hawkins. It is hoped these assassins will be brought to justice.
Editor Mountain Echo:
       Old Man Hawkins was shot on the 26th day of May 1886. He filed an affidavit in the county sheriff's office on the 27th day of May, accusing Allen Henderson of an assault with intent to murder, and accused Isaac Wheeler as an accessory. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the accused and delivered to the constable of Franklin Township. Hawkins died on the 28th day of May. I held an inquest over the dead body on the 28th of May 1886. I issued a warrant from the findings of the inquest for the arrest of the accused murderer, Allen Henderson, and Isaac Wheeler, accessory, and delivered the same to the constable of Franklin Township, who, I am satisfied, used every effort in his power to apprehend the parties, the good citizens of Franklin assisting him; but all efforts failed form the fact that the parties fled immediately after the shooting, and are at large. It is strange that our good sheriff did not hear of the murder until about the 29th of June. One of our citizens was in Yellville on the 30th day of May. He informs me that the murder was the current talk while he was there, hence the strangeness. There was a warrant issued on the 29th day of June and delivered to Deputy Sheriff Lawson for the arrest of the accused parties. I make this statement in order that the public may not be misled and that the facts in the case may be known.
          {Just as soon as we located the remainder of this event we will promptly print for your enjoyment}

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1. John Morgan b. 1756 Culpepper Co. VA d. 1835 Warren Co. TN. Buried in Barren Fork, Warren Co. TN Saw military service in both NC and VA Militias in the Revolutionary War. M. Elizabeth _________

Children of John and Elizabeth Morgan
      2. James A. Morgan b. @ 1790 d. @ 1830 m. @ 1810 to Lydia Dillard Mears b. @1790 d. aft. 1860 in Cannon Co. TN, the daughter of John Dillard Her first husband was William Mears Sr.

2. Children of James and Lydia Dillard
      3. Allen Morgan b. 1812 VA d. 9 March 1862 Cannon Co. TN a blacksmith and farmer. M. 1833 TN to Sevey Barrett b. 1813 N.C.
      4. Sophia Morgan b. 6 Oct 1815 TN d. 1887 TN m. 10 Oct 1834 to Edmund Jones in Tennessee d. Mexican War
      5. Gordon Morgan b. 1817 TN d. Randolph Co. AR 26 Oct 1896 Came to Arkansas after 1870. m. Arta Messa Elkins in TN had 8 children
      6. Alexander Morgan b. 1819 TN miragrated to Marion County Arkansas. Ml. 2 Mar 1839 in TN to Catherine Rodgers b.@ 1823 TN had 10 children. M2. 4 Nov 1869 in Tennessee to Sarah Jane Pitts b. 1838 Alabama and had three children.
           a. Ellan Morgan b. 1872 TN
           b.William Morgan b. 1875 Marion County AR
           c.Samuel Allen Morgan b. 1877 Marion County Ar. D. @ 1880
       7. Cynthia Morgan b. @ 1821 TN d. After 1870 in TN m. 22 March 1838 in TN to William Duke b. 1820 TN they raised 11 children.
       8. Jackson M. Morgan b. @ 1823 TN d. 9 Mar 1894 Yellville, Marion County Arkansas A shoemaker by trade. M1. Nancy Herriman b. @ 1820 TN m. 25 July 1839 Woodbury, Cannon Co. TN Divorced. M2. Elizabeth Mears b. @ 1825. d. before Oct 1844 TN probably in child birth. They were married 7 October 1842 in Cannon Co. TN. M.3 Nancy Herriman b. @ 1820 TN on 27 October 1844 Cannon Co. TN. (note this was his first wife) m4. Nancy Moon b. @ 1823 TN d. after 1880 in Marion County AR. They married 1 Nov 1851 Woodbury Cannon Co. TN. In 1880 Jackson and family were in Marion County Arkansas in Union Twsp. In 1900 they were located in Crooked Creek Twsp.

8. Children of Jackson and Nancy Herriman Morgan
       9. John Stephen Morgan b. 1840 Cannon Co. TN m. Delila F. Cox on 19 Aug 1958

8. Children of Jackson and Elizabeth Morgan
       10. Susan Catherine "Kate" Morgan b. Jan 1844 Cannon Co. TN d. 1936 Bennett's Bayou, Fulton Co. AR m. Haman Allen Barrett b. May 1839 had 11 children.

8. Children of Jackson and Nancy Morgan
(Note: Nancy was his 1st and 3rd Wife)
       11. Wesley A. Morgan b. 1845 Cannon Co. IN d. After 1870 m. 26 Nov 1864 in TN to Malinda Hammonds.
       12. James Alexander Morgan b. 1847 Cannon Co. TN m. Elizabeth Milligan on 2 Oct 1865
       13.William B. "Billy" Morgan b. 1849 Cannon Co. TN m. 23 Sept 1865 TN Annis Barrett b. 1850 Cannon Co. TN

8. Children of Jackson and Nancy Moon Morgan
       14. Anderson Moon/Morgan b. 1844 Cannon Co. TN d. After 1870 m. 15 Dec 1865 Cannon Co. TN to Malinda Alford b. @ 1845 (This was Nancy son but he married as a Morgan in 1865.
       15. Elizabeth Morgan b. 1855 Cannon Co. TN d. Aft 1870 Cannon Co. TN
       16. Dillard Jackson Morgan b. Sep 1857 Cannon Co. TN d. Shawnee OK in 1931. m. July 1865 TN to Malinda Cooper b. @ 1890.
           a. Cyrus Morgan b. Feb 1892 Marion County Arkansas Died 1944 Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co. OK

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WATCH FOR THE NEW ONE ENTITLED "Marion County Arkansas and Her People in Pictures". It looks Good.

Lots of new things for 2004. Hope you are there with us. ! ! ! ! !

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       The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be.
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Here are some facts about the 1500s:

       Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.
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       Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children - last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."
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       Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw - piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the dogs, cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."
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       There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could really mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.
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       The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying "dirt poor."
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       The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they kept adding more thresh until when you opened the door it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway. Hence the saying a "thresh hold."
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       In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."
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       Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man "could bring home the bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew the fat."
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       Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.
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       Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or "upper crust."
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       Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock them out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."
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       England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a "bone-house" and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they thought they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the "graveyard shift") to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be "saved by the bell" or was considered a "dead ringer."
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       And that's the truth...
       Now, whoever said that History was boring ! ! ! ! !

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White Lightning (Pure Corn Whisky)
Arkansas Formula

50 lbs. cornmeal
10 lbs. bran (optional)
200 lbs. sugar
12 oz. yeast
200 gal. water
Makes 36 gallons.

       To boiled corn meal add the yeast and sugar (lots of sugar! - that's how the sneaky "revenuers" would identify moonshiners for prosecution) to ferment the mash. When the mash quits bubbling, it is cooked in the still and the steam is captured in a barrel filled with water (the "thump"). From the thump, the steam is allowed to cool and condense by running it through a long copper coil (the "worm") submerged in another barrel (the "flakestand") that is constantly cooled with water troughed in from a nearby stream. Condensed, the clear liquor drips from the bottom of the flakestand into a catch can or 1/2 gallon glass jars. The liquor is tested for alcohol content, or "proof," by adding gunpowder to it and igniting the mixture. If it burns, its "proof" is established at somewhere between 100 and 200 proof or 50% to 100% pure alcohol.
       Ageing in charcoaled Oak wooden barrels smooths and gives whiskey its distinctive color and flavor

Basics of Bootleggin' and Moonshinin'
       Here are the basics....a bootlegger is a person that sells illegal whiskey and a moonshiner is a person who makes the whiskey illegally. Moonshine liqour goes by many names such as: corn liquor, panther's breath, tiger's sweat, sweet spirits of cats a-fighting, alley bourbon, city gin, cool water, happy Sally, blue John, jump steady, see seven stars, old horsey, block and tackle, wild cat, white lightning, sugar whiskey, skull cracker, popskull, bush whiskey, stump, stumphole, 'splo white lightning, ruckus juice, rotgut, catdaddy, mule kick, hillbilly pop.

The basic process:
       Mix all ingredients together in a large container. After mixing, move the mixture, called "mash," into a still and leave it to ferment. How quickly this process occurs depends on the warmth of the mash. Heat the mash to the point of vaporization at 173 degrees. The mash will produce a clear liquid, often the color of dark beer You must watch this process with careful attention. Trap vapor using a tube or coil The vapor will be transferred into a second, empty container. The resulting condensation is the moonshine. It is then ready to drink or sell.
       Keep mash in container. It is now called "slop." Add more sugar, water, malt, and corn meal and repeat the process.
       Repeat the process up to eight times before replacing the mash.

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       Seeking Information - Thomas Sherman Motley (Tom Motley_ was convicted of manslaughter September 6, 1912 In Marion County. I have a copy of his Arkansas prison record. Per the record he and his stepbrother Charley Van Brunt, were both involved In the incident, which took place on December 23, 1911. Tom Motley was 23 years old at the time; his other was listed as Ida Van Brunt. Would like any information that can be provided. Sandra Van Buren P.O. Box 747 Green Valley AZ 85622
       Queries are published in Bramble Bush as a service to researchers who may wish to exchange information of mutual historic and/or genealogcal interests. Queries from both members and non-members are accepted, and are published in order of receipt, as space permits. If you respond to a query, kindly send a copy of your answer to Bramble Bush. Responsibility for accuracy of data in queries rests with the submitter.

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       SERVICE DIRECTORY is published in Bramble Bush as a service to those who may wish to advertise some of the many books, products, and services available that relate to historic and/or genealogical research. The charge per ad is $12 per year. Ads from both members and non-members are accepted. The name and address of a contact person must accompany each ad.

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       "EARLY DAYS AND WAR TIMES IN NORTHERN ARKANSAS." Thomas Jerome Estes. Reprint 1999 (1928). $5. HGSMCA, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       "THE MINING ERA OF MARION COUNTYARKANSAS. VICKI RO5ERTS, INDEXED. $30 PLUS $3 S&H Vicki Roberts, 2363 MC 5032 Yellville, AR 72687
       "GENEALOGIES OF MARION COUNTY FAMILIES 1811-1900." Genealogies of 400+ families setthng in MCAR by 1900. Hardbound. Indexed. $60. HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       "INDEX TO THE MOUNTAIN ECHO 12 March 1886 thru 26 June 1903." Births, marriages, deaths. Indexed. $24.50 + $3.50 s/h. Margie Garr 1505 Mistletoe, Mountain Home AR 72653, (870) -425-0405.
       IZARD CO. AR 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $4. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28Avenue, Tulsa OK 74107
       MARION CO. AR 1840 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $4 Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28Avenue, Tulsa OK 74107
       MARION CO. AR 1850 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $10. Nancy A. Wood, 4643 S 28Avenue, Tulsa OK 74107
       MARION CO. AR 1870 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. Annotated. $20. Nancie Todd Weber. HGSMC4, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       MARION CO. 1830 FEDERAL CENSUS. Indexed. $21. Gladys Horn Brown. HGSMCA, P0 Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS 1887-1896." Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 363 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGERECORDS 1896-1905" Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 363 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY MARRIAGES 1905-1917." Marian Burnes & Vicki Roberts. Indexed. $15. Vicki Roberts, 363 MC 5032, Yellville AR 72687
       "MARION COUNTY 1890 CENSUS." Reconstructed from 1880 & 1900 census; land, tax records, etc. Indexed. Hardbound. $45 HGSMCA, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687
       "Silver Anniversary" History of Marion County. Reprinted 2002. Indexed, $75 plus $5 sh, HGSMCA P.O. Box 761, Yellville, AR 72687
       "TUTT, EVERETT & KING WAR" Vicki Roberts and Mysty McPherson. $5 + $1 s&h. HGSMCA, P.O. 761 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Marion County: The Divided" by Vicki Roberts and Mysty McPherson $5.00 + $1 s&h HGSMCA P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Marion County, The Way She Was In 1836" by W.B. Flippin, $5.00 + $1.00 s&h P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687
       "Gleanings of Pioneer History" by W.R. Jones $5.00 + $1 s&H, P.O. Box 761 Yellville, AR 72687

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       Hope you have a truly wonderful New Year and I will see you again in '04.

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       The Bramble Bush is published quarterly by the Historic Genealogical Society of Marion County Arkansas, PO Box 761, Yellville AR 72687. EDITORIAL STAFF: Editor, Vicki Roberts; Design/Production, Mysty McPherson; Art Work, Bonnie Sanders; Queries, Mary Birrer; Subscriptions, Barbara Holland; Printing, Penny Pincher Printing, 722 Locust, Conway AR 72034; Contributing writers, Janice Mears. HGSMCA Officers: Chair Vicki A. Roberts; Vice-Chair, Mysty McPherson; Secretary, Sherry Berthot; Treasurer, Barbara Holland; Grants/Purchasing Mysty McPherson.

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